Construction on 195

According to the project site, the portion being done this year is only two passing lanes near Steptoe (milepost 45 & 49, bracketing the St. John cutoff). The other 4 will be next year, further north. Work starts Tuesday, and for as small as these projects are, I would at if they're not finished by Labor Day, they'll be close.

Also noted that DOT has it scheduled to add truck climbing lanes to 26 west of Colfax. Doesn't say exactly where, but there are 2-3 places that need it. Unfortunately, this isn't budgeted til 2025...and assuming DOT budgets like the rest of the state, that means it's still very flexible and could get pushed out of something else looks like a higher priority.
Pretty normal schedule - there's really only about a 3 month window for road construction in E. Washington and there's other projects for resources. Even if it's not finished, there are alternate routes to Pullman down through Tekoa/Oakesdale or taking the Idaho route through Plummer.

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