Could Mike Leach's support of President Trump help WSU football financially?


Hall Of Fame
May 25, 2005

They appeared on either Brand X or Brand Y last week, but Loyal Coug took the time to share with CougZone regulars Coach Leach's recent remarks praising America's 45th president.

Do I think America is better with Donald Trump? Yeah, I do, and I think it's better by a lot."
— Mike Leach, June 2018

I'm not a political expert by any measure, so I'll leave it to the knowledgeable posters here to judge the accuracy of CML's proclamation.

BUT the record does show Mr. Trump received more than 62 million votes back in 2016.

The odds are pretty good at least a few of those 62M have very deep pockets.

Why not have CML or a few high-level fundraisers reach out to these individuals to see if they'd like to support Coach Leach (and WSU Football) with a financial contribution?

Instead of trying to downplay Coach's political leanings, why not shout it from the mountaintops?

Let the people know what the face of the program thinks politically and why he does so.

This is something that could make Cougar Football unique on the college landscape.

Politics is big, big business.

Why shouldn't the WSU athletic department grab a piece of the action?

Maybe this already being done, I don't know.

Just trying to think outside the box as Wazzu tries to keep pace with the Oregon's, USC's and Stanford's of the world.

They appeared on either Brand X or Brand Y last week, but Loyal Coug took the time to share with CougZone regulars Coach Leach's recent remarks praising America's 45th president.

Do I think America is better with Donald Trump? Yeah, I do, and I think it's better by a lot."
— Mike Leach, June 2018

I'm not a political expert by any measure, so I'll leave it to the knowledgeable posters here to judge the accuracy of CML's proclamation.

BUT the record does show Mr. Trump received more than 62 million votes back in 2016.

The odds are pretty good at least a few of those 62M have very deep pockets.

Why not have CML or a few high-level fundraisers reach out to these individuals to see if they'd like to support Coach Leach (and WSU Football) with a financial contribution?

Instead of trying to downplay Coach's political leanings, why not shout it from the mountaintops?

Let the people know what the face of the program thinks politically and why he does so.

This is something that could make Cougar Football unique on the college landscape.

Politics is big, big business.

Why shouldn't the WSU athletic department grab a piece of the action?

Maybe this already being done, I don't know.

Just trying to think outside the box as Wazzu tries to keep pace with the Oregon's, USC's and Stanford's of the world.
You think Trump’s stance on the NFL protests sits well with potential recruits, many of which are going to be black kids? I’d guess probably not.
What even is this goofball post? Should Yale be using its coaches to talk up W and Hilz to fundraise for athletics? Should we give Joel Osteen an honorary degree in exchange for some tax free scratch? Ye gods...

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You think Trump’s stance on the NFL protests sits well with potential recruits, many of which are going to be black kids? I’d guess probably not.
The anthem protest? That's just scratching the surface. If any of them know the story of the Central Park Five, for example.
The anthem protest? That's just scratching the surface. If any of them know the story of the Central Park Five, for example.
Maybe so, but it’s what these kids see on a daily basis and it’s occurring in a field in which most aspire to work in some day. Maybe Leach’s support of Dump doesn’t negatively impact recruiting, but it sure as hell doesn’t help it.
Trying to spin a positive out of a potential negative? If there is a positive, it is that Mike's tongue makes him less attractive to schools who might being thinking of poaching him from us. When you are trying to recruit the young male, predominantly black demographic, both overwhelmingly liberal, you don't help yourself by overtly supporting a guy, rightly or wrongly, who has become a darling of the white nationalist right. I am certain that there are tons of coaches who voted for and support Trump. The difference is they don't talk politics in the media, in fact, they avoid politics like the plague.

I just thank Baal, that Mike Leach is such a strong, proven recruiter, mopping the floor with rest of the Pac-12 on the recruiting front, that we can afford to lose recruits to other Pac-12 schools each year.
Well they are both currently doing a good job.

Winning is a good thing.
Honestly, I don't think that 99% of people really care what Mike Leach says or thinks about Donald Trump and it's only fans on message boards that remember it more than 2 days later. It's unlikely that WSU will see any financial gain or loss based on an occasional rare comment.

Now, if Leach was on ESPN, CNN, ABC, NBC and Fox News every couple days talking about Trump? Yeah....that'd be a problem on a couple different levels. But he isn't doing that so I'm not sure why anybody cares at all.
Trying to spin a positive out of a potential negative? If there is a positive, it is that Mike's tongue makes him less attractive to schools who might being thinking of poaching him from us. When you are trying to recruit the young male, predominantly black demographic, both overwhelmingly liberal, you don't help yourself by overtly supporting a guy, rightly or wrongly, who has become a darling of the white nationalist right. I am certain that there are tons of coaches who voted for and support Trump. The difference is they don't talk politics in the media, in fact, they avoid politics like the plague.

I just thank Baal, that Mike Leach is such a strong, proven recruiter, mopping the floor with rest of the Pac-12 on the recruiting front, that we can afford to lose recruits to other Pac-12 schools each year.

You summed it up pretty well here socal, which is the same point I was making in my since-deleted thread on this topic. Not sure what happened last night to that thread, but I suppose it got ugly and needed to go.

I do think that CML's inability (refusal) to lay low and avoid political controversy like the rest of the nation's college coaches makes him undesirable to other programs. And WSU should not forget that. His success here gives him a pass - here. Not so much everywhere else. He needs us as much as we need him.

Perhaps Chun and Shultz will sit him down and just tell him to STFU about anything non-football. The last thing WSU needs is to have to stand up and publicly repudiate the personal opinions of their head coach. But getting back to silly premise of this thread (sorry Pete), I'm pretty confident that the major academic donors around WSU and the state of Washington (the $25 million club, guys named Allen and Gates for instance) don't share or appreciate Mike's political views. As you know, Trump creeped out Bill and especially Melinda with his interest in their daughter.

Enough of this topic for me.
What even is this goofball post? Should Yale be using its coaches to talk up W and Hilz to fundraise for athletics? Should we give Joel Osteen an honorary degree in exchange for some tax free scratch? Ye gods...

Pete got all loiled up over the previous CML/drumpf thread that he felt we were all dying for another. Pete and Loil are on their way to a circle jerk.
Cohen's lawyers just dumped him. Manafort's arse is in jail. Don't call in the score just yet ...

Yes, Manafort is losing. Cohen isn't doing so well either.

Trump and Leach on the other hand are still doing a fine job winning. Things could change, but in the best interest of the nation and our football team, I hope they both continue to do a good job.
Trying to spin a positive out of a potential negative? If there is a positive, it is that Mike's tongue makes him less attractive to schools who might being thinking of poaching him from us. When you are trying to recruit the young male, predominantly black demographic, both overwhelmingly liberal, you don't help yourself by overtly supporting a guy, rightly or wrongly, who has become a darling of the white nationalist right. I am certain that there are tons of coaches who voted for and support Trump. The difference is they don't talk politics in the media, in fact, they avoid politics like the plague.

I just thank Baal, that Mike Leach is such a strong, proven recruiter, mopping the floor with rest of the Pac-12 on the recruiting front, that we can afford to lose recruits to other Pac-12 schools each year.

Silly post.

First it is very condensing and borderline racist to generalize a person's politics based on their race. Personally know several ex military of all races and many of them are extremely conservative just as an example

But just to play along with this stupid notion that all recruits politics inherently skew liberal, and politics weigh into their recruiting decision then why are places like Cal Berkeley not leading the nation in football recruiting? Even further if politics is a determining decision maker for recruits explain why the big time recruits flock to places like Norman Oklahoma or College Station , Texas or any SEC school. Alumni and student bodies of all of those schools are extremely conservative. The campuses ( students) in both Norman and College Station both voted overwhelmly for Trump (65% to 35% margins). I know that may be shocking for someone who probably does not venture outside of a liberal bubble but none of that impacts their recruiting.

Recruits are looking for places that will both best display their skills and where they win. Parents of those recruits look for coaches and systems that ensure that their kids go to class and graduate. Leach does both of those well, especially in places like Lubbock and Pullman where in most of their histories neither of those things are the norm.
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Good points all and thanks for taking the time to post.

Again, Pres. Trump picked up 52 million votes 19 months ago.

Certainly some from those very passionate about his agenda.

Fans follow — and support — coaches and teams for all sorts of reasons, likely including a shared viewpoint on the world

Let's not forget CML is a future College Football Hall of Famer and not some fly by night coach who'll be nothing more than a footnote in a short period of time.

Instead of worrying about alienating those who don't like Coach Leach's support of the president — how about focusing instead on attracting those who do agree with Mr. Trump?

More fans are never a bad thing, right?
Silly post.

First it is very condensing and borderline racist to generalize a person's politics based on their race. Personally know several ex military of all races and many of them are extremely conservative just as an example

But just to play along with this stupid notion that all recruits politics inherently skew liberal, and politics weigh into their recruiting decision then why are places like Cal Berkeley not leading the nation in football recruiting? Even further if politics is a determining decision maker for recruits explain why the big time recruits flock to places like Norman Oklahoma or College Station , Texas or any SEC school. Alumni and student bodies of all of those schools are extremely conservative. The campuses ( students) in both Norman and College Station both voted overwhelmly for Trump (65% to 35% margins). I know that may be shocking for someone who probably does not venture outside of a liberal bubble but none of that impacts their recruiting.

Recruits are looking for places that will both best display their skills and where they win. Parents of those recruits look for coaches and systems that ensure that their kids go to class and graduate. Leach does both of those well, especially in places like Lubbock and Pullman where in most of their histories neither of those things are the norm.

Plant Earth to PINGDUDE.

If a candidate manages only 8% of the black vote nationally, despite running against a nightmare candidate like Clinton, I think my generalization is fact, not racist. Throw on top of that Trump only received 1/3 of the under 25 vote, nationally, I think is fair to say thay Trump was/is not popular with the vast majority young black males, in particular the Peoples Republic of California, our prime recruiting area, where Clinton won by nearly 30 points. If you have evidence that indicates that Trump has any popularity with the young and/or black male populus, generally, or in the PRC, let's see it.

Why do kids flock to those schools? For many reasons, including coaches keeping potential potentially devisive personal politics out of the mix.
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When you are trying to recruit the young male, predominantly black demographic, both overwhelmingly liberal, you don't help yourself by overtly supporting a guy, rightly or wrongly, who has become a darling of the white nationalist right. .
To get this back to WSU football - white nationalist right can be construed by the casual reader in the PNW as the Spokane/CDA area. The Spokane/CDA portion of the WSU fan base were major supporters of Paul Wulff (and still are the majority of the Wulff widows/Leach critics).
Wulff (who without his wig looks a lot like Benito Mussolini) was selected over a more qualified black man (Kevin Sumlin) by Jim Sterk (recently sued by a African-American woman basketball coach in the SEC) and de facto AD Jim Walden (from Mississippi)
The humiliation of Moos having Wulff speak before the Spokane boosters before his firing can be compared to Mussolini being hung by his ankles by partisans. The Sicily loss for Italy was much like Wulff's big loss to Oregon State in Seattle. Inevitable, but the final straw.
Good points all and thanks for taking the time to post.

Again, Pres. Trump picked up 52 million votes 19 months ago.

Certainly some from those very passionate about his agenda.

Fans follow — and support — coaches and teams for all sorts of reasons, likely including a shared viewpoint on the world

Let's not forget CML is a future College Football Hall of Famer and not some fly by night coach who'll be nothing more than a footnote in a short period of time.

Instead of worrying about alienating those who don't like Coach Leach's support of the president — how about focusing instead on attracting those who do agree with Mr. Trump?

More fans are never a bad thing, right?
You would lose as many as you would gain, if not more.
To get this back to WSU football - white nationalist right can be construed by the casual reader in the PNW as the Spokane/CDA area. The Spokane/CDA portion of the WSU fan base were major supporters of Paul Wulff (and still are the majority of the Wulff widows/Leach critics).
Wulff (who without his wig looks a lot like Benito Mussolini) was selected over a more qualified black man (Kevin Sumlin) by Jim Sterk (recently sued by a African-American woman basketball coach in the SEC) and de facto AD Jim Walden (from Mississippi)
The humiliation of Moos having Wulff speak before the Spokane boosters before his firing can be compared to Mussolini being hung by his ankles by partisans. The Sicily loss for Italy was much like Wulff's big loss to Oregon State in Seattle. Inevitable, but the final straw.
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Silly post.

First it is very condensing and borderline racist to generalize a person's politics based on their race. Personally know several ex military of all races and many of them are extremely conservative just as an example

But just to play along with this stupid notion that all recruits politics inherently skew liberal, and politics weigh into their recruiting decision then why are places like Cal Berkeley not leading the nation in football recruiting? Even further if politics is a determining decision maker for recruits explain why the big time recruits flock to places like Norman Oklahoma or College Station , Texas or any SEC school. Alumni and student bodies of all of those schools are extremely conservative. The campuses ( students) in both Norman and College Station both voted overwhelmly for Trump (65% to 35% margins). I know that may be shocking for someone who probably does not venture outside of a liberal bubble but none of that impacts their recruiting.

Recruits are looking for places that will both best display their skills and where they win. Parents of those recruits look for coaches and systems that ensure that their kids go to class and graduate. Leach does both of those well, especially in places like Lubbock and Pullman where in most of their histories neither of those things are the norm.
Silly post.

First it is very condensing and borderline racist to generalize a person's politics based on their race. Personally know several ex military of all races and many of them are extremely conservative just as an example

But just to play along with this stupid notion that all recruits politics inherently skew liberal, and politics weigh into their recruiting decision then why are places like Cal Berkeley not leading the nation in football recruiting? Even further if politics is a determining decision maker for recruits explain why the big time recruits flock to places like Norman Oklahoma or College Station , Texas or any SEC school. Alumni and student bodies of all of those schools are extremely conservative. The campuses ( students) in both Norman and College Station both voted overwhelmly for Trump (65% to 35% margins). I know that may be shocking for someone who probably does not venture outside of a liberal bubble but none of that impacts their recruiting.

Recruits are looking for places that will both best display their skills and where they win. Parents of those recruits look for coaches and systems that ensure that their kids go to class and graduate. Leach does both of those well, especially in places like Lubbock and Pullman where in most of their histories neither of those things are the norm.

Ping...not sure it is racist when someone points out a number that polling shows is true. The African American population voted for Clinton at an 89% clip. Trump I believe was 7% in one poll. How accurate are these polls? We can debate that I suppose.

If averages hold up if WSU recruited 40 kids of color, that means 3 to four might lean on the conservative side.

How socially active are these kids and their families? My guess is you are correct at the moment that they are concerned about getting to a program that fits what their needs are at this point and any social issue takes a back seat.

But there is a decent possibility with how Trump treats those who dare to exercise their first amendment rights of kneeling during the game, you know the SOB's, my guess it will ripple through that community and those attached to Trump may have some backlash. Only time will tell.
That is scary. I often wondered how Mussolini and Hitler consolidated power as they did. Hitler for example didn't run on killing 6 million Jews. I have a mother-in-law from Italy who was a kid when Mussolini was in power. She doesn't see the evil he was. Have friends parents whose parents came from Germany in 1946 who thought Hitler did good things for the country. Some how economic revival at whatever the cost seemed to be ok with people in the 30's and 40's

What I am seeing on hopefully a much smaller scale is one person who controls the narrative. He can control the press, he doesn't need a Joseph Goebbles, he sets the agenda. Those who might think he is doing wrong are sent out to pasture. Others value him more than they value what is right or wrong. There is only one truth and it comes out of the Presidents mouth. The institutions that were put in place to safeguard our democracy are diminished for personal interests.

But the one thing I take away from the last year...OJ should have never been tried for murder of his wife.
Plant Earth to PINGDUDE.

If a candidate manages only 8% of the black vote nationally, despite running against a nightmare candidate like Clinton, I think my generalization is fact, not racist. Throw on top of that Trump only received 1/3 of the under 25 vote, nationally, I think is fair to say thay Trump was/is not popular with the vast majority young black males, in particular the Peoples Republic of California, our prime recruiting area, where Clinton won by nearly 30 points. If you have evidence that indicates that Trump has any popularity with the young and/or black male populus, generally, or in the PRC, let's see it.

Why do kids flock to those schools? For many reasons, including coaches keeping potential potentially devisive personal politics out of the mix.

First off I said I will give you the likelihood of their political leanings however I just would not generalize. nothing more nothing less.

As far as Leach other than that one rally, as far as I am aware he has only answered reporters questions. Not really sure how that is bringing decisive politics into the mix. Most importantly he does not impose his will on his players to think the way he does, it appears he just wants them to think and not necessarily go with the crowd . Your former receiver , Gabe Marks, was more outspoken on a number of issues including political ones than any college player that I remember.

You nicely dodged the question of if players were so interested in politics why do they do not all go to Berkeley. The makeup of the student body has as much or more to do with a player's overall college experience than the head coach who hardly interacts with most players on a daily or regular basis. Again you think that if the players were so political going to a place like College Station or Norman where the students voted 65 to 35 for Trump would be intolerable. Maybe you should hire a Bernie supporter as coach and go after those players, in your mind they would seem to be easily poachable with them going to a right wing college environment. In your world it is surprising that Wilcox at Cal is not cleaning up , the players could rub elbows like l minded liberal people on a daily basis .
First off I said I will give you the likelihood of their political leanings however I just would not generalize. nothing more nothing less.

As far as Leach other than that one rally, as far as I am aware he has only answered reporters questions. Not really sure how that is bringing decisive politics into the mix. Most importantly he does not impose his will on his players to think the way he does, it appears he just wants them to think and not necessarily go with the crowd . Your former receiver , Gabe Marks, was more outspoken on a number of issues including political ones than any college player that I remember.

You nicely dodged the question of if players were so interested in politics why do they do not all go to Berkeley. The makeup of the student body has as much or more to do with a player's overall college experience than the head coach who hardly interacts with most players on a daily or regular basis. Again you think that if the players were so political going to a place like College Station or Norman where the students voted 65 to 35 for Trump would be intolerable. Maybe you should hire a Bernie supporter as coach and go after those players, in your mind they would seem to be easily poachable with them going to a right wing college environment. In your world it is surprising that Wilcox at Cal is not cleaning up , the players could rub elbows like l minded liberal people on a daily basis .
Does Cal have a couple hundred thousand scholarships to hand out?

That's why they don't all go to Cal.
To get this back to WSU football - white nationalist right can be construed by the casual reader in the PNW as the Spokane/CDA area. The Spokane/CDA portion of the WSU fan base were major supporters of Paul Wulff (and still are the majority of the Wulff widows/Leach critics).
Wulff (who without his wig looks a lot like Benito Mussolini) was selected over a more qualified black man (Kevin Sumlin) by Jim Sterk (recently sued by a African-American woman basketball coach in the SEC) and de facto AD Jim Walden (from Mississippi)
The humiliation of Moos having Wulff speak before the Spokane boosters before his firing can be compared to Mussolini being hung by his ankles by partisans. The Sicily loss for Italy was much like Wulff's big loss to Oregon State in Seattle. Inevitable, but the final straw.

If you are advocating that Jim Sterk be summarily executed for hiring the Vidkun Quisling of Cougar football (and Benito lookalike), I can't publicly countenance such desires. However, there are still a few cells left open at Spandau Prison, and even though it will be a very traumatic experience to relive the horror, publicly, put me down as witness for the prosecution #1. My therapist believes I need to talk publicly about the Cal and USC games to get over the PTSD I have been suffering ever since.
First off I said I will give you the likelihood of their political leanings however I just would not generalize. nothing more nothing less.

As far as Leach other than that one rally, as far as I am aware he has only answered reporters questions. Not really sure how that is bringing decisive politics into the mix. Most importantly he does not impose his will on his players to think the way he does, it appears he just wants them to think and not necessarily go with the crowd . Your former receiver , Gabe Marks, was more outspoken on a number of issues including political ones than any college player that I remember.

You nicely dodged the question of if players were so interested in politics why do they do not all go to Berkeley. The makeup of the student body has as much or more to do with a player's overall college experience than the head coach who hardly interacts with most players on a daily or regular basis. Again you think that if the players were so political going to a place like College Station or Norman where the students voted 65 to 35 for Trump would be intolerable. Maybe you should hire a Bernie supporter as coach and go after those players, in your mind they would seem to be easily poachable with them going to a right wing college environment. In your world it is surprising that Wilcox at Cal is not cleaning up , the players could rub elbows like l minded liberal people on a daily basis .
Ping...the DT affect won't take place (if it does) until at least the next recruiting cycle. While you want to pin it to Dems vs Republican's, it is about one leader who seems to be deaf when it comes to these issues. For example, when he says there were good people at a rally, I am sure there were. But my parents taught me well I guess because the moment it turned into a White Supremacist rally, the good people left.

Trump is tone deaf when it comes to race. The kneeling for the anthem was never about "Anti American", but a way to bring awareness to a problem that seems to exist in that community.

Maybe it is all made up, and when a officer in South Carolina shoots a person in the back and moves the gun and his uniform camera is conveniently not on, sure seems a bit suspicious. And yet nothing happens. Yet Trump re-branded the kneeling, and his base loved it.

So as Socal would say Black America votes strongly on the liberal side. Why do you believe that to be the case. And when our President makes the comments he does, it has to shake the African American Community. And when he says why can't we get more immigrants from Norway, why not read that as he is saying it. WE need more white immigrants.

And it is pretty tough to have your name attached to such a polarizing person.
"All" being that they should have their pick and be loaded with 5 star recruits.

Ping..again, it would be too early to discern any level of concern if there is among recruits. The national anthem issue just came to light midway through the last recruiting cycle.

Patrick Chung can double prices on the RV lot to pay off the Martin Stadium upgrades, new FOB building and state of the art Indoor practice facility in, oh, about 75 years.

Or he can reach out through back channels to billionaire Trump supporters like Shelton Adelson and Bernard Marcus and, who knows, get these things paid for in a fraction of the time.

What is there to lose?
Ping...the DT affect won't take place (if it does) until at least the next recruiting cycle. While you want to pin it to Dems vs Republican's, it is about one leader who seems to be deaf when it comes to these issues. For example, when he says there were good people at a rally, I am sure there were. But my parents taught me well I guess because the moment it turned into a White Supremacist rally, the good people left.

Trump is tone deaf when it comes to race. The kneeling for the anthem was never about "Anti American", but a way to bring awareness to a problem that seems to exist in that community.

Maybe it is all made up, and when a officer in South Carolina shoots a person in the back and moves the gun and his uniform camera is conveniently not on, sure seems a bit suspicious. And yet nothing happens. Yet Trump re-branded the kneeling, and his base loved it.

So as Socal would say Black America votes strongly on the liberal side. Why do you believe that to be the case. And when our President makes the comments he does, it has to shake the African American Community. And when he says why can't we get more immigrants from Norway, why not read that as he is saying it. WE need more white immigrants.

And it is pretty tough to have your name attached to such a polarizing person.

So is it going to hurt recruiting to colleges where the students voted 65 to 35 for Trump ?

Yes or no, pretty simple question.

Point is I am not questioning most of what you and others are saying, but question how big of an issue it is with recruits. Believe me I have been around college recruiting enough if college coaches thought it was a big issue some would take it the other way and denounce Trump publicly to get an edge if they thought that it made a difference.
Believe me I have been around college recruiting enough if college coaches thought it was a big issue some would take it the other way and denounce Trump publicly to get an edge.

Some of those 42 million Trump voters in '16 have sons who are legitimate major-college football prospects.

We can all agree they would be very receptive to their boys playing and learning 4 years under CML.

PingDude4, since you've been around recruiting for a while: How could WSU go about identifying these particular prospects who might want to play under a coach who shares their parents' outlook on America?
First off I said I will give you the likelihood of their political leanings however I just would not generalize. nothing more nothing less.

As far as Leach other than that one rally, as far as I am aware he has only answered reporters questions. Not really sure how that is bringing decisive politics into the mix. Most importantly he does not impose his will on his players to think the way he does, it appears he just wants them to think and not necessarily go with the crowd . Your former receiver , Gabe Marks, was more outspoken on a number of issues including political ones than any college player that I remember.

You nicely dodged the question of if players were so interested in politics why do they do not all go to Berkeley. The makeup of the student body has as much or more to do with a player's overall college experience than the head coach who hardly interacts with most players on a daily or regular basis. Again you think that if the players were so political going to a place like College Station or Norman where the students voted 65 to 35 for Trump would be intolerable. Maybe you should hire a Bernie supporter as coach and go after those players, in your mind they would seem to be easily poachable with them going to a right wing college environment. In your world it is surprising that Wilcox at Cal is not cleaning up , the players could rub elbows like l minded liberal people on a daily basis .

Have you noticed that even though Cal has been one of the worst Pac-12 programs since the Pappy Waldorf era, with hands down the worst facilities (until recently) yet year in, year out, they have out recruited us? Did you notice that that despite their coaching change, Wilcox in his first, transition season, still out recruited Leach, coming off three straight bowls, according to Rivals? So I don't think Cal proves what you think it does. Of course Cal is one of the world's top research universities, according to the Times, WSU not so much.

I couldn't find any univerisity voting demographics, however, the precinct map area where OU is located indicates that the vote was a toss up i.e. white in color. So, absent some proof on your part, I don't believe your claim that OU students voted 2/3 for Trump, it suggest that the campus, itself, must have voted for Clinton, to make the precinct as a whole, white.

Your passion for the subject, however, tends to prove my point that coaches should keep their politics private, particularly when it may not be popular within their recruiting base, because it is too personal to too many people. .
So is it going to hurt recruiting to colleges where the students voted 65 to 35 for Trump ?

Yes or no, pretty simple question.

Point is I am not questioning most of what you and others are saying, but question how big of an issue it is with recruits. Believe me I have been around college recruiting enough if college coaches thought it was a big issue some would take it the other way and denounce Trump publicly to get an edge if they thought that it made a difference. I said Trump's affect, if he has one,won't be known for a recruiting cycle or two. Also, it is a bit different when your coach, mentor, teacher can be associated with someone like Trump who has shown to be a bit racially intolerant. As a student you can justify things by saying that is just some persons opinion that I will never interact with. It is different when that person is selling the school to a recruit and there parents.

You keep saying has there been any evidence this has hurt Oklahoma and the likes. the answer is no for several reasons. Trump and his football remarks are recent.

Do you think race and racial issues were ever a problem for WSU? For example, no black houses on Greek row? Perceived racial bias? Do you believe that ever touched on recruiting?

Patrick Chung can double prices on the RV lot to pay off the Martin Stadium upgrades, new FOB building and state of the art Indoor practice facility in, oh, about 75 years.

Or he can reach out through back channels to billionaire Trump supporters like Shelton Adelson and Bernard Marcus and, who knows, get these things paid for in a fraction of the time.

What is there to lose? are kidding, right?
Some of those 42 million Trump voters in '16 have sons who are legitimate major-college football prospects.

We can all agree they would be very receptive to their boys playing and learning 4 years under CML.

PingDude4, since you've been around recruiting for a while: How could WSU go about identifying these particular prospects who might want to play under a coach who shares their parents' outlook on America?

It is an interesting topic but I personally do not think that it is a difference maker one way or the other, which is what I have tried to convey. Although it is kind of interesting that Leach & Co. seem to be hitting the Texas and southern region recruiting harder than ever.

WSU is really a wild card recruiting wise because of the geographic challenges . Leach's record on academics ( grad rates and actual grades) should play well with any parent. His players also seem to be staying out of trouble at least as compared to many other programs.
Some of those 42 million Trump voters in '16 have sons who are legitimate major-college football prospects.

We can all agree they would be very receptive to their boys playing and learning 4 years under CML.

PingDude4, since you've been around recruiting for a while: How could WSU go about identifying these particular prospects who might want to play under a coach who shares their parents' outlook on America?

The problem with the idea that we should use Leach's idiotic Trump allegiance to pursue a pool of f-ball recruits whose parents voted for Trump and very likely will again vote for the cretin is that the vast majority of them might not be college material. It is true there are Trump voters, here and there, who have college degrees, but his base of simpletons was and is among the least educated voting groups out there. This was evident whenever Don the Con had a campaign rally. At times I thought Trump was on the set of Hee Haw with Junior Sample, Uncle Jed, Granny, and Goober hardeehardin' in the background. But they sure loaded up the truck to get to the polling booth after falling for Cambridge Analytica fake news and Russian bots swarming social media message forums.
Ping...the DT affect won't take place (if it does) until at least the next recruiting cycle. While you want to pin it to Dems vs Republican's, it is about one leader who seems to be deaf when it comes to these issues. For example, when he says there were good people at a rally, I am sure there were. But my parents taught me well I guess because the moment it turned into a White Supremacist rally, the good people left.

Trump is tone deaf when it comes to race. The kneeling for the anthem was never about "Anti American", but a way to bring awareness to a problem that seems to exist in that community.

Maybe it is all made up, and when a officer in South Carolina shoots a person in the back and moves the gun and his uniform camera is conveniently not on, sure seems a bit suspicious. And yet nothing happens. Yet Trump re-branded the kneeling, and his base loved it.

So as Socal would say Black America votes strongly on the liberal side. Why do you believe that to be the case. And when our President makes the comments he does, it has to shake the African American Community. And when he says why can't we get more immigrants from Norway, why not read that as he is saying it. WE need more white immigrants.

And it is pretty tough to have your name attached to such a polarizing person.

Leach has the right to support and voice his support for any candidate he chooses, but others have the right to castigate him for it.His allegiance to a man who is a despicable and inveterate liar, who deplorably fans the flames of racism in this country, and whose deviant past is an affront to women strongly suggests Leach has some intellectual if not moral lapses. It's rather embarrassing to see this happen. I'd cringe sometimes listening to Walden sounding like a hick, but Leach's words here are getting ridiculed in a lot of circles.

Patrick Chung can double prices on the RV lot to pay off the Martin Stadium upgrades, new FOB building and state of the art Indoor practice facility in, oh, about 75 years.

Or he can reach out through back channels to billionaire Trump supporters like Shelton Adelson and Bernard Marcus and, who knows, get these things paid for in a fraction of the time.

What is there to lose?

Our souls? Let's not sell out like conservative evangelicals continue doing in dropping to their knees to this morally bankrupt president.