It’s not zero percent but it’s not very likely. That several players might end up being hospitalized with COVID during the season is actually fairly high though.
On a related note, it looks like USC is throwing in the towel on in person classes this semester. Per a previousNCAA edict that would mean their football team can’t play either.
“The University of Southern California, citing a spike in coronavirus cases in Los Angeles, is backtracking from an aggressive plan to reopen its campus for in-person teaching in the fall term. The private research university announced Wednesday that nearly all of its undergraduate courses would be taught remotely.
“Given the continuing safety restrictions and limited densities permissible on campus, our undergraduate students primarily or exclusively will be taking their courses online in the fall term, and on-campus housing and activities will be limited,” USC officials said in a statement.
“While not what we hoped, we are now recommending all undergraduates take their courses online, and reconsider living on or close to campus this semester. We are continuing with limited in-person, on-campus activity because we believe we can keep students, researchers, staff, and faculty safe with our low-density plan.”