Oh yeah, I’m not saying he died playing ball. I don’t think his school was even practicing. I’m just saying he’s a young athlete and...again...“allegedly” died of COVID. I’m just saying this kid could have just as easily been playing for Clemson or LSU, and in that case it’s game over for everyone. Bottom line, young healthy people CAN die from this, so there’s still a huge risk for conferences and schools with playing ball.
Yeah, and people have been hit and killed by lightning bolts too. That doesnt mean that people either dont go outside, or outside in lightning storms.
Yeah a young, healthy althlete can theoretically die of covid, just like some that have died of sickle cell.
The chance that a young, healthy athlete dies of Covid, is about, around, somewhat semi somewhat close to the odds of getting hit by lightning.
More Young Healthy Athletes die from drinking too much alcohol, car accidents, etc, then die from Covid.
Should we then stop them from drinking, smoking, driving cars, etc, too?
The death rate in the USA from Covid is:
About 5% to 10% to 15% to 20% of 300 Million, about 150,000 to 300,000 get, have gotten the virus.
About 67,000 of those get, got hospitalized.
About 13,000 have died. About a 3.3% Death Rate.
Now thats in General.
Amongst the Older Population, etc.
Its about a 20% Death rate.
Amongst the Young Healthy athletes etc.
Its about a .03% of 1% a Less then 1% Death Rate.
There are about 3000 colleges in the USA. And about 750 athletes at each college.
Thats about 300,000 athletes. 1% would be about 3000. .01% out of 300,000 would be about about 25 to 50 to 100 to 150 dieing.
And thats athletes in general.
So about 25 to 50 to 100 to 150 athletes in general would die out of 300,000.
If it was just Football. It would be about 4 to 7 to 13 football athletes dying from Covid, out of about 25,000 to 50,000 to 75,000 football players.
How many Football players die to Flu? probably 1 to 13.
How many Football players die to sickle Cell? Probably 1 to 13.
How many football players die to other diseases, etc, probably 1 to 13
How many Football players die to Alcohol, driving cars? A hell lot more then 1 to 13.
Since all these Football players die due to others things then Covid, if Covid were non existent, should we close down Colleges, Stop College Football, Stop College football players from drinking, smoking, driving, etc, just to save 50 to 500 football players?
Then why should we stop College football to save 4 to 7 to 10 to 13 football players from Covid?
I understand each football player, person is a life, each is important.
But were talking extremely small out of big numbers here.
You cant, and shouldnt live in the what if world.
Newsflash People, whether football players, etc, will die whether from Covid, or anything, everything else, in such rediculously small percents like .01% of 1%, like the chance of getting killed, hit by a lightning bolt.
Yes when I step out the door a lightning bolt, or a anvil, etc, can fall from the sky, hit me on the head and Kill me.
Does that mean I should never set foot outside my door?
Similarly Yes a football player could tbeoretically have a .01 of 1% chance to be killed by Covid, etc.
Does that mean we should close College football down?
Put things into PERSPECTIVE.
But INSLEE and others dont want Perspective.