Kirk Schulz heading to American Samoa


Hall Of Fame
Aug 14, 2007
Wichita, Kansas
I saw an article out there on the interwebs saying that Kirk Schulz is going to American Samoa with Jack Thompson later in August. Thompson's thoughts?

"President Schulz was only on the job a handful of months when the situation last year unfolded. Rather than put it in the rear-view mirror and forget it as an unforeseen hurdle distracting from his broader mission, he's leaning in," Thompson said. "That speaks volumes about what kind of man Kirk Schulz is. That is major. Magnanimous is a word that comes to mind."

It's obvious that even Schulz knows that he didn't handle the situation as well as he could and I'm glad to see that rather than pretend like it didn't happen, he wants to reach out to the people in American Samoa and work on the relationship. I've heard that his wife is kind of a pain in the tail, but I've never heard anything but good things about Schulz himself. Sounds like Thompson is back on Schulz's side again instead of opposing him.
I saw an article out there on the interwebs saying that Kirk Schulz is going to American Samoa with Jack Thompson later in August. Thompson's thoughts?

"President Schulz was only on the job a handful of months when the situation last year unfolded. Rather than put it in the rear-view mirror and forget it as an unforeseen hurdle distracting from his broader mission, he's leaning in," Thompson said. "That speaks volumes about what kind of man Kirk Schulz is. That is major. Magnanimous is a word that comes to mind."

It's obvious that even Schulz knows that he didn't handle the situation as well as he could and I'm glad to see that rather than pretend like it didn't happen, he wants to reach out to the people in American Samoa and work on the relationship. I've heard that his wife is kind of a pain in the tail, but I've never heard anything but good things about Schulz himself. Sounds like Thompson is back on Schulz's side again instead of opposing him.

He still doesn't have a new student conduct procedure in place.
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I think this could be money well-spent. My concerns are just what exactly are the WSU folks going to say, or do, to try to improve relations? Talk is a lot cheaper than air fare.
I actually find this interesting. First and foremost, what is the purpose?
To mend fences? For whom? Does WSU get Somoan STUDENTS that much? I'd probably say not so much but I could be wrong in that assumption. So is this more for the Athletic Dept? I find that to be a very odd thing, especially as DGib's points out, he hasn't fixed the whole structure that caused the issue in the first place (board review)... Also find the timing odd. If this was truly about mending fences, wouldn't this have happened a loooong time ago?

So to cut to the chase, it appears to me he is going there to help recruiting with a PR slant that WSU cares about cultural and racial issues. If he was going to truly mend fences, he'd have fixed the review board process AND gone to the island(s) several, several months ago when this was still heated and the impact would have been more emotional and meaningful.

I don't think there is a negative to this now... just trying to see if for it's face value. Better late than never, I guess. I'm OK with it. Just odd...

Other odd questions we'll never know the answers to... Was this issue on ANYONE'S radar? Wouldn't this have slipped into the back recesses of everyones mind, if not for this visit? Why dredge it up again, especially since nothing has been fixed? Maybe because it means that much to him? Who knows. Just odd it's taken him this long to get it organized and done when it would have made so much more impact months ago. Is there any impact to anyone here, on this? Does this change anyones mind on how he handled it?

Meh. Ramblings of a scatter-brained old(er) dude.
I actually find this interesting. First and foremost, what is the purpose?
To mend fences? For whom? Does WSU get Somoan STUDENTS that much? I'd probably say not so much but I could be wrong in that assumption. So is this more for the Athletic Dept? I find that to be a very odd thing, especially as DGib's points out, he hasn't fixed the whole structure that caused the issue in the first place (board review)... Also find the timing odd. If this was truly about mending fences, wouldn't this have happened a loooong time ago?

So to cut to the chase, it appears to me he is going there to help recruiting with a PR slant that WSU cares about cultural and racial issues. If he was going to truly mend fences, he'd have fixed the review board process AND gone to the island(s) several, several months ago when this was still heated and the impact would have been more emotional and meaningful.

I don't think there is a negative to this now... just trying to see if for it's face value. Better late than never, I guess. I'm OK with it. Just odd...

Other odd questions we'll never know the answers to... Was this issue on ANYONE'S radar? Wouldn't this have slipped into the back recesses of everyones mind, if not for this visit? Why dredge it up again, especially since nothing has been fixed? Maybe because it means that much to him? Who knows. Just odd it's taken him this long to get it organized and done when it would have made so much more impact months ago. Is there any impact to anyone here, on this? Does this change anyones mind on how he handled it?

Meh. Ramblings of a scatter-brained old(er) dude.
Ramblings from another scatter-brained geezer: Was this issue on ANYONE'S radar? Maybe not on ours but reading between the lines I suspect that it may still have currency in AS. One would hope that Schulz has done something to replace and/or repair the grand jury/kangaroo court proceedings WSU regarded as adequate not long ago. Otherwise then I have no idea what he intends to tell the Samoan people in this attempt to refurbish our reputation in AS.
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Bottom line, if done with humble pie and admissions of Presidential failure, then it will come across well.

If done from the standpoint of correcting an impression created when minions did not act appropriately, it will not pass the sniff test and will essentially just be a paid vacation.

Let's see how it is carried off. We may be pleased at the end. It's for darned sure that very few PAC presidents visit AS. I am cautiously optimistic. Trust, but verify.
Bottom line, if done with humble pie and admissions of Presidential failure, then it will come across well.

If done from the standpoint of correcting an impression created when minions did not act appropriately, it will not pass the sniff test and will essentially just be a paid vacation.

Let's see how it is carried off. We may be pleased at the end. It's for darned sure that very few PAC presidents visit AS. I am cautiously optimistic. Trust, but verify.

I'm glad to see he's trying but I agree that it will be more important to see what's being said AFTER he gets back.
Sounds like everyone is a bit puzzled and in the dark as to what our diplomatic team intends to do and say in this endeavor and are waiting to see how it all unfolds, results and all. Add me to the list.
Sgt Schultz should be ashamed of himself. His actions and non actions are the stuff of a very weak leader

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