I have shown you studies and articles that show confusion, spacial visual issues and dizziness. You've yet to show me anything other than your diluted thought that you are better than Tuel because the flu didn't affect you when you played football (by the way… good for you). You've yet to show me if Tuel was feeling any of these things during the play in question, or any play for that matter. You can't even tell me what symptoms he had at any given time! He was cleared by a doctor… So he was good?! NO Flu Symptoms at all???! You do realize, the flu is an infection of the respiratory system. If it isn't in the lunges and upper respiratory system, it isn't the flu. So no matter how much fluids he had, that only helps with the dehydration of puking. IV of fluids affects no other symptom. And actually, many times dizziness is set on AFTER puking… It's the puking that can cause dizziness. So the idea that the IV fixed all, is not correct in any way. It probably helped him from cramping up… I guess that's something. But if he had ANY other symptom, that IV did nothing.
Don't confuse me with any others in this other portion of this debate. I really don't care whom was at fault. It happened. I think Ed is right that there are many, many times players go in sick. How affective they are in a comparison to being 100% healthy is a whole other debate. Especially in the Pro's, it's their job. Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, they go to work sick… whatever… At this game, on the college level… meh. Water under the bridge.
So for me, this whole thing is about Sponge denying science. This isn't the Global Warming that can be debatable for some. This isn't way-back-when, when the thought of a cell making up a body was Heresy. This is decades and decades of KNOWING what the flu is, what it does and the symptoms displayed! And Sponge refuses to think that CONFUSION, DIZZINESS and SPACIAL VISUAL ISSUES, among so many other symptoms, could not affect any given player…I guess we could even say he's denying these issues of humans in general. WOW.
So Sponge, you didn't answer my question… what part of science is it you disagree with? Was it the physical or the "above the shoulders" symptoms that you disagree with? The more specific an answer, the more we can move this along…. Or you can give me your diversion answer of, "Show me a study that shows a football QB takes on an LB because of the flu" schtick and get no where.