Since you have been here so long, how come I don't see you getting your panties in a bunch when Yaki goes on his namecalling all the time?In a loooooong time of lurking, and short time of posting, I've noticed Flat admit when he is wrong while also bringing substance to the table. Ed has brought substance to the table at times. A lot of people I disagree with bring something. You don't. You are un-apologetically insulting to other posters and myself; and you are also quick to lash out.
So we are focusing on you.
And I wouldn't call this "trying", this is called "doing".
You get in the way of people who know what they are talking about.
I do chuckle when you say other people who know what they are talking about though.
Maybe you should quit your whining and bring something to the table. You have yet to do so except badger me on the majority of your posts. Now feel free to pound sand.