It is not the Cougars night. Hopefully, they still come out on top.How in the FRESH HELL do you blow 7 free points?
It is not the Cougars night. Hopefully, they still come out on top.How in the FRESH HELL do you blow 7 free points?
It has been mistake filled game for the Cougars. As I wrote earlier, you let the other team hang around, it can come back to bite you.This turn of events could cost the team the game.
Great intercept, fumble but almost picked it up for six, now a P.I. call on 3rd down.
Team needs to dig down deep.
Holding. Cal gets the 1st.
Both Cal's & Stanford's offense is 100% referees.
Holding is only allowed to be called on WSUMan, Cal's OL is REALLY handsy. We're close to sacks and TFLs on every drop but just missing. Would love to start seeing some flags for holding.
Honest to God. I mean you read the correspondence between Leach and the P12 (Dixon, Scott etc.) RE text messages right? It's getting to a point where it's looking more and more like the P12 is a casino Mike Leach is banned from.Is there a conspiracy or something against Leach? Wtf?
I believe that I’m done with colllege football. Between the Pac-12 office, rediculous rules, and crap officiating I just don’t enjoy it anymore.
When they showed the replay I was waiting for them to say he didn't have possession...Amazed the refs didn't find a reason to take that pick away