Part 2 on the Pac-12 Financials

Just one detail that tends to get glossed over in the "conference revenue" conversations. I think it makes sense to evaluate these league's revenues on a "per team" basis, since that is how the payout gets divided. By that measure, the Big 12 (with 10 teams) is in better shape relative to the other P5 than the raw numbers would suggest, while the B10, SEC and ACC with 14 each are not as well off relatively speaking as they first appear. Yes, the ACC has other potential income coming on line soon, but they are way behind as things stand now...last place revenue divided by 14 is even further last place.

None of that is to apologize for our league's revenues. But I think the revenue per team is the right way to rank the leagues and assess any relative shortfalls, NOT by total revenue per league.
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