Players only meeting with Chun at 5:30.

The ridiculousness is real. My wife’s company is well over the 100 person limit and 95% work from home full time. The OSHA mandate makes zero sense for this case.

My BIL owns a hardware store. No mandate since he’s well below the threshold and he is in constant contact with individuals of varying health conditions and age. Makes no sense here not to require it.

It seems to me that these mandates, if they were about safety, would be tailored to protect those at the highest risk first, then those with the greater exposure. Rather, it seems to be Do it because I said so.”

For the record, we are all vaccinated. Not because we were told to do so, but because we assessed the situation and agreed it was prudent.
If you’re in Wa, your BIL will be likely dealing with the OSHA mandate as well when WISHA gets through with it.
Okay. Then let's ignore that study if that'll help.

We saw huge covid spikes in Singapore and Israel recently (just two examples...I have more).

These countries have high vaccination rates and extensive mask wearing. Seems to me something is not adding up.
Singapore’s spike wasn’t that big. The graph looked extreme, but the numbers topped out around the same level that Washington state was at in September. They spiked after they started relaxing restrictions, when they reached 80% vaccinated.
I think last time you tossed them up as an example, I countered with the city of Chicago - Singapore is slightly larger than the city of Chicago, with more than twice the population. Chicago has about 5x as many cumulative cases, and about 75x as many deaths.
Israel had a spike, but is now also below our state numbers. Also, they’ve had not quite twice as many cases as Washington, but fewer deaths. Their vax rate appears to be in the high 60s. I haven’t tracked them very closely, not sure what their spike is being attributed to.
Singapore’s spike wasn’t that big. The graph looked extreme, but the numbers topped out around the same level that Washington state was at in September. They spiked after they started relaxing restrictions, when they reached 80% vaccinated.
I think last time you tossed them up as an example, I countered with the city of Chicago - Singapore is slightly larger than the city of Chicago, with more than twice the population. Chicago has about 5x as many cumulative cases, and about 75x as many deaths.
Israel had a spike, but is now also below our state numbers. Also, they’ve had not quite twice as many cases as Washington, but fewer deaths. Their vax rate appears to be in the high 60s. I haven’t tracked them very closely, not sure what their spike is being attributed to.
research more. Israel has been THE case study because their reported vax rate was 90%. Conveniently, when their high case rate didn't back up the propaganda their numbers included the 12-18 population, which drastically dropped their % . You won't read that in the media, just the "new" 78% number.

Come back when you have good information.
research more. Israel has been THE case study because their reported vax rate was 90%. Conveniently, when their high case rate didn't back up the propaganda their numbers included the 12-18 population, which drastically dropped their % . You won't read that in the media, just the "new" 78% number.

Come back when you have good information.
Actually they never hit the 80-90% mark. That was misreported by the media. Israel has been giving booster shots for a few months now, and reported the total number of doses given. Some outlets took that number and divided by two, and assumed that was how many people had both shots. It was an overestimate. Most historical news pieces show rates climbing from the 50s to 60s, and 78 is a pretty common figure currently.

But…78 is still the count for how many people have one dose. 15-20% fewer have 2 doses, somewhere around 30% has 3.

Rates are far lower in Gaza & the West Bank, which could create some spillover.

Sounds like Israel also relaxed too soon, putting too much stock in the number of people with one dose. I suspect Washington is also overestimating, DOH currently says 72% of 12+ are vaxxed, I have trouble believing that.

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