For all the bitching about this, I’m guessing a lot of these folks have no problem conducting other government business virtually. Renewing vehicle licenses, business licenses, taxes, etc. pretty important shit…how come you don’t go stand in line at a government office if it’s such a concern?Well, of course they don't. Same goes for the other guys. The specious arguments against requiring ID, for instance, are fairy tale bullshit because they want to win, and if you get a D enough wine and they believe they are in a friendly audience (as I see all the time in my line of work; my firm is Silicon Valley-based, focused on tech, and at least 95% D), they'll admit it and a lot of other things.
I will say moving to Texas was a huge eye-opener with respect to votiing, taking politics out of it. Voting here is a pain in the ass and I still have a hard time getting used to it. Back in Washington, it was great Take your time with information online and the voter packet, go through it with my wife (if we wanted), and send the thing in at leisure.
In contrast, here, going to stand in line and vote in person with an awkward machine, primarily just having to rely on your memory of the questions/issues/candidates, or standing there with an awkward pamphlet or whatever (if even allowed), blows. I live in the "nice area," so there usually aren't huge lines and it isn't that big of a deal, but it still is a much worse process and obviously more difficult to even undertake at all.
Only reason they think voting this way is fraudulent is because they believe the
assholes that replay the Joseph Goebels playbook and lie about it over and over. Believe what you want to believe. Hear what you want to hear. See what you want to see.