Well your description of meth and single wides could easily apply to some places in WA state. In fact, I read a report where WA was #3 in the country in meth use. I remember a while ago hearing that Snoho was the meth capital county of the country. I have some folks in GA and I've been to Athens, Washington, and Savannah and all of those places have charm, lots to do (and the bass fishing is unreal), and I wouldn't see them as boring. Atlanta was hit or miss depending....but most big cities are. And Seattle doesn't have it's issues? Ha! Don't get me wrong I love the PNW and wouldn't move but let's get real here.
I think football is more an important part of the CULTURE in the south rather than it simply being the only thing to do there. Here in the PNW we are becoming more of a soccer culture as more parents are moving their kids into soccer. Growing up we wouldn't be caught dead playing soccer. I have changed my opinion and now appreciate soccer but still the numbers of kids moving away from football to play soccer makes me a bit sad.
I don't like the direction college football is going and I don't like the SEC and the big bucks arms race. I don't watch too many other college games on TV anymore outside the pac-12 and big sky. Honestly, I'm looking forward to watching some more small town HS football this fall. There's still the energy and spirit there.