Uniform Combo for Saturday's Game vs. Nevada

in general, i like this year's uni combos. i'm always in the "less is more" camp so i like that they got rid of the shoulder accents, piping around the numbers, and replaced the front nameplate w/ a simple cougar head. the anthracite is the one exception to this for me though. w/o all those accents, it just looks like a practice jersey to me. i bet it'd be different if the lettering/numbers/logo were crimson instead of white. same w/ that anthracite helmet. it would probably look a lot better w/ a crimson logo/facemask instead of the white.

whatever... no big deal, just an observation.
I like them. My only complaint is that we just wore grays last weekend. Different combo, sure. But I would have liked to save these for later. Slick look though.
Filfthy. The White Is much better than the Crimson for the numbers and logo because you can actually see them. Nike...took them a while but they finally nailed it.
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I.... sometimes wish we had our old silver helmets back... There, I said it.

you mean the silver helmet w/ the anthracite jersey and white pants? if so, cannot agree w/ you there...

Yeah, maybe not the best thinking of it now. I can't really say I'm a huge fan of the white pants unless they're the Icy Whites (which I think drop for the 1st road game against Oregon).
ok, i take it back... i dug the look a lot. i think it was the grey logo and facemask on the helmet (rather than the typical crimson). it kinda looked like the team was in black and white while everything around them was in color. i wouldn't want to see it all the time, but it definitely worked.

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