West coast politics will certainly kill "attended" fall and spring sports.

Trust me I get it. You want to know who it doesn't affect? The 1%. The one's who flat out told me they didn't need the tax cut, that the tax cut would go stock repurchasing, and they are some of the people who were first in line for the PPP money.

You are also correct there comes a time when we have to make that hard decision, economy or quality of life or life itself. What does shock me is it comes 30 days in to quarantine.

You are also correct, those folks on the capital with machine guns, pro life signs, pro gun signs and claiming their rights are violated don't do anything to help the cause.

Your last sentence is not supported by facts, at least in Washington. Inslee has proven himself to be quite reactive. The construction industry complained, construction restarts. Boeing complained, Boeing reopens. Fisherman protest, fishing is excluded from the order. Republican lawmakers sue Inslee, and five counties are already cleared to "reopen."
Come on, man. So your three responses to that are:

- Referring to some in the 1% you know not needing a tax cut years ago, yet saying they need PPP money (nice anecdote, I guess, but not sure what your point is or how that relates to the broader discussion)

- An inaccurate point about the quarantine having been in effect for 30 days (California will hit 2 months as of the end of this week, and most other places had it in place by the end of March at the latest, with various degrees of lockdown prior)

- Piling on that those protesters in Michigan are counterproductive (not in dispute)

Are you trying to just piss people off, and do you find that enjoyable in some way? You just seem like someone looking to argue endlessly and without any real purpose, largely along partisan lines. And that's if I give you as much credit as I could muster.

Ummm...a couple of thoughts. If I said they needed the PPP money I apologize. I thought I said they asked and received it.

Not sure why you take this along political lines. I am way more fiscally conservative than Trump. You know when the average business owner has struggles, more likely than not the Federal government doesn't bail them out for dumb decisions.

I am in the mortgage industry, and in what world does anyone think it is a good loan with sub 600 fico scores, not verifying income and no money down seem like a good business decision? If a plumber, an owner of a restaurant, small accounting or consulting firm made dumb decisions like that they go out of business. File for BK and maybe start over at some point. You know what happened to the CEO of Countrywide? He was given 160 mil to walk away. That doesn't seem like a good business decision, nor does it seem like a plan that maybe you consider the conservative party would hatch. If you think I am a liberal, as a liberal I would not have given Countrywide one dime.

My point about the 1% was two fold. The first is they were never going to invest in a future where there was no demand. (supply side economics doesn't work in toady's world) IE construct a widget factor with the tax cut when there is no demand. I personally think it is more fiscally responsible to keep the taxes where they were, have the federal govt in a better position than to just print money to bail everything out in the case of the pandemic or some other emergency.

Since you think this a Republican vs Democrat issue, I will tell you I voted for Reagan with my very first vote. Trickle down economics made sense to me in the early 80's. But the world has changed. We can move a document around the world in 20 seconds. We now can off-shore not only manual labor, but call centers, processing centers. In the old days the auto workers and such had jobs that could help create more. And probably the biggest change is the ability for some to manufacture money in the stock market. And there is no "velocity" in money when you are trading paper for paper, and most of the time it is just sitting in an account getting larger.

So we does that put us now. No political bias, I am not saying some governors are opening up too soon to save the Presidents economy (which is the counter to Inslee and others who are doing this to tank the economy and get rid of Trump) , but rather they (the governors) have a different risk reward model.

And I don't know how to be more direct than this. I wish Inslee opened up for eastern Washington no later than 5/1, probably more like the 20th of April.

Protesters- if they stayed focused, if they were better organized, had business leaders, small business owners, and labor out their voicing their concern on the central issue it would have been way more effective. As it rolled out it wasn't a good look.

But back to your point I may not get the total financial cost. Yeah I do. Here is what I do know....I know seniors in high school and college are sacrificing what normally comes with their accomplishments. That is what we are asking them to do. I also know juniors in college are facing an uncertain job future that three months ago wasn't there. And here is what else I know...the people I know who are suffering will find a way. Not an easy way. But they are tough and resilient. One last thing I know, money is replaceable. The five year old who died in Michigan from Covid is not, and I also recognize soon enough that will be the cost and trade off.

So no I am not trying to irritate you.
That's your analogy. It's not more apt. I don't drive around drunk. But if I'm hit by a drunk, I'm insured. In fact, I have been.

I've washed my hands since March 13 (prior actually) but that's what we were asked to do. And with that, risk assessment begins and there's better chance of getting a blow job from Sofia Vagara than dying of COVID in Spokane County.

If you live your life by the .001% chance of something happening or not, feel free to call those 99.999% who live life 'lucky' or whatever helps you sleep at night.

And go ahead and assume that everybody behaves like they run around peeing on people or sneezing in their face or whatever other abhorrent exception that is probably already covered under some law so that the rest of us can resume life as it should be lived - under the rights we have duly been endowed and protected by the laws that have been properly legislated.

I'd like to learn more about the best odds of getting a blow job from Sofia Vagara
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I'd like to learn more about the best odds of getting a blow job from Sofia Vagara

Probably a much higher likelihood than that of getting one from Sofia Vergara, but other than that, it's hard to say.
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Let's assume all have good motives. The difference is in governing philosophy. Here's an Interesting chart of blue vs red governors and their responses... Bottom line, Red Governors closed states slower and have opened them up faster and have fewer deaths per Million and less unemployment. .

I hear what this guy is saying and have to wonder if he’s on to something: states where people are more likely to breed with their siblings and/or livestock have better immunity to Covid19.
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Let's assume all have good motives. The difference is in governing philosophy. Here's an Interesting chart of blue vs red governors and their responses... Bottom line, Red Governors closed states slower and have opened them up faster and have fewer deaths per Million and less unemployment. .

I'd expect most of those red states to be lower-density than the blue states, to be fair, but I'd also expect deaths to be higher on a per-capita basis (at this stage) if fewer restrictions were put in place and for a shorter period. The real story will be told over time. The unemployment percentages are fair to make apples-to-apples comparisons with, it seems.
I hear what this guy is saying and have to wonder if he’s on to something: states where people are more likely to breed with their siblings and/or livestock have better immunity to Covid19.
First cousin marriage is still legal in CA, NY, NJ and every state on the eastern seaboard except New Hampshire and Delaware.

The most deaths are happening in those cousin marriage states.
Your last sentence is not supported by facts, at least in Washington. Inslee has proven himself to be quite reactive. The construction industry complained, construction restarts. Boeing complained, Boeing reopens. Fisherman protest, fishing is excluded from the order. Republican lawmakers sue Inslee, and five counties are already cleared to "reopen."
The last one is misleading. The path for those counties to reopen was established before the republicans sued.
First cousin marriage is still legal in CA, NY, NJ and every state on the eastern seaboard except New Hampshire and Delaware.

The most deaths are happening in those cousin marriage states.
So sister/goats good, cousin bad.
I can remember that.
Let's assume all have good motives. The difference is in governing philosophy. Here's an Interesting chart of blue vs red governors and their responses... Bottom line, Red Governors closed states slower and have opened them up faster and have fewer deaths per Million and less unemployment. .

In general the red states were hit later in the infection process. As a result, some (not all) were closer in their impact to a hard closure than the states that got hit first, and except for the idiots and meatheads could probably have kept their infection rate even lower than it has been. It will be interesting to see where they are a month or two from now, given the earlier re-opening. I hope they are doing well. The idiot and meathead factor is hard to assess in advance, but it will be clear in hindsight. One of my foremen explained it to me: "It's hard to stay focused on safe work behavior when you are ADD". I think he was pretty close to right.
In general the red states were hit later in the infection process. As a result, some (not all) were closer in their impact to a hard closure than the states that got hit first, and except for the idiots and meatheads could probably have kept their infection rate even lower than it has been. It will be interesting to see where they are a month or two from now, given the earlier re-opening. I hope they are doing well. The idiot and meathead factor is hard to assess in advance, but it will be clear in hindsight. One of my foremen explained it to me: "It's hard to stay focused on safe work behavior when you are ADD". I think he was pretty close to right.
Uh huh. There are lots of variables you have to consider like major points of entry into the US, population density and why the hell anybody in their right mind would want to go to craphole states like South Dakota.
Weak ass partisan hit piece aside it’s absurdly premature to make assessments about who got what right or wrong.
I'll start by saying that I love TRUMP....he may not be the man we like but he is the MAN WE NEED....

and yes, I would not expect someone that hates Trump to sit down with two people for lunch who are not also thinking they hate their opinions mean exactly nothing....

our hospitals are losing money hand over foot because they have no patients, there was no surge, and there will be many hospitals or clinics closed due to bankruptcy.....they're all just waiting for our almighty governor to "allow" them to actually do health care....scopes, surgeries, etc....

isolation has prevented NOTHING....nothing except preventing a natural herd immunity to develop...

you can not prevent a virus....we have no vaccine for the common cold, also a coronavirus, and our flu vaccines are maybe at best preventing 50% of flu. you know, its called LIFE.....

so you get to stay home and work and still make a good living?....that's so nice for you.....

so your rich friends are also enjoying the shutdown....marvelous...

I find the opinions on this LOCKDOWN are based on whether one has a nice easy desk job sitting at home getting paid or they are a govt worker as opposed to essential workers who MUST go to work and those out of work and those who' s small business has been irreparably harmed...

the covid is a novel virus that none of us had immunity to and what did we do?....instead of telling the vulnerable to self isolate we isolated everybody else.....insanity....

btw, the numbers for deaths are exaggerated...evern Birx said that .....

I do beleive this was a serious virus and many people have died, average age well over 70 , but not one thing we've done has prevented that...not one...but we have ensured that our sick frail elderly die utterly alone without family....nice going.....

but, lets not get political....
In general the red states were hit later in the infection process. As a result, some (not all) were closer in their impact to a hard closure than the states that got hit first, and except for the idiots and meatheads could probably have kept their infection rate even lower than it has been. It will be interesting to see where they are a month or two from now, given the earlier re-opening. I hope they are doing well. The idiot and meathead factor is hard to assess in advance, but it will be clear in hindsight. One of my foremen explained it to me: "It's hard to stay focused on safe work behavior when you are ADD". I think he was pretty close to right.
Not to mention, the outbreak areas in those blue states (Seattle, New York, So-Cal, Boston, Chicago) are major international business centers where you'd expect a higher infection/death rate due to elevated human interaction due to the travel involved. I doubt there's a lot of folks from Laramie or Cody doing international business travel to China.
The last one is misleading. The path for those counties to reopen was established before the republicans sued.

If you say so. The discussion was about reopening by industry as I recall. The lawsuit was in the works for some time and was filed the day after the order expired.
If you say so. The discussion was about reopening by industry as I recall. The lawsuit was in the works for some time and was filed the day after the order expired.
Nope. Nothing to do with industry, the states with low case counts and low rates of growth were identified and authorized to apply for early reopening. Not coincidentally, those were also counties with low population densities.
That’s the real difference between the areas hard hit and the areas not so much. It’s all driven by density. Where people live close together, it’s been worse. Where they are already spread out, it’s not so bad. It’s really not red/blue or early/late, it’s basic epidemiology - where there’s a high density of hosts, infections will occur readily. Where there’s not, they won’t.
Next phase of urban flight

As for the lawsuit, I’m sure it’s been in the works since the day the initial order was signed...even if the filers agreed with the order at the time. Sadly, most of our elected officials are incapable of letting anything not become a partisan pissing match.
Next phase of urban flight
Not sure it could correctly be termed the next phase of urban flight since urban areas have had nearly unprecedented growth since the Great Recession of 2008 - 2009. Apparently a good percentage of the younger generation didn’t want to commute and liked the amenities of large urban areas.

However, it does seem likely that one effect of the pandemic experience may be urban flight. Why live downtown if your employer now allows you to telecommute and the trendy restaurants, bars and nightlife that you enjoyed are now shutdown or at least are running at reduced capacity.
Nope. Nothing to do with industry, the states with low case counts and low rates of growth were identified and authorized to apply for early reopening. Not coincidentally, those were also counties with low population densities.
That’s the real difference between the areas hard hit and the areas not so much. It’s all driven by density. Where people live close together, it’s been worse. Where they are already spread out, it’s not so bad. It’s really not red/blue or early/late, it’s basic epidemiology - where there’s a high density of hosts, infections will occur readily. Where there’s not, they won’t.
Next phase of urban flight

As for the lawsuit, I’m sure it’s been in the works since the day the initial order was signed...even if the filers agreed with the order at the time. Sadly, most of our elected officials are incapable of letting anything not become a partisan pissing match.

So go ahead and link the articles saying Inslee was considering a county by county approach before May 4.
So go ahead and link the articles saying Inslee was considering a county by county approach before May 4.
It was implemented on the 4th, so obviously it was in the works before then. They don’t tend to release rough drafts though.
I'd expect most of those red states to be lower-density than the blue states, to be fair, but I'd also expect deaths to be higher on a per-capita basis (at this stage) if fewer restrictions were put in place and for a shorter period. The real story will be told over time. The unemployment percentages are fair to make apples-to-apples comparisons with, it seems.
Numbers are pretty easy to spin. Blue states have the higher density cities in general where outbreaks are more likely. Also pretty obvious that a number of R governors are underreporting to appease Dear Leader.

I’m losing money on the screeching halt of business like many are and crossing fingers for a miracle but there’s zero analytical or scientific approach being deployed towards reopening, and things are gonna get worse before they get better as a result. When the band aid wasn’t ripped off early for political reasons, an endless cycle of digging a deeper hole began. That’s where we are at right now unfortunately.
Numbers are pretty easy to spin. Blue states have the higher density cities in general where outbreaks are more likely. Also pretty obvious that a number of R governors are underreporting to appease Dear Leader.

I’m losing money on the screeching halt of business like many are and crossing fingers for a miracle but there’s zero analytical or scientific approach being deployed towards reopening, and things are gonna get worse before they get better as a result. When the band aid wasn’t ripped off early for political reasons, an endless cycle of digging a deeper hole began. That’s where we are at right now unfortunately.

Not exactly a lot of “science” behind staying shut either.
Uh huh. There are lots of variables you have to consider like major points of entry into the US, population density and why the hell anybody in their right mind would want to go to craphole states like South Dakota.
Weak ass partisan hit piece aside it’s absurdly premature to make assessments about who got what right or wrong.
Hey, watch it, Doggiedoo. I live in South Dakota!

Your choice of words and tone remind me of comments made by our President regarding Haiti and many African countries.

Glad Cougar
I hear what this guy is saying and have to wonder if he’s on to something: states where people are more likely to breed with their siblings and/or livestock have better immunity to Covid19.
This is your opinion of people who live in a different area than you? There is no need to shut down areas that have no problems with the virus...and those that do, we are finding it to be not as fatal like they claim.
I'm wondering which phase sex with strangers is allowed? Inslee left that one a bit vague.
No COVID nor happy ending from Sofia either - so my actuarial skills should be noted.
Sofia and her 27 yr old niece. Which is which?
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Hey, watch it, Doggiedoo. I live in South Dakota!

Your choice of words and tone remind me of comments made by our President regarding Haiti and many African countries.

Glad Cougar
The poo chucking orangutan is my hero and role model.

But seriously no offense intended; having grown up mostly in Spokane I’m standing in a glass house. The hit piece linked cited SD. My comment is more about how conservative states tend to have less outside travel and lower population density.
This is your opinion of people who live in a different area than you? There is no need to shut down areas that have no problems with the virus...and those that do, we are finding it to be not as fatal like they claim.
You completely missed my point regarding the partisan-hack hit piece you linked.
You completely missed my point regarding the partisan-hack hit piece you linked.
I didn't post a partisan hit piece. I posted a fact-based and data-based chart from a Conservative who may be partisan. Please provide statistics that refute the conclusions. This virus is not as deadly as was stated. Look at Georgia. they opened up 14 days ago and numbers are going down.
In general the red states were hit later in the infection process. As a result, some (not all) were closer in their impact to a hard closure than the states that got hit first, and except for the idiots and meatheads could probably have kept their infection rate even lower than it has been. It will be interesting to see where they are a month or two from now, given the earlier re-opening. I hope they are doing well. The idiot and meathead factor is hard to assess in advance, but it will be clear in hindsight. One of my foremen explained it to me: "It's hard to stay focused on safe work behavior when you are ADD". I think he was pretty close to right.
The point is, fatalities are not nearly what they said. The virus is not the threat they told us. The best solution is to quarantine the vulnerable, not the healthy and young. Kids should be in school. Many many businesses can be open.

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