What is with all of these former players


Hall Of Fame
Jan 30, 2003
Its kinda interesting, the grass for some reason is getting all of these "paid" players new life and appreciation for there move. At least DJ and Bamba kept quiet after there paydays.
Puck had a good take on the Rice comments - that the new “love” is money. not adoration, not sincere thanks and appreciation from the fans. Cold hard cash = love

Which is fine, I guess. But when you start going 0 for February from three point land, don’t be shocked when the checks,errr I mean love, stops.
I get the need to express good things about where they landed. It's surprising to see the amount of dirt being kicked on WSU though.
Its kinda interesting, the grass for some reason is getting all of these "paid" players new life and appreciation for there move. At least DJ and Bamba kept quiet after there paydays.
I think Jaki's was more a dig at Smith, not WSU. When Bamba left, he said he wanted to be closer to home. Of course, home is increasingly becoming where the money is. Rice was the worst comment so far.
where is all this happening?
Fan sites. brandx posted something from Rice. I see the WSU beat writer is scolding fans for having a problem with it. I’m not sure why anyone is surprised after the last couple years.
Even the local press guy seems to be giving all of these guys a pass. As I recall last year DJ and Bamba didn't make such poor statements from there new money home.

I think its great that they got the bucks, but they should learn some humility.
Yeah, the "local press guy" is trying way too hard and/or he's new to fandom. While I don't think the responses to Rice's comments were exactly warranted, I get the why.

I believe Clark is still with the Spokesman, but a couple years ago (?) announced he was dialing back and no longer the WSU beat guy.
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Yeah, the "local press guy" is trying way too hard and/or he's new to fandom. While I don't think the responses to Rice's comments were exactly warranted, I get the why.

Everyone has an opinion. I have not read the article, but not sure I agree with him. Rice deserves my respect? Why? Because he plays basketball? If you want to say because he beat cancer, perhaps. But to me beating cancer is something that I am so happy for him, and it has little to do with respect.

But leaving to take more money is not what earns my respect. Telling his new team that he finally feels love is not what earns my respect.

Playing sports and respect are used together so much. But they really don't belong together.
Good points for sure. Nor do I need some upstart newspaper stringer to tell me how to do my fandom. He is so new that he has no clue about us (fans).
Everyone has an opinion. I have not read the article, but not sure I agree with him. Rice deserves my respect? Why? Because he plays basketball? If you want to say because he beat cancer, perhaps. But to me beating cancer is something that I am so happy for him, and it has little to do with respect.

But leaving to take more money is not what earns my respect. Telling his new team that he finally feels love is not what earns my respect.

Playing sports and respect are used together so much. But they really don't belong together.
Articles like these are lazy and are written, in part, to make the writer feel like they are “making a difference”. It is not much different than a glorified Facebook or Reddit post.

I agree with him that it’s the player's choice, and it may be a good and well thought out decision. But what does that have to do with me (or any fan) having to like it? And why do these writers feel the need to champion these players' decisions?

We all understand that the money is too good for them to pass up, or a coaching change or a change of scenery might be needed. It’s not a difficult concept. We have all been there. In WSU's and OSU's case, we know that the players didn’t sign up to play in the MW or WCC. Believe us, we know. We know that this is more personal or has a bigger impact on the player than for us fans.

That said, I, as a long-time fan and not an alumnus, have been following WSU sports way before these players were alive. I attended numerous games, paid into the CAF and Collective and even bought a few T-Shirts and a brick. I have spent thousands of hours on message boards and other sports websites, bought countless sports magazines (back in the day), watched games live, on TV and listened to them on the radio. I have embraced the underdog mentality and had many “conversations” with idiots dressed in purple. Many of you have invested way more into WSU and the sports programs than me.

So, if I (we) get a little miffed by these player comments, it should be expected. And if Greg Woods feels like he is making the world a better place? Well good for him. His piece will soon be forgotten by Rice, Well and any other person who may have read it. As soon as the next funny pet video pops up on Facebook or AIO post comes up on Reddit.
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