You are lying. Flat out, absolutely lying. I NEVER said that it did not happen. I have also stated what DID happen, which is that Trump was on the phone with GA SOS, other officials, and a bunch of attorneys and they spent an hour discussing issues and irregularities that had been reported in the 2020 lection. At the end of the call, Trump repeated his belief that there were problems with the voting and/or counting of vaotes and asked for them to continue investigating since the totals were so close and they only needed to find several thousand problem votes and it would change the outcome of the election.
You left side KoolAid drinkers continue to treat it like Trump asked him to do something illegal, or to find or make up 12,000 ballots out of thin air. That has been absolute bullshit from the beginning and remains bullshit to this very day. Trump had every right to question the results and had every right to request that they continue their investigation into the allegations of invalid ballots. That right is given to him in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. He was well within his rights to do that, just as folks like Al Gore, Al Franken, Christine Gregoire, Stacy Abrams, the D running for US House in Indiana (I think, it was a midwest state) in 2022 all had the same rights.
If you would seek treatment for your TDS you might be able to understand and rationally process what actually happened and what his rights were.