You get you are talking about someone who had talent in high school and hasn’t done anything close to being the number two player coming out of high school. .
leave the high school accolades in the trophy room at home . Doesn’t mean squat when you are in college . Ask Ark Hall.
Again another someone with reading comprehension problems.
You cited just 1 thing I said out of context.
You missed the part where I pointed out that Guarananto was, is 1 of the TOP 10 PASSERS STATISTICALLY in all of the UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE'S 100+ HISTORY.
He Guarantano RUBBED ELBOWS STATISTICALLY with Peyton Manning, who also made the Top 10 list, just like Guarantano did.
TO GO WITH THAT, When Guarantano decided to enter the Transfer Portal, a lot of BLUE BLOODS TRIED TO GET HIM.
NOW DUH GEE DUH GEORGE, I duh wonder why a lot of BLUE BLOODS tried to get Guarantano when he entered the Transfer Portal.
Its because of how good Guarantano is, has done in making the Top 10 passer list, rubbing elbows with Peyton Manning.
I'm pretty sure the Blue bloods that wanted him, when he entered the Portal, THOUGHT:
"Ok, 1. He was the #2 QB in the whole nation coming out of highschool. COMBINED WITH 2. He made the Top 10 QB list statistically, rubbed elbows with Peyton manning, statistically, who also made that top 10 list. And 3. Other blue bloods are interested in him. 4. His College Video of him at the University of Tennessee looks good. 5. The Tennessee coaches, players have pointed out a lot of good things about him. 6. Based on all that we(The Blue Blood), should also offer him like the other blue bloods.".
Its not only that Guarantano was the #2 QB out of HS. Your right that THAT BY ITSELF CAN NOT MEAN MUCH.
But in this case, Guarantano lived up to his ON PAPER #2 QB IN NATION POTENTIAL, by making the Top 10 QB, Passer list at Tennessee. If he hadnt met those expectations, that potential, Blue Bloods wouldnt have been trying to get Guarantano, when he entered the Transfer Portal.
And in case your gona say, then if he is so good, then why did he transfer from Tennessee?
Tennessee was, is a MESS. he Guarantano has had MULTIPLE head coaches, assistant coaches, no stability, no consistency to help him.
He had no, CRAP WR's, No, CRAP O LINE. CRAP DEFENSE, CRAP COACHES, but despite that still made the Top 10 passer list, rubbed elbows with Peyton Manning on that top 10 list.
So altho he put up all those wonderful stats, he didnt win a lot, and was semi inconsistent(But for good, legit reasons(Crap coaching, crap o line, crap RB, crap WR, Crap defense)(not lack of ability, talent, etc)
And WSU had to beat out all the blue bloods for Guarantano.
Whenever you bring in a QB as good as Guarantano, with Guarantano's Experience, Stats, Talent, Credentials, etc, YOU START THEM.
If they then dont produce, then you replace them with JDL, Cooper.
But you dont not start them at the beginning and instead start a STILL RELATIVELY INEXPERIENCED, QB, that was SEMI BAD last year over a QB the CALIBER, AWESOMENESS, EXPERIENCE, STATS, ETC, of Guarantano.
That would be a BONEHEADED thing to do.
And if you do that, then you had better be right, and JDL had better not lose games, or its your Azz on the line as HC for stupidly starting JDL over such a awesome QB like Guarantano.
Thats a valid point. You can stop knee jerking, overreacting to that valid point, and stop trying to be defensive in behalf of Rolo.
Thats what you, others did when Paul Wulf was coach.
Whenever someone made a valid point, like the point I am making about why Guarantano should be the starter, you and others would get defensive in Paul Wulf's behalf.
Well Stop. The point I am making is valid.
Oh and I am not saying Rolo is Paul Wulf either.