Well, taking a leap of faith here...
My tastes are eclectic. I was a really angsty, moody teen - a lot of my musical tastes reflect that: Metallica (who had a lot to say, btw. Parts of Ride the Lightning/ Kill 'em All/ ...And Justice for All have incredibly insightful lyrics for kids in their 20's). AC/DC, early Crue.
As I got older and my mood mellowed, found a lot of older music to my liking - I went on a stint where I listened to Mary Robbins and the Eagles for two summers, with some AIC/ STP/ Soundgarden/ PJ/ Nirvana/Pumpkins when I was feeling angsty again. Hell, I was listening to Garth before he was Garth (his first album) and a Chris Ledoux before he had a radio single.
Now I listen to most everything except for what passes for popular on the radio these days - pop, the pop that passes for country, and that god awful mumbling rap non-sense (Post Malone and the ilk). I'll turn on the Earth, Wind and Fire station on alexa, or last weekend I played the "yacht rock" station. Familiar tunes, from my youth, some horrible, some ok, but all that reminded me of the carefree days of my early childhood (pre-teen).
I used to travel a lot by myself between PDX and the tri cities to see my family, so there are some albums that I listened to on those trips that have become engrained in my soul - no necessiarily because they are "great" musically, but because its what I had to listen to pre streaming services. A few from the top of my head: Squirrel Nut Zippers, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, a CD of various Irish folk songs, Santanas greatest, Linkin Park, Foo Fighters, Siberian freaking Orchestra, a sampling of various classical artists (Mozart, Bach, Grieg, Wagner), a mix CD of early 2000s rock and a mix CD of early 2000s rap (Jay Z, P Diddy, Ludacris, et al).
Like I said, all over the place. And whereas I don't find a lot of todays popular music to have a lot of intrinsic, entertainment or societal value (are we going to be giving away the grammy for best mumble rap in 5 years? Doubt it....) and don't like it, I do understand that Neil Young has contributed greatly to a lot of the music I love. Like I said before, appreciate, just don't care for his sound, but his singing voice in particular.