Bizarro world thread

Should Rachel Maddow flee for Canada while she still can? There is irrational hatred. Assuming it’s genuine. She owes her career to Trump.
She doesn't, really. She gained her national prominence during the W administration.

Is she giving trump any more attention than a hannity gives/gave Obama, Clinton, or Biden? Point being, not being a journalist that the coverage is kinda mandated by programming for a specific audience.
I know that you are working hard to justify Trump being a giant piece of sh!t but WTF does Maxine Waters have to do with anything? I wouldn't vote for her as President and I think that she's a far left wacko. The existence of a few idiots on the left doesn't justify your support for a sh!t stain like Trump. You bringing her up kind of makes my point. Nobody rational should be voting a person like Waters....or Trump to be our President.

There are apparently around 75 million Republicans interested in politics in this country based on the 2020 election. Maybe you could throw your hat in with one of them rather than a guy like Trump?
Explained above.
She doesn't, really. She gained her national prominence during the W administration.

Is she giving trump any more attention than a hannity gives/gave Obama, Clinton, or Biden? Point being, not being a journalist that the coverage is kinda mandated by programming for a specific audience.
Her ratings spiked during Trump’s presidency, and then she got her big contract. She pushed Russiagate more than anyone, and has never corrected herself as far as I know.

So, I’ll amend to say she owes her ratings to Trump. Happy?

On July 5, 2024 Former President Trump expressed his disagreement with Project 2025 in a statement: "I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they're saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal."[52]Fpbear (talk) 16:15, 5 July 2024 (UTC)
Are you saying you take trump at his word, that he's being absolutely truthful and honest in spite of what he's said about "retribution"? As well as keeping counsel with Stephen Miller, Michael Flynn, and employed Steve bannen who boasted that trump wanted to dismantle the administrative state? How's he cozied up to and courted some of the most radical Christian evangelicals while using the bible as a prop?

You didn't notice how as his administration progressed and his initial appointees left or were let go, the replacements (not only didn't go through senate confirmation hearing) were increasingly "yes" men and women?

Any of this seem in conflict with the aims of Project 2025?
Her ratings spiked during Trump’s presidency, and then she got her big contract. She pushed Russiagate more than anyone, and has never corrected herself as far as I know.

So, I’ll amend to say she owes her ratings to Trump. Happy?
Depends on your personal definition of "terrorizing". But as to your questions: yes, yes, yes and I don't know.

Read this for answers to all your questions.
So it’s fair to say Jodie Foster inspired John Hinkley’s attempt on Ron Reagan’s life if Trump “inspired” the threats in Georgia outlined in that article.

Feel free to provide something Trump actually said or did that was threatening.

A good dose of Jimmy Dore would be good for your soul. Especially the thoughts on media and corporate groupthink control.
Are you saying you take trump at his word, that he's being absolutely truthful and honest in spite of what he's said about "retribution"? As well as keeping counsel with Stephen Miller, Michael Flynn, and employed Steve bannen who boasted that trump wanted to dismantle the administrative state? How's he cozied up to and courted some of the most radical Christian evangelicals while using the bible as a prop?

You didn't notice how as his administration progressed and his initial appointees left or were let go, the replacements (not only didn't go through senate confirmation hearing) were increasingly "yes" men and women?

Any of this seem in conflict with the aims of Project 2025?
I’m saying exactly what Trump said.

And you’re confusing Project 25 with Agenda 47

Chuck Shumer is running for president too? And the Squad members are too? And sorry, I am not aware of whatever Shumer quote you refer to.

But really - Comparing Trump on January 6 to Waters' comments that were in the aftermath of the killing of an innocent black man? I mean really? Really Stretch? Do you really believe that? And again, WTF do Waters and Shumer have to do with the Presidential race?

Should we start a new thread where we list and compare all the threatening things ever said by the right vs the left? I have a better idea. Lets work on a list of all the threatening, inciting, insulting, degrading, etc. remarks and actions ever made by Donald Trump, starting with "I can grab a woman by the pussy", and make a list of similar words and actions by Joe Biden. Then we can stick to the subject matter at hand.
I'm sorry. I wasn't aware of the rule here that in a political thread it was only allowed to talk about someone running for president instead of political issues on multiple levels.

I believe it was in the wake of the Dobbs decision that Schumer made his statement threatening the Supreme Court. This will not be exact, but he yelled at them that "they had released the whirlwind and they would pay the consequences". I think he specifically directed it at the 3 Trump appointees, but not sure about that. Wasn't it soon after that when the guy was apprehended planning to kill Kavanaugh? I guess it is now time to imprison Schumer!

Along those lines, isn't it interesting how when a ruling goes against Trump and/or conservatives that we are told that the justice system is working perfectly and we must respect the outcome, yet when a ruling goes against the liberals they shit in their pants and want to pack the court, impeach the justices, term limit them, etc?
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So it’s fair to say Jodie Foster inspired John Hinkley’s attempt on Ron Reagan’s life if Trump “inspired” the threats in Georgia outlined in that article.

Feel free to provide something Trump actually said or did that was threatening.

A good dose of Jimmy Dore would be good for your soul. Especially the thoughts on media and corporate groupthink control.
The level of accommodating you are willing to give trump is fascinating to witness.

You see, as president of the uSA and head of one of the two major political parties, it's telling what he DOESN'T say to quell the behavior of his followers or closest advisors. It seems you have much in common. Taihtsat
The level of accommodating you are willing to give trump is fascinating to witness.

You see, as president of the uSA and head of one of the two major political parties, it's telling what he DOESN'T say to quell the behavior of his followers or closest advisors. It seems you have much in common. Taihtsat

Hadn’t considered that level of magic Trump holds power over.
I know that you are working hard to justify Trump being a giant piece of sh!t but WTF does Maxine Waters have to do with anything? I wouldn't vote for her as President and I think that she's a far left wacko. The existence of a few idiots on the left doesn't justify your support for a sh!t stain like Trump. You bringing her up kind of makes my point. Nobody rational should be voting a person like Waters....or Trump to be our President.

There are apparently around 75 million Republicans interested in politics in this country based on the 2020 election. Maybe you could throw your hat in with one of them rather than a guy like Trump?
There are tens of millions of people who can't stand Trump, but who are also nauseated by how transparently fake the Democrats have become with vote mongering wokeism. You've said before that you're waiting for the silly GOP party to wake TF up and migrate back towards sensible, modern conservatism, and so many of us are right there with you.

People say the GOP has lost their minds, and in many ways, they're right, but my God. How can we not look objectively at the Democrats and not question them? 54+ different gender recognitions, litter boxes in high school bathrooms for kids who identify as "furies," defund the police, congresspeople wearing traditional African Kente cloths (and subsequently pissing off the African community), transgender rights extended to include access to women's private spaces and sports teams, open and unregulated borders, decriminalization of hard drugs, no prosecution for looting and shoplifting. And then there's Joe Biden. A guy who when he was over 60 years old laughed at the notion of recognizing gay marriage, wanted street criminals tossed in jail, wanted the border to be closed. Now, suddenly, he's done a 180 degree pivot. You know as well as I do that older people don't move off of their beliefs. He's lying through his teeth about the policy he's preaching about today.

I mention these things because for so many people, myself included, the filth of Donald Trump is easier to process. A sleezy Manhattan business mogul, Hollywood Wanna-Be, married multiple times, sleeps with porn stars. We see that all the time with politicians, the super-rich, professional athletes, celebrities, etc. I think it's disgusting, but again, it's "normal" American upper crust BS. I mean, look at the rap industry and the image of wealthy black entertainers. People love Snoop-Dogg, right? What I outlined above with the Democrats is something that so many of us cannot relate to AT ALL.

When you ask, how could anyone vote for Donald Trump, there's your answer. He's a pig, but he's a relatable pig for many people. What Joe Biden is and where liberalism has pivoted to is something that makes a lot of us feel cringy.
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I'm sorry. I wasn't aware of the rule here that in a political thread it was only allowed to talk about someone running for president instead of political issues on multiple levels.

I believe it was in the wake of the Dobbs decision that Schumer made his statement threatening the Supreme Court. This will not be exact, but he yelled at them that "they had released the whirlwind and they would pay the consequences". I think he specifically directed it at the 3 Trump appointees, but not sure about that. Wasn't it soon after that when the guy was apprehended planning to kill Kavanaugh? I guess it is now time to imprison Schumer!

Along those lines, isn't it interesting how when a ruling goes against Trump and/or conservatives that we are told that the justice system is working perfectly and we must respect the outcome, yet when a ruling goes against the liberals they shit in their pants and want to pack the court, impeach the justices, term limit them, etc?
First, Schumer should definitely have been held accountable and scorned for that rhetoric in front of that crowd after that decision. Stupid and irresponsible. But unlike trump, who denies ever making any direct/or implied threats, Schumer apologized and clarified and expressed regret. Trump has never done that, ever, right? Has he ever said "I shouldn't have said that or used that language. What I meant to say was..."

Second, the supreme Court isn't the same as a ruling in a civil or criminal court. Their rulings are specifically called opinions. The others are decided by juries and evidence. Show me where a another political candidate (from either party) has ever vilified the process, the prosecutors, the juries or the judges in the manner them former president has. Show me just ONE! Taihtsat
There are tens of millions of people who can't stand Trump, but who are also nauseated by how transparently fake the Democrats have become with vote mongering wokeism. You've said before that you're waiting for the silly GOP party to wake TF up and migrate back towards sensible, modern conservatism, and so many of us are right there with you.

People say the GOP has lost their minds, and in many ways, they're right, but my God. How can we not look objectively at the Democrats and not question them? 54+ different gender recognitions, litter boxes in high school bathrooms for kids who identify as "furies," defund the police, congresspeople wearing traditional African Kente cloths (and subsequently pissing off the African community), transgender rights extended to include access to women's private spaces and sports teams, open and unregulated borders, decriminalization of hard drugs, no prosecution for looting and shoplifting. And then there's Joe Biden. A guy who when he was over 60 years old laughed at the notion of recognizing gay marriage, wanted street criminals tossed in jail, wanted the border to be closed. Now, suddenly, he's done a 180 degree pivot. You know as well as I do that older people don't move off of their beliefs. He's lying through his teeth about the policy he's preaching about today.

I mention these things because for so many people, myself included, the filth of Donald Trump is easier to process. A sleezy Manhattan business mogul, Hollywood Wanna-Be, married multiple times, sleeps with porn stars. We see that all the time with politicians, the super-rich, professional athletes, celebrities, etc. I think it's disgusting, but again, it's "normal" American upper crust BS. I mean, look at the rap industry and the image of wealthy black entertainers. People love Snoop-Dogg, right? What I outlined above with the Democrats is something that so many of us cannot relate to AT ALL.

When you ask, how could anyone vote for Donald Trump, there's your answer. He's a pig, but he's a relatable pig for many people. What Joe Biden is and where liberalism has pivoted to is something that makes a lot of us feel cringy.
Agree with you on the zaney drift the left has taken in many of those areas. However, not one of those is in the official Democratic party platform. These are not agendas the Biden administration is pushing. Gender classifications? Furies? Unregulated border? UNREGULATED? Decriminalizing dangerous drugs? Which one? No prosecution for looting or shoplifting? Really? The DNC or Biden is pushing that? Pushing for transgender participation in sports? Really?

These are all coming from looney local politicians or activists. And as Bill Maher correctly points out, biden's and the DNC's failure is in not pushing back. Things either go into the "red" bucket or the "blue" bucket. Those way-betond-the-mainstream things are going in the blue one.

To me the most important demarcation between these two candidates is that one of them is willing to play by the election rules that have served us for nearly 250 years and trump is not. Taihtsat
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She doesn't, really. She gained her national prominence during the W administration.

Is she giving trump any more attention than a hannity gives/gave Obama, Clinton, or Biden? Point being, not being a journalist that the coverage is kinda mandated by programming for a specific audience.
In fairness from a cultists perspective, everyone owes everything to Trump. He is the chosen one and all will be right with the world if he has absolute power. He’s smarter than the smartest scientists, is a better president than Abe Lincoln, knows more about the bible than the pope, and makes only perfect phone calls. Did I miss anything guys?
Feel free to provide something Trump actually said or did that was threatening.
I would consider this to be threatening. From the Reuters article, and documented in the link below:

“I don’t think any of us anticipated this level of nastiness,” said Fuchs, 31, who grew up in a conservative Christian family and has worked for years to help elect Republicans.

In an interview, she said the most alarming threats came in late November when Trump called Raffensperger an “enemy of the people.” Death threats started pouring in, some calling for public hangings.

As an aside, I was watching Colbert last night (a recent rerun). He shows Trump in a semi-recent interview saying he never said to "lock her up" in reference to Hillary. Then he pulls up televised clips where Trump in 3 different public appearances said exactly that.

How do you Trumpers explain that away?
And that's where you are failing. You should consider it.
Clearly that is a much better method than reading what my eyes see and listening to what my ears hear

How does Trump apply the Vulcan mind meld without pressing his fingers to 70 million temples?
There are tens of millions of people who can't stand Trump, but who are also nauseated by how transparently fake the Democrats have become with vote mongering wokeism. You've said before that you're waiting for the silly GOP party to wake TF up and migrate back towards sensible, modern conservatism, and so many of us are right there with you.

People say the GOP has lost their minds, and in many ways, they're right, but my God. How can we not look objectively at the Democrats and not question them? 54+ different gender recognitions, litter boxes in high school bathrooms for kids who identify as "furies," defund the police, congresspeople wearing traditional African Kente cloths (and subsequently pissing off the African community), transgender rights extended to include access to women's private spaces and sports teams, open and unregulated borders, decriminalization of hard drugs, no prosecution for looting and shoplifting. And then there's Joe Biden. A guy who when he was over 60 years old laughed at the notion of recognizing gay marriage, wanted street criminals tossed in jail, wanted the border to be closed. Now, suddenly, he's done a 180 degree pivot. You know as well as I do that older people don't move off of their beliefs. He's lying through his teeth about the policy he's preaching about today.

I mention these things because for so many people, myself included, the filth of Donald Trump is easier to process. A sleezy Manhattan business mogul, Hollywood Wanna-Be, married multiple times, sleeps with porn stars. We see that all the time with politicians, the super-rich, professional athletes, celebrities, etc. I think it's disgusting, but again, it's "normal" American upper crust BS. I mean, look at the rap industry and the image of wealthy black entertainers. People love Snoop-Dogg, right? What I outlined above with the Democrats is something that so many of us cannot relate to AT ALL.

When you ask, how could anyone vote for Donald Trump, there's your answer. He's a pig, but he's a relatable pig for many people. What Joe Biden is and where liberalism has pivoted to is something that makes a lot of us feel cringy.

The fact that you said anything about litter boxes in schools means that your entire post is worthless. Please show me proof that they exist.

The fact that you said anything about litter boxes in schools means that your entire post is worthless. Please show me proof that they exist.

K. Let’s say this happened. We are taking the .00001% of crazy and applying it to everyone in a branch of government. I could be wrong but I don’t think I’ve heard any government leaders advocate for litter boxes in schools. I’ve heard government leaders talk about Jewish space lasers and ingesting bleach though!

You know what’s really crazy? Bans on bump stocks were just overturned. Which will end up killing more kids in the next school shooting. Call me crazy but I’d rather have my kids walk past a litter box in their school bathroom then have a kid walk by them in the halls with a gun fitted with a bump stock. In an ideal world they wouldn’t have to deal with both, but school shootings are a helluva lot more common and damaging than a couple of supposed litter boxes.
The fact that you said anything about litter boxes in schools means that your entire post is worthless. Please show me proof that they exist.

The saddest part is that the people who fall for this nonsense are also railing against the evil MSM.
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The saddest part is that the people who fall for this nonsense are also railing against the evil MSM.
Some folks need killing! It’s time for somebody to say it. It’s not a matter of vengeance. It’s not a matter of being mean or spiteful. It’s a matter of necessity!”

From the Republican candidate for gov of N.C. But yeah, OMG litter boxes.
Some folks need killing! It’s time for somebody to say it. It’s not a matter of vengeance. It’s not a matter of being mean or spiteful. It’s a matter of necessity!”

From the Republican candidate for gov of N.C. But yeah, OMG litter boxes.
Trump called this guy MLK on steroids.
Agree with you on the zaney drift the left has taken in many of those areas. However, not one of those is in the official Democratic party platform. These are not agendas the Biden administration is pushing. Gender classifications? Furies? Unregulated border? UNREGULATED? Decriminalizing dangerous drugs? Which one? No prosecution for looting or shoplifting? Really? The DNC or Biden is pushing that? Pushing for transgender participation in sports? Really?

These are all coming from looney local politicians or activists. And as Bill Maher correctly points out, biden's and the DNC's failure is in not pushing back. Things either go into the "red" bucket or the "blue" bucket. Those way-betond-the-mainstream things are going in the blue one.

To me the most important demarcation between these two candidates is that one of them is willing to play by the election rules that have served us for nearly 250 years and trump is not. Taihtsat
Right here is one of my concerns. Some of the stuff that is in their platform is problematic. The stuff that they don't mention is worse.

Same with the Republicans. It concerns me a great deal that Trump, assuming he's elected, wants to reduce the Republican platform to key points. Apparently now it's 60-some pages. He wants it to be something like 6 or 8 (I don't recall, but less than 10 pages) of the central points that are easily consumed. Problem I see there is that it reduces the platform to the few central things that stir people up, and then doesn't provide information on other things that matter. And, there's going to be little detail - it'll reduce their entire platform to sound bites that cater to people with short attention spans and limited understanding.

I'd rather both parties gave detailed statements of where they are on as many issues as they can think of, and let me go look up their position on what I care about. Don't give bullet points on the biggest 10 items, that's just not enough.

Not that I'm buying what either party is selling anyway...but there are millions who eat that up, and simplifying/condensing isn't going to lead to any further education of the voting population.
There are tens of millions of people who can't stand Trump, but who are also nauseated by how transparently fake the Democrats have become with vote mongering wokeism. You've said before that you're waiting for the silly GOP party to wake TF up and migrate back towards sensible, modern conservatism, and so many of us are right there with you.

People say the GOP has lost their minds, and in many ways, they're right, but my God. How can we not look objectively at the Democrats and not question them? 54+ different gender recognitions, litter boxes in high school bathrooms for kids who identify as "furies," defund the police, congresspeople wearing traditional African Kente cloths (and subsequently pissing off the African community), transgender rights extended to include access to women's private spaces and sports teams, open and unregulated borders, decriminalization of hard drugs, no prosecution for looting and shoplifting. And then there's Joe Biden. A guy who when he was over 60 years old laughed at the notion of recognizing gay marriage, wanted street criminals tossed in jail, wanted the border to be closed. Now, suddenly, he's done a 180 degree pivot. You know as well as I do that older people don't move off of their beliefs. He's lying through his teeth about the policy he's preaching about today.

I mention these things because for so many people, myself included, the filth of Donald Trump is easier to process. A sleezy Manhattan business mogul, Hollywood Wanna-Be, married multiple times, sleeps with porn stars. We see that all the time with politicians, the super-rich, professional athletes, celebrities, etc. I think it's disgusting, but again, it's "normal" American upper crust BS. I mean, look at the rap industry and the image of wealthy black entertainers. People love Snoop-Dogg, right? What I outlined above with the Democrats is something that so many of us cannot relate to AT ALL.

When you ask, how could anyone vote for Donald Trump, there's your answer. He's a pig, but he's a relatable pig for many people. What Joe Biden is and where liberalism has pivoted to is something that makes a lot of us feel cringy.
Cringy perhaps but you’ll support Biden’s President by committee with your time, energy and vote.
Right here is one of my concerns. Some of the stuff that is in their platform is problematic. The stuff that they don't mention is worse.

Same with the Republicans. It concerns me a great deal that Trump, assuming he's elected, wants to reduce the Republican platform to key points. Apparently now it's 60-some pages. He wants it to be something like 6 or 8 (I don't recall, but less than 10 pages) of the central points that are easily consumed. Problem I see there is that it reduces the platform to the few central things that stir people up, and then doesn't provide information on other things that matter. And, there's going to be little detail - it'll reduce their entire platform to sound bites that cater to people with short attention spans and limited understanding.

I'd rather both parties gave detailed statements of where they are on as many issues as they can think of, and let me go look up their position on what I care about. Don't give bullet points on the biggest 10 items, that's just not enough.

Not that I'm buying what either party is selling anyway...but there are millions who eat that up, and simplifying/condensing isn't going to lead to any further education of the voting population.
Well, last time they didn’t have a platform, so progress, I guess.
Yep those leftist loonies.

Oh and I think we went 5 or 6 posts without any personal insults. Thanks for kicking that back up.

Oh and edit - "framed and persecuted'? - are you serious? And his words don't need to be taken out of context. They are full of enough lies, threats, insults etc. to be printed without context garbling. And I'm still waiting for one of you Trumpers to identify exactly who the "many fine people" were that were on the side of the Charlottsville demonstration that was planned and a permit obtained by a self-described White nationalist.

The truth about Charlottsville is that there were a MINORITY of so called FINE PEOPLE, MIXED IN, PART of the people(both the nationalist, and the few good people), that were there to protest the statues being taken down.

Now some to lots of those people didn't want the statues taken down because the statues were wrongfully their heroes(not because the statues like General Lee were racist(he wasn't a racist(wrong, fought on wrong side, but not a racist, and a good Christian, honorable man), because they have wrongly adopted, adapted the confederate battle flag, and General Lee, etc, as symbols of their racism, hate.

Some, few there were good, fine people that just didn't want the statues taken down. And some of the few actually fine people were deceived, didn't know that the majority that would be there, would be the racist white supremacist.

Trump was referring to the few who were actually fine people, and his comments that day, was designed to be diplomatic, and try to have peace between both sides, between both the white supremacist, the few rare actual fine people there, and the libtard socialist, communist, social justice warriors, black lives matter, antifa hate, terrorist, socialist, communist, etc, thugs, etc, that showed up, etc.

Trump's intention that day were seemingly good, but he Trump incompetently, etc, said his many of them fine people comment.

He Trump should have known the comment would not go over well, and that it would be spin doctored, etc, as probably most president's would not make a comment like that.

But altho Trump's intentions were probably good that day, the comment was a STUPIDLY BAD COMMENT.

In a way, the comment Trump made about Charlottesville was semi like his "And some of them are good people" comment, that meant that some of the illegal immigrants are good people, and some of the illegal immigrants are cartels, human traffickers, drug distributors, gangs, criminals, thugs, terrorist, etc, that got spinned by the spin doctors to supposedly incorrectly mean that it was supposedly a racist comment about illegal alien immigrants.

Even tho Trump may have had good intentions, etc, that still does NOT make Trump a good candidate, not a criminal felon, not responsible for Jan 6 riots, etc, as he Trump is a criminal felon, that is responsible for Jan 6 riots, and is worst candidate ever, and shouldn't be voted for, just like Biden shouldn't be voted for either.
Waters statement was simply an example of times that the left has threatened folks that they don't agree with. Like Chuck Schumer's threat against the Supreme Court, after which a nutcase travels across the country to try to kill Justice Kavanaugh. Remember that people in glass houses should not throw stones. If Trump's speech on January 6th is to be interpreted as inciting the capital riot, then statements like those given by Waters, Schumer, squad members, etc must also seen as threats to incite violence.

Waters, Schumer, Squad members, Trump, etc, ALL OF THEM ARE EQUALLY GUILTY.


Saying "BUT WATERS, SCHUMER, DID IT TOO, JUST LIKE TRUMP", as if it makes it ok for Trump to have done the same in regards to Jan 6 Riots, is STUPID.

The fact is that Jan 6 riots happened. The Proud boys, oathkeepers, leaders, etc, that participated are, have been rightly jailed for it. Many that participated have gone on record that the only reason they participated, was that they thought the election had been rigged, stolen, etc, and that Trump had called on them to do so, participate in the Jan 6 riots, etc.

Trump is partially responsible, accountable, on the hook for, etc, for the Jan 6 riots. Trump's FIERY RHETORIC CLEARLY INCITED THE JAN 6 RIOTS, VIOLENCE, ETC. TRUMP DID NOTHING TO STOP IT, AND LET IT HAPPEN, ETC.

While its borderline, Questionable, debateable, on whether it was legal, illegal, etc, what Trump did, allowed, intentions, etc, was clear, makes it clear, etc, that Trump is at least partially, semi responsible for Jan 6 riots, etc, and that that makes him Trump a power hungry former president, current candidate that won't ever surrender, give up, quit, accept that he's lost, etc, and as such should have been impeached over, about Jan 6 riots, and is a reason why he Trump is not a good, is not a acceptable candidate, should not be voted for, etc.
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Clearly that is a much better method than reading what my eyes see and listening to what my ears hear

How does Trump apply the Vulcan mind meld without pressing his fingers to 70 million temples?
How does any cult leader do it? Same. Pander to their greatest irrational fears. In this case he's hit on the "white-grievance" one exceptionally well and additionally pandering to the apoplectic Christian right.

Do you fit into either of those, or maybe there's a third group I'm missing. Taihtsat
Are you saying you take trump at his word, that he's being absolutely truthful and honest in spite of what he's said about "retribution"? As well as keeping counsel with Stephen Miller, Michael Flynn, and employed Steve bannen who boasted that trump wanted to dismantle the administrative state? How's he cozied up to and courted some of the most radical Christian evangelicals while using the bible as a prop?

You didn't notice how as his administration progressed and his initial appointees left or were let go, the replacements (not only didn't go through senate confirmation hearing) were increasingly "yes" men and women?

Any of this seem in conflict with the aims of Project 2025?
If you refuse to believe what he says, your mind is closed. It’s the same as believing Biden no matter what he says.

Admittedly, parts of Project 2025 are consistent with Trump’s drain the swamp rhetoric. He largely failed drain the swamp in his first term, for whatever that means.
How does any cult leader do it? Same. Pander to their greatest irrational fears. In this case he's hit on the "white-grievance" one exceptionally well and additionally pandering to the apoplectic Christian right.

Do you fit into either of those, or maybe there's a third group I'm missing. Taihtsat
Tell the same lies over and over until people eventually believe it. Joseph Goebells 101.
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Clearly that is a much better method than reading what my eyes see and listening to what my ears hear

How does Trump apply the Vulcan mind meld without pressing his fingers to 70 million temples?
He’ll borrow MJT’s space laser.
The fact that you said anything about litter boxes in schools means that your entire post is worthless. Please show me proof that they exist.

There was a "furey" at my kids high school. Litter box? I don't think so, but this person was in costume every day and ate lunch out of cat dish. I assure you that I'm not making this up.
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Had to look that one up. Rubicon. Kind of a funny term to use, but whatever. Hillary did win the popular vote, but that is irrelevant at this point.

I prefer to look at the next 4 years.

The Repugnant ones look poised to win the Senate, and probably keep the House as well. Putting Trump back in office as well is a frightening concept to me. 4 years of revenge, retribution, mindless and endless legal wild goose chases. Gutting just about everything. More tax cuts for millionaires. Gutting of the EPA, Dept of Education, etc. Wiping out any administrative officials that even smell like Democrats. Coddling of dictators Putin, Jung and the Chinese guy. Complete destruction of relationships with our European allies. Likely fall of Ukraine. Stacking the Administration with unqualified cronies. Further deterioration of Women's rights. Probably the one thing that wouldn't bother me too much would be a draconian crackdown on and shutdown of the border. And just a lot of hate and continued vitriol for the next 4 years. I would bet that there are a lot of Repugnant ones on Capitol Hill that would breathe a sigh of relief if he loses.

If Biden wins? With Trump out of the way (we can only hope), a possibility to bring back some civility and possible bipartisanship to address the many issues of the US. Starting with further Border fixes. Of which the bipartisan bill that was deep-sixed due to Trump's influence would have been a good start. That legislation WAS supported by the Border Patrol Union. An even-handed foreign policy. Is Biden kind of losing it? Yeah, but he's not THAT bad mentally. And younger than 14 members of Congress. Soon to be 12 when Feinstein and Napolitano retire in the fall. Now there is a whole 'nother discussion.

So to me it is a stark difference. And an obvious choice. You cannot tell me that Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Lauren Boebert, Josh Hawley, Paul Gosar, Kari Lake and their ilk are good for this country. And yes I can say the same for the Squad on the other side.
IMHO, a huge gutting is what is needed. The needle has swung so far into the administrative bloat and entitlements direction, in large part due to a couple of RINO presidents who share the same last name, that the current budgeting is simply out of control. Yes, I mean military too. And (especially) foreign aid.

It'll all get brought back eventually anyway, but the normal ebb and flow of government expansion and contraction has been broken for about 30 years. The last person who even made a serious effort was Clinton with welfare, and that wasn't as much budgetary as it was a rebooting of the program to (try to) keep women from shitting out kids for extra welfare money. Anyone know if it worked?
My guess is that many of you are removed from raising kids in K-12 public schools, but I can assure that these types of weirdo peer groups are a real, and growing thing. Kids are identifying as many things today, and honestly, I could care less what they do generally. What I do care about is that public schools carve out spaces for this nonsense.

Oklahoma taking action against Furries
Utah Middle School Walk Out
Furries with Satanic Symbols in Sacramento
Furries in the UK
What I don't understand is the need for public affirmation. Nay, compulsory public affirmation. This is the sociological and psychological definition of deviant behavior (well... it used to be). If you deviate from the norm, you can fully expect to be: lauded, shunned, stared at, whispered about, laughed at, and accepted by some. But this edict that simply ignoring the cat weirdo isn't enough, you now have to high five them and play with the feather toy with them else be condemned as a (insert prefix)phobe and having committed a hate crime is asinine and completely defies logic and reason.

Look dude, you think you're a fcking cat - FINE. Keep you cat shit at home and don't be a distraction at school, for your own and others benefit.
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