I believe that's what all of us are saying. Republicans in particular used to put forward candidates that we could be legitimately proud of. Bush Sr. was the first President that I could vote for and I was happy to vote for him and felt that he got screwed in 1992 for things that were out of his control. Dole in 1996 was a hell of a lot better man than anyone in politics today. Bush Jr was a little more divisive but was far better regarded by most non-liberals by the time he was done. He was guilty of giving Cheney too much rope though. McCain would have won if he hadn't picked Sarah Palin. She was the first sign that the GOP was losing its way. Mitt Romney was a good choice even though the maniacal GOP of today wouldn't agree. Lots of good candidates over the years and now we have an entire stage of pathetic wannabes or has beens. To quote the Cheeto...."It's very sad".
I can't think of glaring negatives of Bush Sr. He kind of got saddled with economic issues as the Reagan-era boom started to fade. But his bigger sin was winning the Gulf War and failing to remove Saddam. People didn't understand that there was a good and logical reason for that - Saddam actually stabilized the region.
Dole's biggest problem was that he was a step backward. Voters had moved to the new generation when they elected Clinton. Electing Dole seemed too much like giving control back to grandpa. And he was just so bland.
Bush Jr. was a waste of 8 years. He's the real originator of "alternate facts," and didn't have the sense to follow daddy's lead in stabilizing the Middle East. Cheney was running
way too much while George was in his room reading comic books or something, and channeling as much as possible of Iraq/Afghanistan into his own pockets.
McCain looked pretty good for years, but when he started actively campaigning, his cheese slipped off the cracker. Dude seemed nuts well before he picked Palin...although that was certainly his nuttiest move. His team's screening of her couldn't have been very good, since she couldn't answer basic questions in a simple interview. She wasn't the first sign the GOP was losing its way though - Little Bush was a pretty good sign of that.
Romney had some of the same issues as Dole. He was boring, and came off as too much of a used car salesman. No new ideas, he was just a default back to the typical Republican.
Right now, I'd be fairly happy if there were R's that would default back to the old model. Now I consider "typical Republican" to be a pretty bad thing.