In regards to Flats and others posts on the matter, I am capable of reading between the lines. The message is shut up and get your kids vaxxed. We know more than you on the subject.First, I reread flats post. Not one mention of Chips kids .
Two, maybe it is hyperbole on Chips part but he is talking about defending the castle to save his kids from the govt coming to get his kids jabbed. The studies aren’t even done with regards to young kids so they haven’t authorized usage, and may not . The data will lead to that decision .
So no one is coming out to chips fortress and holding down his kids to stick them with a needle. If they prove the vaccine is effective and safe Chip will have a decision to make just as my parents made and I had to make.
Third you have a lot of people to punch in the face then . Your niece’s doc who said they had to be vaxed, school board who said they had to be vaxed, the sports programs that said they have to be vaxed. I was told to get the kids vaxed or some things they wanted to do would not be an option for them . It was mandated so we didn’t have to give an opinion on this board because the choices were not palatable.
People play doctor fauci because vaccines are older then you and I. If you were a mechanic and wanted to start a gas engine, you know the basics. Fuel , spark, air. It has been known forever. Now you want to make the engine go faster, one way to do it is allow more air. So you do “lab work” and find out how much air you let in to be safe for the engine. Once that is done you don’t say the engine work will make the wheels fall off, or it will ruin the interior .
They know the numbers . The numbers here in sc are staggering . At a local hospital 560 covid cases, 509 not vaxed. What do people need to see? I mentioned a friends granddaughter .. a preemie two years ago. She is compromised . Her safety is at risk. Others behavior , not being vaxed, not wearing masks impacts her life and will continue to do so. Understood , such a small population that is a sacrifice we can make, sacrifice the one for our own good.
My daughter has a grade school friend from years ago who now has a brain tumor. The time she has left she has to be shut in. Again, I know, anecdotal and such a small part of our society.
A friend of mine down at the club has rheumatoid arthritis… he can’t go see his daughter via a plane trip because of the risks associated with it. Again, a small segment.
People overweight , kids who are diabetics so on and so forth are affected by others decision . But again, smaller portion of the population.
I haven’t even spoke of economic impact of it all.
So maybe there wouldn’t be so many Dr Fauci’s if there weren’t so many Rand Paul’s. And what the Rand Paul’s have not once offered is a way to mitigate the covid and delta. They have said once you get, sprinkle some hydroxy on your corn flakes sticks a flashlight up your backside and get some horse dewormer because Joe Rogan did it. What helped Rogan get through his covid is what helps virtually all the break though cases … he apparently was vaxed. The rest is for show.
When someone offers me even a sprinkle of a way to mitigate the problem other than a vaccine I am all ears.
A year ago the Rand Paul’s were saying it is just the flu. Not once did I hear from them (as I did from a biotech ceo friend of mine) that there could be mutations way more dangerous and way more transmissible than the original covid. They acted like the “flu” would be static and still do. If others could show me the data that that delta won’t mutate into something that starts affecting people from 30 to 60 then I would understand their position. They can’t!
It is a lot of the same people who if you don't vote for who I vote for, you are racist...even if you support Larry Elder.
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