Buddy you keep bringing up what has to be a very rare situation and you present it as something that happens every day.
Ed, most to almost all people, including myself, don't have any issue with a person who is born with both male, female chromosomes, both estrogen, testosterone, both male, female genitalia, either choosing biological gender at birth, an or doing surgery, an or waiting until later, before making choices, an or using both restrooms, etc, etc, etc.
Such situations are ultimate extremely rare, like about .00001% of 1%, as a rough example number.
Most transgenders ED(except for the rare exceptions), either have the SCIENTIFIC, MEDICAL DIAGNOSED GENDER DYSPHORIA(A mental disorder, where they the mentally believe, pretend, think, etc, that they should have been born the opposite of their biological M/F gender, or are the opposite of their M/F gender.), or they pretend, or they are cross dressing drag queens, etc.
And those transgenders, all transgenders, have equal rights, deserve love, respect, acceptance.
The problem with those type of transgenders:
1. Even tho it's not transgenders fault, Rapist, can pretend to be transgenders, and can use that to rape women. Because of that, for the sake of women's SAFETY, RIGHTS, ETC, Transgenders should not be allowed to use women's bathroom's, when there are women in the bathroom.
2. Transgenders have a unfair advantage over women in sports, and also endanger the safety of women in some sports, and because of this should not be allowed to compete in Women's sports until they find a way to fix that.
3.Transgenders demand superior rights in addition to equal rights, and demand approval, and they and some laws, places of employment, demand that people play along with their FANTASY, and use the pronoun that they demand, OR ELSE DIRE CONSEQUENCES(Beating people up, suing people, getting people fired, etc)
4. Shoving everyone's faces into Transgenderism, and into their transgender status, life, behavior, etc.
5. Becoming a slippery slope, where people use the transgenders issues as examples, justification, etc, about, on, why identifying as things like identifying as a horse, pedophile, anything, everything, whatever, is ok, and demands acceptance, approval, tolerance, and for people to go along with their FANTASY, etc.
If people are, want to be transgender, that's ok. It's none of my business, and none of anybody else's business, and transgenders can do what they want as long as legal, and as long as doesn't trample on the rights of others, etc.
I have a friend who is transgender. He was born as a male, And he came out as a female transgender, And he doesn't care that I call him a He, and I don't care if he is transgender or not. The important thing is that were friends.
Transgenders, and our society needs to follow that example, and not force, shove transgenderism on everyone, and not be bigoted against them, etc.
But that said biological transgenders that are literally biologically born both M/F gender is ultimate extremely rare. And most of those do get accomodations, don't get a lot of bigotry, etc, and most are accepted, etc, for what they are.
So it's really pointless to talk about Transgenders that are literally born both ways.
Rather, you should talk about Gender Dysphoria Transgenders instead, because they are 99.9999% of the ones, that the transgender issue(s) revolves around.