Polio was eradicated from India, where sanitation remains extremely poor. And by and large sanitation in the USA was world leading by the 50s.
As for emergency use authorization, after 100s of millions doses worldwide, mRNA vaccines create a higher risk of myocarditis in under 30 males and the J&J type increase the risk of brain hemorrhage in pre menopausal women. 18 males and 30 some females to date. We live in a "real time" world with "real time" analysis and data bases now. The only "study" that ever showed any long term adverse effect of a vaccine, has long since been debunked, and the author's medical license rescinded for falsifying data. The damage was done though.
Their is no evidence that people who have previously been infected are adversely impacted by the vaccines. Vaccines have been shown to provide greater protection than a prior infection. Could there be a pervasive long term adverse consequence to the vaccines not identified yet? Possibly, there is a first time for anything.
And you wouldn't be taking the vaccine and the very small risk associate therewith for you, you'd be manning up and take that very small risk because you are a team player, and it is to help society at large. The more of us taking it, the fewer grannies, grandpas, and the sick will die as a result in the future. Remember, we thought whooping cough, chicken pox and measles were things of the past, until idiots stopped vaccinating their kids.
The world is only overpopulated now because doctors are so damn good at what they do, not because they are killing millions.