Bizarro world thread

There was a "furey" at my kids high school. Litter box? I don't think so, but this person was in costume every day and ate lunch out of cat dish. I assure you that I'm not making this up.
The furrys have been around for probably 20 years. It’s no different than the goth kids, or whatever other subcultures there are, there will be something new in another 10 years too. As long as they aren’t causing problems who gives a shit. I was sort of a preppy/jock in HS but I had a few friends who were goth and they were good people. If they think it gives them a license to disrupt class, then send em home. And if they want to shit in a litter box they can do that at home too.
The furrys have been around for probably 20 years. It’s no different than the goth kids, or whatever other subcultures there are, there will be something new in another 10 years too. As long as they aren’t causing problems who gives a shit. I was sort of a preppy/jock in HS but I had a few friends who were goth and they were good people. If they think it gives them a license to disrupt class, then send em home. And if they want to shit in a litter box they can do that at home too.
Even actual 4 legged cats can be trained to crap in a toilet. If 2 legged "cats" want to crap in a box, then send them home until they have learned the proper technique of using a toilet.
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Even actual 4 legged cats can be trained to crap in a toilet. If 2 legged "cats" want to crap in a box, then send them home until they have learned the proper technique of using a toilet.
Anyone who “identifies as a cat” and thinks they need to shut in a box has a mental disorder that requires professional treatment
Anyone who “identifies as a cat” and thinks they need to shut in a box has a mental disorder that requires professional treatment
This is f-ed up. I'm with the Oklahoma people on this - call animal control. Gawd we are a f-ed up country right now.
If you refuse to believe what he says, your mind is closed. It’s the same as believing Biden no matter what he says.

Admittedly, parts of Project 2025 are consistent with Trump’s drain the swamp rhetoric. He largely failed drain the swamp in his first term, for whatever that means.
Seriously, why would anyone take trump at his word? He is the least credible public figure EVER. Taihtsat
Seriously, why would anyone take trump at his word? He is the least credible public figure EVER. Taihtsat
Are you refusing to believe anything Trump says? That’s how your post reads. Conversely, are you going to believe everything that Biden says, just because he said it?
Are you refusing to believe anything Trump says? That’s how your post reads. Conversely, are you going to believe everything that Biden says, just because he said it?
Trump is terrifying and will be a dictator.

All the experts say so. Trust their science.

Trust more people like Jimmy Dore instead.
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Are you refusing to believe anything Trump says? That’s how your post reads. Conversely, are you going to believe everything that Biden says, just because he said it?
I believe he grabs women by the p$$y.
Are you refusing to believe anything Trump says? That’s how your post reads. Conversely, are you going to believe everything that Biden says, just because he said it?
Yes I am. Until he demonstrates differently. Which I am open to, if or when it happens. He has not earned the right to be taken at his word. I'm surprised this is a difficult concept for you.

Dgibs, I appreciate that you stay and discuss. I do wonder what it is is about this particular guy that compels you to attempt to defend him. Is it the lawyer in you? I also appreciate that as well. It digs into the nuance a bit.

But at the same time, what about the old saying that when someone shows you who they are, take them at their word. Do you really think trump is credible? Just that statement alone? Not compared to anyone else. Is he credible? Do you find him credible? Do you trust him when he speaks?
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Yes I am. Until he demonstrates differently. Which I am open to, if or when it happens. He has not earned the right to be taken at his word. I'm surprised this is a difficult concept for you.

Dgibs, I appreciate that you stay and discuss. I do wonder what it is is about this particular guy that compels you to attempt to defend him. Is it the layer in you? I also appreciate that as well. It digs into the nuance a bit.

But at the same time, what about the old saying that when someone shows you who they are, take them at their word. Do you really think trump is credible? Just that statement alone? Not compared to anyone else. Is he credible? Do you find him credible? Do you trust him when he speaks?
First, you’re contradicting yourself. Trump says he’s no on Project 2025. But according to you he’s doing it. Then you want to take him at his word in some other context. So, Trump is either lying about doing something good or about not doing something bad, or is doing something bad.

Trump is no more arrogant, narcissistic, immoral, amoral, or whatever, then his predecessor or his successor. The only real difference is he makes no attempt to hide it. I assume you watched Biden’s interview last night. He said flat out that unless the All Mighty comes down and tells him to drop out, he won’t. And when asked given that he’s campaigning on Trump being the end of democracy, how he would feel if he losses, Biden says that as long as have it his all that’s just the way it goes. It’s all horseshit.

And as I’ve said before I’ve never voted for Trump. And I’ve never voted for Biden or Hillary.
First, you’re contradicting yourself. Trump says he’s no on Project 2025. But according to you he’s doing it. Then you want to take him at his word in some other context. So, Trump is either lying about doing something good or about not doing something bad, or is doing something bad.

Trump is no more arrogant, narcissistic, immoral, amoral, or whatever, then his predecessor or his successor. The only real difference is he makes no attempt to hide it. I assume you watched Biden’s interview last night. He said flat out that unless the All Mighty comes down and tells him to drop out, he won’t. And when asked given that he’s campaigning on Trump being the end of democracy, how he would feel if he losses, Biden says that as long as have it his all that’s just the way it goes. It’s all horseshit.

And as I’ve said before I’ve never voted for Trump. And I’ve never voted for Biden or Hillary.
And you conveniently ignore some of his advisors being on project 2025.

And Trump’s fav for gov in NC says so,e people just need to be killed for being gay, liberal or just disagreeing with him.
And you conveniently ignore some of his advisors being on project 2025.

And Trump’s fav for gov in NC says so,e people just need to be killed for being gay, liberal or just disagreeing with him.

Hold on there Spike, even tho I won't vote for Trump, and that Trump is a bad, etc, candidate, a felon, criminal etc, and even tho Trump endorses that candidate, that candidate did not say what your saying he said.

He is being misrepresented. Now some of that might be partially his fault, as what that candidate said was a little ambiguous, etc.

That candidate did say that some people needed killing, etc, but he when he said that, he used USA, etc, killing Hitler, as a example of how, what people needed to be killed, etc.

He, that candidate did not say something like "Such and such group, minority needed killing, etc". And he didn't hint at anything like that in his words. And he did goto great lengths to explain, clarify his view on the matter.

Then he, that candidate then talked about, said that gay people, LGBT people, sinners, non believers, etc, were sinning against God, and that they were a problem to society, and sinners against God, and that God according to scriptures, etc, would punish them, and that they would goto hell, etc.

He, that candidate, pretty much didn't pull any punches, and was all hellfire and damnation, fiery in his words, etc, like some preachers are sadly, unfortunately like. And he, that candidate is comparable to some of the crazy preachers, I have heard, but despite that, he, that candidate still didn't directly, or indirectly, or even hint at that anybody should go around exterminating, killing, etc, political opponents, minority groups, etc.

That said, it was clear from his comments, words, etc, that he was being mean, harsh, and that he seems like, is a bigot, hater, didn't love those people, groups of people, and judged, condemned them, and seemingly doesn't follow where Jesus said to love your enemies, turn the other cheek, be merciful, kind, don't condemn, and that Jesus ate dinner, hanged out with tax collectors, sinners, etc, and that he Jesus even forgave Roman's on the cross, and that Jesus taught us, people to forgive, etc.

But that said, from a legal, court of law standpoint, that candidate's words wasn't technically condoning murder, or telling people to murder, kill political opponents, minority groups, wasnt technically inciting violence, etc.

But like KKK, white Supremacist, etc, his words either do, does, probably foment, teach, cause, incite, etc, hate, intolerance, etc, but not because he either directly, indirectly said it, as he technically didn't say, or even hint at it, etc, but because that preacher's followers base, etc, based on his words, probably some to a lot to semi most of that preachers base, followers, are probably racist, bigots, haters, and probably are stupid enough to think the preacher was calling on them to kill people like minorities, etc, so wouldn't surprise me if one of that preachers base, followers, supporters, etc, was, were to be stupid enough, and a big enough hater, bigot, etc, to go off a crazily kill somebody.

Whether that's what he feels, thinks, etc, that's what his words mean, are, etc, will probably cause, etc, whatever his intentions, etc, were. That preacher doesn't understand, that just because you can legally say something, have rights, etc, doesn't mean you should and risk a stupid follower doing something crazy, because if someone says something crazy, but still technically legal, within their rights, etc.

And then the media spin doctored his words and lots of people because of that think he, that candidate broke laws, incited violence, etc.

On, about what that candidate said, etc, we as a society need to be very careful, because altho on 1 hand we don't want hate, violence, riots, etc, on the other hand, we don't want peoples first amendment constitutional rights violated, trampled on, etc, but that at same time, safety, others rights are also important things, and that there needs to be balance, and a legal line, and if a person crosses that line, then there needs to be consequences.

The constitution does a pretty dam good job defining where the line is. That candidate altho was technically still legally within the law, was very close, borderline to be right on the edge, boundary, etc, of that line, just like what a lot of crazy preachers, white supremacist, bigots, haters, etc, do, sadly, unfortunately, where hard to stop them(like the Neo Nazi Parade, where they would hold the parade, get a permit, and technically legally spout their hate, vitriol, garbage, and there was almost nothing people could legally do to stop it, other then to boycott, ignore them, etc(which is what enough people did to the point where it was almost pointless, nobody to preach to, etc, which caused them to be marginalized, etc.)

That candidate, didn't break laws, etc, in what he said, but based on what he did say, that's a candidate I wouldn't vote for, and he sounds like, is a crazy preacher.

That said it's important that when media covers candidates like that, that they do so accurately, and don't incorrectly misrepresent, spin what they said, and it's important for people to learn what they actually say, mean, etc, and not just buy into media soundbites, spin, etc, about what people, candidates, etc, say, mean etc, especially in elections.

Altho I'm sure the media in general is technically legal, not breaking laws, etc, I would like to see more laws, guidelines, etc, that are still constitutional, that still technically doesn't violate the first amendment, free press, etc, but that also limits all the BS the media spins about candidates, etc, in elections, etc.

Maybe something like requiring media to have something comparable to how food has informational food labels, maybe something comparable to that, where media needs to have informational labels, etc.

I know the problem with that, and what the media would say, that there times when need to keep sources secret, and that if don't do that, that sources won't come forward, etc.

But something that's legal, doesn't tread on rights, etc, needs to be done. What that is, etc, I am open, all ears, etc.
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And you conveniently ignore some of his advisors being on project 2025.

And Trump’s fav for gov in NC says so,e people just need to be killed for being gay, liberal or just disagreeing with him.
Advisors or former advisors?

I said above that it’s consistent with his drain the swamp rhetoric.
What I don't understand is the need for public affirmation. Nay, compulsory public affirmation. This is the sociological and psychological definition of deviant behavior (well... it used to be). If you deviate from the norm, you can fully expect to be: lauded, shunned, stared at, whispered about, laughed at, and accepted by some. But this edict that simply ignoring the cat weirdo isn't enough, you now have to high five them and play with the feather toy with them else be condemned as a (insert prefix)phobe and having committed a hate crime is asinine and completely defies logic and reason.

Look dude, you think you're a fcking cat - FINE. Keep you cat shit at home and don't be a distraction at school, for your own and others benefit.

Here's the deal about this discussion.

First, I agree that it's stupid that any parent allows their kid to be a "furry" and I think it's even dumber for schools to be compelled to adapt to them. I don't think we should be allowing a$$ cracks to be visible (I'm not sure if that's even a thing anymore but still) and I don't think that transgender "girls" should be competing in girl's sports. I hate the whole pronoun thing because it's objectively dumb. The left has a lot of bullsh!t going on that I agree that I'm not wild about.

However....the GOP can't help itself and just be normal and just deal with those things. No, we have states trying to force the 10 commandments into schools while they support a f#cking a$$hole who has broken most of them and breaks many of them on a daily basis. The mind blowing hypocrisy of voting for Trump while saying that we need the ten commandments in school is off the charts.

Also, the GOP seeks to weaken public education by diverting money to private education. I don't mind private schools even though I think that they are exclusionary, elitist and misguided. I have a lot of friends and co-workers that send their kids there. However, as long as churches are tax exempt....we shouldn't be giving a dime to any private school, particularly one that is affiliated with a church.

I also found the transgender bathroom panic to be laughable. There is no real history of transgender "girls" sexually assaulting anyone in bathrooms. There is a well established history of transgender people being assaulted for being different. Only a moron really believes that allowing transgender folks into bathrooms of their choice puts people in danger.

In many ways, I do agree with GOP positions. However, when you look at many of each party's policy positions, the Democrats are the party of "freedom" and the GOP has turned into a party that suppresses freedom....other than the freedom to treat others that are different with disrespect. And frankly, the GOP is just as guilty of forcing their views on others as the liberals are. Different views of course.
Here's the deal about this discussion.

First, I agree that it's stupid that any parent allows their kid to be a "furry" and I think it's even dumber for schools to be compelled to adapt to them. I don't think we should be allowing a$$ cracks to be visible (I'm not sure if that's even a thing anymore but still) and I don't think that transgender "girls" should be competing in girl's sports. I hate the whole pronoun thing because it's objectively dumb. The left has a lot of bullsh!t going on that I agree that I'm not wild about.

However....the GOP can't help itself and just be normal and just deal with those things. No, we have states trying to force the 10 commandments into schools while they support a f#cking a$$hole who has broken most of them and breaks many of them on a daily basis. The mind blowing hypocrisy of voting for Trump while saying that we need the ten commandments in school is off the charts.

Also, the GOP seeks to weaken public education by diverting money to private education. I don't mind private schools even though I think that they are exclusionary, elitist and misguided. I have a lot of friends and co-workers that send their kids there. However, as long as churches are tax exempt....we shouldn't be giving a dime to any private school, particularly one that is affiliated with a church.

I also found the transgender bathroom panic to be laughable. There is no real history of transgender "girls" sexually assaulting anyone in bathrooms. There is a well established history of transgender people being assaulted for being different. Only a moron really believes that allowing transgender folks into bathrooms of their choice puts people in danger.

In many ways, I do agree with GOP positions. However, when you look at many of each party's policy positions, the Democrats are the party of "freedom" and the GOP has turned into a party that suppresses freedom....other than the freedom to treat others that are different with disrespect. And frankly, the GOP is just as guilty of forcing their views on others as the liberals are. Different views of course.

Dude, you probably don't know, realize, or maybe don't care etc, but there has been about 3,4, 5 actual cases, situations where biological males, pretending to be females, supposedly identifying as a female that allowed into the girl's, women's bathrooms, lockerrooms, that then proceeded to actually really RAPE a girl, woman.

One of these cases, is why the parents of the Lauden County Virginia School district have been pissed off at the school district leadership, and at the people who pander to the LGBTQ people, and that let supposedly Transgender people go into girl's, women's locker rooms and rape them, etc.

In the Lauden County case, the school and the libtards tried to cover up what happened , etc. A boy claimed that he was transgender, and that they because of the rules had to let him be in the girl's bathroom, where he then used that to rape a girl.

The parents were understandably, rightfully furious over what happened. And when the parents tried to speak up about it, and a school sponsored a town hall, the school district leadership had them the parents of the girl, and others shut up, put out, removed, etc, and the libtard media, billboards, etc, labeled them as crazy conservative parents, that were supposed transgender phobes, etc.

What you and others don't get, understand, is that there are boys, men, who can, do use the laws catering to Transgenders, to pretend to be transgenders, etc, be in girl's bathroom's, etc, even over people's objection, and then have actually raped real, actual girl's, women.

And men, women, people that have tried to stop this from happening by stopping, refusing to let males that pretending, think, etc, that they a female, etc, from entering girl's, women's bathrooms, etc, have been detained, arrested, because of stupid libtard transgender laws, and boys, men have used that to enter girl's, women's bathrooms, lockerrooms, etc, and actually rape, girl's, women, etc.

It's NOT safe to girl's, women, to just let Transgender men, who might or might not be posers, etc, be in girl's, women's bathrooms, and rape them.

It's real FCKING simple, and it's the safest thing to, for girls, women, if you have, were born with a PENIS, then you goto the PENIS, boys, men's room, and if you have, were born with a VAGINA, then you go to the VAGINA, girl's, women's, room. Letting DICK's, with DICK's into Vagina, Girl's, women's room can , and eventually will lead to girl's, women being raped, like what already has happened.

It's FCKING LIBTARDS, that want to pander to the transgender, let transgender men into girl's, women's bathrooms, and potentially endangering girl's, women by doing so, allowing that, such laws to happen.

Girl's, women's rights to privacy, and to not have a dick, with a dick watching, maybe potentially raping them, and the Girl's, Women's right to safety, Trump's Trangender, Dick's with Dick's right's to be in the Girl's, Women's bathroom.

And what your FCKING saying, doing, etc, FCKING enables the FCKING CRAZY, STUPID, BAD, FCKING LIBTARD law's, rules, pandering to Transgender, Dick's with Dick's pretending, thinking they are female, and legally using Girl's, Women's bathrooms, lockerooms, etc, and potentially endangering girl's, women's right to privacy, not have a Dick, with a dick, etc, watch them, not be raped, etc.


And even a transgender friend of mine rightfully thinks it's crazy for Transgender men to use female bathrooms, and be allowed to play female sports with women.

You, and others like you, are real ignoramuses, if you really think that girl's, women, are not being endangered, raped, etc, by letting transgender men, dick's with dicks into female bathrooms where can watch females, rape females, etc.

Seriously, the libtards responsible for the Lauden County Virginia girl being raped by a boy with a dick being allowed in girl's bathroom, because he the boy said "I identify as a female", should be locked up, jailed, etc, for their FCKING STUPIDITY.

And your being as FCKING STUPID as the FCKING LIBTARDS, on, about this issue

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First, you’re contradicting yourself. Trump says he’s no on Project 2025. But according to you he’s doing it. Then you want to take him at his word in some other context. So, Trump is either lying about doing something good or about not doing something bad, or is doing something bad.

Trump is no more arrogant, narcissistic, immoral, amoral, or whatever, then his predecessor or his successor. The only real difference is he makes no attempt to hide it. I assume you watched Biden’s interview last night. He said flat out that unless the All Mighty comes down and tells him to drop out, he won’t. And when asked given that he’s campaigning on Trump being the end of democracy, how he would feel if he losses, Biden says that as long as have it his all that’s just the way it goes. It’s all horseshit.

And as I’ve said before I’ve never voted for Trump. And I’ve never voted for Biden or Hillary.
Well, I never said he IS doing it. I am saying I don't believe his denials just because he's claiming ignorance. Where exactly did I say I take him at his word in another context? I explicitly said I do NOT take him at his word.

I did not watch. I felt no need to.

It appears to me that you have an equally low regard for all politicians: that they all lie and obfuscate and deceive equally. That they're all equally crooked and worthy of scorn. That trump is no different than any of his predecessors morally and that they all are self-serving, politically expedient craftsmen.

So again, you never voted for trump, but you do spend a lot of time offering cover for him. Is that just the lawyer in you? The argument just kinda being the sport of it all? Because that would make perfect sense, especially if my description of you opinion of politicians is accurate.
Dude, you probably don't know, realize, or maybe don't care etc, but there has been about 3,4, 5 actual cases, situations where biological males, pretending to be females, supposedly identifying as a female that allowed into the girl's, women's bathrooms, lockerrooms, that then proceeded to actually really RAPE a girl, woman.

One of these cases, is why the parents of the Lauden County Virginia School district have been pissed off at the school district leadership, and at the people who pander to the LGBTQ people, and that let supposedly Transgender people go into girl's, women's locker rooms and rape them, etc.

In the Lauden County case, the school and the libtards tried to cover up what happened , etc. A boy claimed that he was transgender, and that they because of the rules had to let him be in the girl's bathroom, where he then used that to rape a girl.

The parents were understandably, rightfully furious over what happened. And when the parents tried to speak up about it, and a school sponsored a town hall, the school district leadership had them the parents of the girl, and others shut up, put out, removed, etc, and the libtard media, billboards, etc, labeled them as crazy conservative parents, that were supposed transgender phobes, etc.

What you and others don't get, understand, is that there are boys, men, who can, do use the laws catering to Transgenders, to pretend to be transgenders, etc, be in girl's bathroom's, etc, even over people's objection, and then have actually raped real, actual girl's, women.

And men, women, people that have tried to stop this from happening by stopping, refusing to let males that pretending, think, etc, that they a female, etc, from entering girl's, women's bathrooms, etc, have been detained, arrested, because of stupid libtard transgender laws, and boys, men have used that to enter girl's, women's bathrooms, lockerrooms, etc, and actually rape, girl's, women, etc.

It's NOT safe to girl's, women, to just let Transgender men, who might or might not be posers, etc, be in girl's, women's bathrooms, and rape them.

It's real FCKING simple, and it's the safest thing to, for girls, women, if you have, were born with a PENIS, then you goto the PENIS, boys, men's room, and if you have, were born with a VAGINA, then you go to the VAGINA, girl's, women's, room. Letting DICK's, with DICK's into Vagina, Girl's, women's room can , and eventually will lead to girl's, women being raped, like what already has happened.

It's FCKING LIBTARDS, that want to pander to the transgender, let transgender men into girl's, women's bathrooms, and potentially endangering girl's, women by doing so, allowing that, such laws to happen.

Girl's, women's rights to privacy, and to not have a dick, with a dick watching, maybe potentially raping them, and the Girl's, Women's right to safety, Trump's Trangender, Dick's with Dick's right's to be in the Girl's, Women's bathroom.

And what your FCKING saying, doing, etc, FCKING enables the FCKING CRAZY, STUPID, BAD, FCKING LIBTARD law's, rules, pandering to Transgender, Dick's with Dick's pretending, thinking they are female, and legally using Girl's, Women's bathrooms, lockerooms, etc, and potentially endangering girl's, women's right to privacy, not have a Dick, with a dick, etc, watch them, not be raped, etc.


And even a transgender friend of mine rightfully thinks it's crazy for Transgender men to use female bathrooms, and be allowed to play female sports with women.

You, and others like you, are real ignoramuses, if you really think that girl's, women, are not being endangered, raped, etc, by letting transgender men, dick's with dicks into female bathrooms where can watch females, rape females, etc.

Seriously, the libtards responsible for the Lauden County Virginia girl being raped by a boy with a dick being allowed in girl's bathroom, because he the boy said "I identify as a female", should be locked up, jailed, etc, for their FCKING STUPIDITY.

And your being as FCKING STUPID as the FCKING LIBTARDS, on, about this issue

Mik, you are confusing a couple things. Let's first stipulate:

1) women have always been at risk in bathrooms. A cis male hell-bent on sexual assault can enter any time they want with or without pretending to be a woman (transgender if you prefer)

2) this very case after reading 2 sources (local NBC affiliate and the wapost) was murky on whether this asshole was dressed in female clothing or not with one of them reporting that there was no evidence this dickwad was identifying as transgender.

3) this lowlife had assaulted a female at a previous school and the parents have filed a suit asserting the district violated title IX by covering up the previous assault and allowing his to transfer to this new school where this 2nd attack occurred.

4) this little fvck was arrested, charged and is awaiting prosecution - just as anyone (transgender or not) would.

5) the first assault occured before the district instituted the transgender bathroom policy

So, unless you have a better source to indicate this rape only occurred because of "transgenderism", your rant is off-base, misdirected and misguided.

Your argument and similar ones from that side are dangerously close to claiming males identify as transgender SO LET so they can get some "tail" and that there is no legitimate cases of people being transgender.

I'll not address the other bogus belief in your screed that sex is binary. Taihtsat...for now
Mik, you are confusing a couple things. Let's first stipulate:

1) women have always been at risk in bathrooms. A cis male hell-bent on sexual assault can enter any time they want with or without pretending to be a woman (transgender if you prefer)

2) this very case after reading 2 sources (local NBC affiliate and the wapost) was murky on whether this asshole was dressed in female clothing or not with one of them reporting that there was no evidence this dickwad was identifying as transgender.

3) this lowlife had assaulted a female at a previous school and the parents have filed a suit asserting the district violated title IX by covering up the previous assault and allowing his to transfer to this new school where this 2nd attack occurred.

4) this little fvck was arrested, charged and is awaiting prosecution - just as anyone (transgender or not) would.

5) the first assault occured before the district instituted the transgender bathroom policy

So, unless you have a better source to indicate this rape only occurred because of "transgenderism", your rant is off-base, misdirected and misguided.

Your argument and similar ones from that side are dangerously close to claiming males identify as transgender SO LET so they can get some "tail" and that there is no legitimate cases of people being transgender.

I'll not address the other bogus belief in your screed that sex is binary. Taihtsat...for now
All the evidence of this that’s really necessary: In Washington state, restroom use has been based on “gender identity” for a long time. There were changes to the law to specifically apply to trans people a decade ago, but the open selection of facilities goes back even further.

Neither of those changes was followed by an increase in rapes in bathrooms, probably because a public bathroom is a shitty place for sexual assault. It’s too open, with too much traffic and too little control. Besides that, anyone who looks like a dude entering/leaving the women’s room draws attention and people remember them. Not what you want if you’re looking for some forcible ass.

I don’t particularly want someone who appears to be a woman coming into the John while I’m bleeding the weasel, but I’m also not going to concern myself too much with it because it’s going to be very rare (in fact…it’s never happened). Arguing against it based on fear of increases in sexual assaults just isn’t borne out by the facts.
All the evidence of this that’s really necessary: In Washington state, restroom use has been based on “gender identity” for a long time. There were changes to the law to specifically apply to trans people a decade ago, but the open selection of facilities goes back even further.

Neither of those changes was followed by an increase in rapes in bathrooms, probably because a public bathroom is a shitty place for sexual assault. It’s too open, with too much traffic and too little control. Besides that, anyone who looks like a dude entering/leaving the women’s room draws attention and people remember them. Not what you want if you’re looking for some forcible ass.

I don’t particularly want someone who appears to be a woman coming into the John while I’m bleeding the weasel, but I’m also not going to concern myself too much with it because it’s going to be very rare (in fact…it’s never happened). Arguing against it based on fear of increases in sexual assaults just isn’t borne out by the facts.
Ok. So first, if your weasel is bleeding, you best be seeing the doctor pronto. Second, if an apparent woman came into the bathroom when I was using it, I would not fret at all. Either it is a chick looking for I don't know what but would be happy to find out, or it is just another guy with a dick. Third, I am a staunch supporter of "if you have a dick, you don't use the women's restroom, nor do you compete in women's sports". Those concepts should be supported by everyone, Red or blue, and it is a shame that America has let this crap get so far out of whack.
Ok. So first, if your weasel is bleeding, you best be seeing the doctor pronto. Second, if an apparent woman came into the bathroom when I was using it, I would not fret at all. Either it is a chick looking for I don't know what but would be happy to find out, or it is just another guy with a dick. Third, I am a staunch supporter of "if you have a dick, you don't use the women's restroom, nor do you compete in women's sports". Those concepts should be supported by everyone, Red or blue, and it is a shame that America has let this crap get so far out of whack.
I’m with you on the sports. There’s no reason anyone with a Y chromosome should be allowed to compete in women’s sports. Even if they “feel like a woman in a man’s body,” the Y gives them physical advantages in many sports.

As for the bathrooms….whatever. I’d be fine if we built more places that just had one bathroom with fully enclosed stalls. It’s a better use of space. However, as a former janitor I’ll allow that in some environments there should be separate rooms…because women are disgusting slobs when they don’t have to clean up the space, and no man should be forced to share space with their mess.
Mik, you are confusing a couple things. Let's first stipulate:

1) women have always been at risk in bathrooms. A cis male hell-bent on sexual assault can enter any time they want with or without pretending to be a woman (transgender if you prefer)

2) this very case after reading 2 sources (local NBC affiliate and the wapost) was murky on whether this asshole was dressed in female clothing or not with one of them reporting that there was no evidence this dickwad was identifying as transgender.

3) this lowlife had assaulted a female at a previous school and the parents have filed a suit asserting the district violated title IX by covering up the previous assault and allowing his to transfer to this new school where this 2nd attack occurred.

4) this little fvck was arrested, charged and is awaiting prosecution - just as anyone (transgender or not) would.

5) the first assault occured before the district instituted the transgender bathroom policy

So, unless you have a better source to indicate this rape only occurred because of "transgenderism", your rant is off-base, misdirected and misguided.

Your argument and similar ones from that side are dangerously close to claiming males identify as transgender SO LET so they can get some "tail" and that there is no legitimate cases of people being transgender.

I'll not address the other bogus belief in your screed that sex is binary. Taihtsat...for now

Penis's go to the Penis lockerroom, bathroom, vaginas go to bathrooms, lockerrooms for vaginas. LIBTARDS THAT disagree, can go FCK OFF, FCK THEMSELVES.
First, you’re contradicting yourself. Trump says he’s no on Project 2025. But according to you he’s doing it. Then you want to take him at his word in some other context. So, Trump is either lying about doing something good or about not doing something bad, or is doing something bad.

Trump is no more arrogant, narcissistic, immoral, amoral, or whatever, then his predecessor or his successor. The only real difference is he makes no attempt to hide it. I assume you watched Biden’s interview last night. He said flat out that unless the All Mighty comes down and tells him to drop out, he won’t. And when asked given that he’s campaigning on Trump being the end of democracy, how he would feel if he losses, Biden says that as long as have it his all that’s just the way it goes. It’s all horseshit.

And as I’ve said before I’ve never voted for Trump. And I’ve never voted for Biden or Hillary.
Do you believe Trump when he says he didn't have sex with Stormy Daniels? Do you believe him when he says he is building a wall and Mexico is paying for it? Do you believe in a debate when he says Biden will raise taxes 3 times what they are now? Do you believe Trump when he claims to have the biggest crowd at his inauguration? He lies so much it is impossible to know when he speaks the truth.

But even his people who were in the White House will tell you a second term will be exceedingly dangerous. So what he wanted to do that was dangerous and illegal those folks were his guardrails. So when you and 11 say "did he do that the first time? " No, he wanted to and the people around him wouldn't let him.
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You’re right, you can’t. They are facts. The wackadoo conspiracy that everyone’s out to get Trump and he’s done nothing wrong is what’s made up.

“I’m no Trump Fan”…lmfao, you are beer bonging the kool aid.
The extreme level of delusion is strong with this one. You haven't presented "facts"... I love how you lunatic leftists use buzz words to try and qualify your lunacy.
Yeah 6 weeks to flatten the curve!!! Fauci is science you know!
Spain....what did Fauci do prior to Covid to make you think he didn't know what he was doing or that he was in it to make tons of money. For discussion sake, I will say Fauci was 100% wrong with his approach and we should have just let it go, not worry about a vaccine and let the survival of the fittest. If it takes out a relative of your or two, or if a relative of yours has a cancer and it takes them out, those are just the way it goes.

So what was Fauci motivation and what had he shown in the past?

And are you for polio and other vaccines that are mandatory for other activities and school should now be optional?
The extreme level of delusion is strong with this one. You haven't presented "facts"... I love how you lunatic leftists use buzz words to try and qualify your lunacy.
I’ll get right on that after I provide proof that the earth isn’t flat.
The extreme level of delusion is strong with this one. You haven't presented "facts"... I love how you lunatic leftists use buzz words to try and qualify your lunacy.
WTF are you even referring to? Shit I had to go back to last Wednesday to find 90's post that you are now replying to. You've got a specific boner for him apparently. And I still can't figure out what you are referring to. "You haven't presented facts". As opposed to your post?

How about you clarify some things. Who among us are the lunatic leftists (I ain't one of them buddy)? What buzz words are they flinging out to qualify their lunacy? And what specifically does this lunacy (and delusion) consist of?
Spain....what did Fauci do prior to Covid to make you think he didn't know what he was doing or that he was in it to make tons of money. For discussion sake, I will say Fauci was 100% wrong with his approach and we should have just let it go, not worry about a vaccine and let the survival of the fittest. If it takes out a relative of your or two, or if a relative of yours has a cancer and it takes them out, those are just the way it goes.

So what was Fauci motivation and what had he shown in the past?

And are you for polio and other vaccines that are mandatory for other activities and school should now be optional?

The thing that the last seven years have proven is that people no longer remember facts if they don't fit their narrative. I do think that there were mistakes made on both sides of the aisle on COVID but the notion that everything was wrong or some kind of attempt at control is just aluminum foil level of thinking.

Of the people that I know that have died in the past 4 years, more died of COVID than anything else. I know another three people that nearly died from took two years to fully recover and another elderly man who never did fully recover although he's still hanging on. I don't know how the third person is doing as we've lost touch. was deadly and needed to be taken seriously. One of my wife's coworkers inadvertently killed her dad because she brought it home from work. He was older and weak and never left the house and COVID took him out. The people living in denial about how dangerous COVID was falls in line with a lot of the other denial that we see these days.
WTF are you even referring to? Shit I had to go back to last Wednesday to find 90's post that you are now replying to. You've got a specific boner for him apparently. And I still can't figure out what you are referring to. "You haven't presented facts". As opposed to your post?

How about you clarify some things. Who among us are the lunatic leftists (I ain't one of them buddy)? What buzz words are they flinging out to qualify their lunacy? And what specifically does this lunacy (and delusion) consist of?
The only fact he believes is that Trump is the chosen one. Everything else is fiction. Let him drown in his kool aid.
The thing that the last seven years have proven is that people no longer remember facts if they don't fit their narrative. I do think that there were mistakes made on both sides of the aisle on COVID but the notion that everything was wrong or some kind of attempt at control is just aluminum foil level of thinking.

Of the people that I know that have died in the past 4 years, more died of COVID than anything else. I know another three people that nearly died from took two years to fully recover and another elderly man who never did fully recover although he's still hanging on. I don't know how the third person is doing as we've lost touch. was deadly and needed to be taken seriously. One of my wife's coworkers inadvertently killed her dad because she brought it home from work. He was older and weak and never left the house and COVID took him out. The people living in denial about how dangerous COVID was falls in line with a lot of the other denial that we see these days.
I have a friend who came down with COVID a few weeks ago. She recovered but was sick as hell for a couple of weeks. Of course she never took the jab. As I've said before, I took it 5 times and am damn glad I did. My then GF and I caught it after 2 or 3 jabs a couple of years ago and both had a short case of the sniffles. The one person that I am familiar with that died from COVID was otherwise healthy but unvaccinated.

A former colleague of mine had a picture - sort of a backlit thing showing 2 people standing about 3 feet apart. Frame one was neither one wearing a mask. The backlit scene showed the "mist" coming from their breaths, reaching each other. Frame 2 showed one with a mask, Mist from her was almost non-existent. Frame 3? Both with masks, mist almost non-existent, neither reaching the other. Were masks the cure-all? No. Did they cut down on the airborne particles? Of course they did. To say that masks did nothing is ludicrous. To say that the vaccines did nothing is ludicrous.
The only fact he believes is that Trump is the chosen one. Everything else is fiction. Let him drown in his kool aid.
You keep harping this notion I have some sort of fanboy, cult-like adoration for Trump when I haven't even defended his actions as person or the type of person he is. I think that is something common with useful idiots such as yourself. You seem to believe that because I refuse to foam at the mouth speaking ill of him that somehow I believe him to be a God of some sort. Leftists are so out of touch with whats real and whats fiction that it would literally take for them to lose everything they had to believe otherwise. Burning buildings behind you as you give an interview "mostly peaceful!". Everytime I see those retarded libbies going postal all I can think of is the sound the QB makes in that Adam Sandler movie The Waterboy..... "Errrrrrrrrr I g g g g got a woo woo wooden spoooooon! Errrrrrr"
You keep harping this notion I have some sort of fanboy, cult-like adoration for Trump when I haven't even defended his actions as person or the type of person he is. I think that is something common with useful idiots such as yourself. You seem to believe that because I refuse to foam at the mouth speaking ill of him that somehow I believe him to be a God of some sort. Leftists are so out of touch with whats real and whats fiction that it would literally take for them to lose everything they had to believe otherwise. Burning buildings behind you as you give an interview "mostly peaceful!". Everytime I see those retarded libbies going postal all I can think of is the sound the QB makes in that Adam Sandler movie The Waterboy..... "Errrrrrrrrr I g g g g got a woo woo wooden spoooooon! Errrrrrr"
First off I’m not a liberal. Second, your insistence I’m some far leftist simply for pointing out what Trump has actually said or done is consistent with those who are Trump cultists.
Advisors or former advisors?

I said above that it’s consistent with his drain the swamp rhetoric.
Drain the swamp and backfill with sewer water. Steve Bannon, Navarro, Eastman, Clark, Sidney Powell, Manafort. Yeah, clean the swamp and put your own personal crooks in there. Michael Flynn. I see your point.
Do you believe Trump when he says he didn't have sex with Stormy Daniels? Do you believe him when he says he is building a wall and Mexico is paying for it? Do you believe in a debate when he says Biden will raise taxes 3 times what they are now? Do you believe Trump when he claims to have the biggest crowd at his inauguration? He lies so much it is impossible to know when he speaks the truth.

But even his people who were in the White House will tell you a second term will be exceedingly dangerous. So what he wanted to do that was dangerous and illegal those folks were his guardrails. So when you and 11 say "did he do that the first time? " No, he wanted to and the people around him wouldn't let him.
Do you believe Biden when he says his Uncle Bosie was eaten by cannibals? Do you believe the media that's lied to you about Biden's cognitive decline for 4+ years? "Democracy" is not at stake. If it truly was, even a braindead Biden wouldn't tell ABC that as long he tried his hardest and lost that's what the campaign is all about.

I thought Trump's standards were higher than Stormy. Karen McDougal is way hotter. But, with age and a rough business stretch after losing his ass in Atlantic City, I guess Stormy was the best he could do.
Trump is terrifying and will be a dictator.

All the experts say so. Trust their science.

Trust more people like Jimmy Dore instead.
I trust the people who worked for know the ones who where his check when he wanted to do things against the people and constitution. Jail Joe Biden before there was a charge or indictment. Yeah, I know , "locker room talk."

You do realize people were making the same defenses against Hitler and are correct, there are no warning signs from a dude who tried to overthrow an election, suspend the constitution, went after McCabe and Comey, said going after Cheney, Biden, McConnell.

Wanted Mark Millie to use excessive force against protestors. Use his platform to go after a judge, the prosecutor, and tried to taint the jury.

Was at Gozzer last five days. Love their honesty. It was simple for them.... Tax breaks >threat to democracy/threat of a dictator/women's choice/convicted felon/libel for rape

They don't hide it. Al Capone and Adolph Hitler could be President if they keep their money.

Funny thing is...the first people dictators go people. Those who are a threat to their power.