E60: Mike Leach, Sunday.

Glad to see Leach get the exposure and all the shots of WSU and Pullman looked great, but I was generally unsatisfied. Nothing we haven't seen before. I do wish that the stupid Barack Obama thing didn't get attention right at the end of the segment.

One thing that made me laugh was that ESPN had to have spent a crap ton of money on that segment. They had video footage from Provo, Pullman, Key West, Cody, and a couple other spots.

It's still nice for Leach (and WSU) to get some exposure.
Glad to see Leach get the exposure and all the shots of WSU and Pullman looked great, but I was generally unsatisfied. Nothing we haven't seen before. I do wish that the stupid Barack Obama thing didn't get attention right at the end of the segment.

One thing that made me laugh was that ESPN had to have spent a crap ton of money on that segment. They had video footage from Provo, Pullman, Key West, Cody, and a couple other spots.

It's still nice for Leach (and WSU) to get some exposure.

It wasn’t made for WSU’s fans.
Come on! I've had eight shots of Kirkland vodka since dinner and I'll be up at 5:59 to watch this taped segment LIVE!

PS, I waxed my Cougar plates today.

If you drink Vodka and you’re not drinking Kirkland Vodka, you should. Donate the savings to CAF. Win, win for everyone.
It wasn’t made for WSU’s fans.
Yeah, amazed how much money they spent for a sports magazine program that's buried on a Sunday morning.
Actually, there was some original stuff. The boat ride at Key West, and the first time we've seen Sharon and the Cody HS and Hal Mumme coach on an interview.
Glad to see Leach get the exposure and all the shots of WSU and Pullman looked great, but I was generally unsatisfied. Nothing we haven't seen before. I do wish that the stupid Barack Obama thing didn't get attention right at the end of the segment.

One thing that made me laugh was that ESPN had to have spent a crap ton of money on that segment. They had video footage from Provo, Pullman, Key West, Cody, and a couple other spots.

It's still nice for Leach (and WSU) to get some exposure.

He is an interesting guy who is fascinated about what he doesn’t know. He had a curious mind. It shows the support needed if you are married and what to share that lifestyle . He did put it understandable terms . Do you want to make good money and me be unhappy every night or broke but come home happy every night .

About the Obama tweet- not sure if he apologized for sending out an inaccurate tweet or he said he would stop tweeting things of that nature because the inaccurate nature .
He is an interesting guy who is fascinated about what he doesn’t know. He had a curious mind. It shows the support needed if you are married and what to share that lifestyle . He did put it understandable terms . Do you want to make good money and me be unhappy every night or broke but come home happy every night .

About the Obama tweet- not sure if he apologized for sending out an inaccurate tweet or he said he would stop tweeting things of that nature because the inaccurate nature .

You can tell that Leach knows that he screwed up in sharing the Obama tweet....but, because he is a bit crazy and different, you can tell that there is no way in hell that he would ever issue a public apology about it.

Agree 100% on your first's great that he ended up with the right woman who was willing to make some sacrifices to allow him to be happy and I'm glad for both of them that it worked out.
I thought is was a waste of time, they spent time on negative things, when there are so many more interesting things to cover in Leach's life. I didn't need to hear about Adam James again, the story was a hoax, but not told that way, why were you fired from A & M?, who cares, it was a set up, why did you tweet about BO, once again who cares we have another idiot in charge now. The could have spent more time in Key West, former players and his influence on them, and how he turned $hit into gold at WSU.
IMO, it was a pretty lame piece. Leach is so much more -they focused on the stuff that's already been out there - Adams James, Tech firing, Obama tweet- the times he's stubbed his toe. Just re-hashing the Mike Leach Breaking News items on Sportscenter.

Could have been way better. The weekly press conferences are far more entertaining. Schaap mailed it in on this one.
I thought is was a waste of time, they spent time on negative things, when there are so many more interesting things to cover in Leach's life. I didn't need to hear about Adam James again, the story was a hoax, but not told that way, why were you fired from A & M?, who cares, it was a set up, why did you tweet about BO, once again who cares we have another idiot in charge now. The could have spent more time in Key West, former players and his influence on them, and how he turned $hit into gold at WSU.

Again, when Adam James was deposed in Leach's civil suit, he - under oath - admitted that he lied about being locked in a closet. Blame his arsehole father for that. The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree. I'm surprised some idiot wasn't quoted how Leach had players being hosed down in the sand in subfreezing temps in late summer. I know I got onto Leach for his Devin Nunes/Jim Jordan moment on the fake Obama video, but even the smartest people get duped from time to time.
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Again, when Adam James was deposed in Leach's civil suit, he - under oath - admitted that he lied about being locked in a closet. Blame his arsehole father for that. The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree. I'm surprised some idiot wasn't quoted how Leach had players being hosed down in the sand in subfreezing temps in late summer. I know I got onto Leach for his Devin Nunes/Jim Jordan moment on the fake Obama video, but even the smartest people get duped from time to time.

I am wondering if he would have handled it differently now being better versed like everyone else with regards to concussions?
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I am wondering if he would have handled it differently know being better versed like everyone else with regards to concussions?

I doubt it. His "sin" was getting James the hell off the field, where he was being a distraction. James lied about being locked in a shed. Your question implies Leach did something in contravention of concussion protocol, like playing the kid before he was ready or forcing him to practice.
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I doubt it. His "sin" was getting James the hell off the field, where he was being a distraction. James lied about being locked in a shed. Your question implies Leach did something in contravention of concussion protocol, like playing the kid before he was ready or forcing him to practice.
Plus, what we now know about concussions is not letting a player go back into a game after getting one. We also know the possible long term ramifications of concussions. Those were not the issues with James.
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CML had him sent, along with an assistant, into a media room.
He never stepped foot in an equipment shed.
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I doubt it. His "sin" was getting James the hell off the field, where he was being a distraction. James lied about being locked in a shed. Your question implies Leach did something in contravention of concussion protocol, like playing the kid before he was ready or forcing him to practice.

You are absolutely correct. Mike's sin was just being an old school football coach and wanting the kid away from the rest of the team. He was dealing with a kid acting like a child and treated him accordingly. Mike's attitude and demeanor made it easy for people to believe that he'd lock a kid in a shed (even if it was just a dark media room).

His true mistake was letting James on the team in the first place. For a guy who values work ethic and looks for guys willing to put in the work, he failed spectacularly in letting the James "Brand" make him overlook what was obviously a disastrous situation. We've seen a couple guys leave in recent years when it became obvious that their opinion of themselves was higher than Mike's opinion of them. I'm guessing that he quietly suggested that they move on rather than let it balloon into the spectacle that happened at Tech.
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Exactly. Just more bullshit from Ed.

425 just because you choose to read the question as you doesn't make it bs.

Flat hit on it. Leach is very old school. He is Wyoming tough and it shows .

I never said leach handled the Adam james situation wrong, especially with the info at hand back them.

He is now better versed in the complications that come from concussions . WSU has now seen three suicides from very prominent players, two from the 97 RB team.

Maybe in his increased knowledge maybe the convo isn’t “get him off the field he is stumbling all over the place,”but rather get him to the doc and see why he was cleared?”

I believe in the mike Leach tenure I have only disagreed with his handling of injuries once .

In 1977 when Daryl Stingley broke his neck and was paralyzed from the neck down it completely changed John Madden .

I simply asked the question would new knowledge about concussions and what to look for have changed how he handled the situation.
425 just because you choose to read the question as you doesn't make it bs.

Flat hit on it. Leach is very old school. He is Wyoming tough and it shows .

I never said leach handled the Adam james situation wrong, especially with the info at hand back them.

He is now better versed in the complications that come from concussions . WSU has now seen three suicides from very prominent players, two from the 97 RB team.

Maybe in his increased knowledge maybe the convo isn’t “get him off the field he is stumbling all over the place,”but rather get him to the doc and see why he was cleared?”

I believe in the mike Leach tenure I have only disagreed with his handling of injuries once .

In 1977 when Daryl Stingley broke his neck and was paralyzed from the neck down it completely changed John Madden .

I simply asked the question would new knowledge about concussions and what to look for have changed how he handled the situation.

You're either an abject moron or a troll. Potentially twinges of both.

Do a quick Google search (yes, you have to do something) for relevant keywords and find the various articles in which the team doctor describes how James was handled. They're widely available. Then consider whether anything would be materially different today. I don't think so, as I wrote.

Your "questions" come in two categories: (i) those regarding matters for which answers are readily found online, but where you prefer to state things as a question instead of doing the 10 seconds of work to find the answer; and (ii) more insidiously, those intended to lead to unfounded doubts or conclusions regarding negative aspects of a person or situation, usually the program or its coach. That's what is bullshit.

E.D. passes off his slanted incorrect views in forms of questions on here to somehow try give them credibility. Everyone on here sees right through the BS he writes.

He hates Google much like Coach Leach because it proves him wrong time-&-time again.
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You're either an abject moron or a troll. Potentially twinges of both.

Do a quick Google search (yes, you have to do something) for relevant keywords and find the various articles in which the team doctor describes how James was handled. They're widely available. Then consider whether anything would be materially different today. I don't think so, as I wrote.

Your "questions" come in two categories: (i) those regarding matters for which answers are readily found online, but where you prefer to state things as a question instead of doing the 10 seconds of work to find the answer; and (ii) more insidiously, those intended to lead to unfounded doubts or conclusions regarding negative aspects of a person or situation, usually the program or its coach. That's what is bullshit.

A very apt description here.
425 just because you choose to read the question as you doesn't make it bs.

Flat hit on it. Leach is very old school. He is Wyoming tough and it shows .

I never said leach handled the Adam james situation wrong, especially with the info at hand back them.

He is now better versed in the complications that come from concussions . WSU has now seen three suicides from very prominent players, two from the 97 RB team.

Maybe in his increased knowledge maybe the convo isn’t “get him off the field he is stumbling all over the place,”but rather get him to the doc and see why he was cleared?”

I believe in the mike Leach tenure I have only disagreed with his handling of injuries once .

In 1977 when Daryl Stingley broke his neck and was paralyzed from the neck down it completely changed John Madden .

I simply asked the question would new knowledge about concussions and what to look for have changed how he handled the situation.

It was BS.

"I never said [borderline slander]. I just was asking a question about [borderline slander]."

You forgot one element: co-opting another person's post to suggest that was his point all along. How many times have you seen this play out?
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You're either an abject moron or a troll. Potentially twinges of both.

Do a quick Google search (yes, you have to do something) for relevant keywords and find the various articles in which the team doctor describes how James was handled. They're widely available. Then consider whether anything would be materially different today. I don't think so, as I wrote.

Your "questions" come in two categories: (i) those regarding matters for which answers are readily found online, but where you prefer to state things as a question instead of doing the 10 seconds of work to find the answer; and (ii) more insidiously, those intended to lead to unfounded doubts or conclusions regarding negative aspects of a person or situation, usually the program or its coach. That's what is bullshit.

Only twinges? Well, first let me help you figure out where my question came from, and it was the interview about the "Air Raid" and what is a "pure Air Raid" system. Leach scoffed at the notion that there is a pure air raid, and the premise of the offense is what is important, not how it is accomplished. The premise is to attack all areas of the field. And he even mentioned Chip Kelly does a little of that with his offense.

He also said he is always looking for new ideas, new concepts to incoropoarte into the Air Raid, and he said (which made me think of the question) he is ever evolving and learns something new all the time.

You are the person assuming that I think Leach did something "horribly wrong" in the James case. I have had only one issue with Leach and injuries and it was when Falk was strapped to a board. I have no issues with what Leach did with James back in the day, especially with what we knew about concussions. But times have changed. Anacortes dropped football because the lack of interest. Concussions are changing the landscape. To ask if he may have changed from his "old school put dirt on it" to be ultra-vigilant in light of losing a QB who was concussed so bad he had a brain of a 65 year old is not a knock on what happened 10 years ago.

What I said was slander or borderline slander? Wow.

Yeah, Ed, let me guess -- you couldn't make the link from my prior post about your general modus operandi to this one. Sure. Keep playing dumb.

I don't know why you insist on trolling people in WSU's fan base.
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Yeah, Ed, let me guess -- you couldn't make the link from my prior post about your general modus operandi to this one. Sure. Keep playing dumb.

I don't know why you insist on trolling people in WSU's fan base.

What link. I don't have a "general" modus operandi. Something pops in my head I write about it, whether a question or comment. There was not ONE thing negative I wrote in the question I asked, nor did I REMOTELY imply he did anything wrong. With the Tyler Hilinksi injury I simply wonder if he changes how he views concussions and any protocol. For example, if you have a concussion you don't attend practice. Period. Those would be changes I would consider if I were the coach.
To say he would re-evaluate how things are done implies he did something wrong. I have no issue with concussed players at practice doing appropriate activities. How would a stationary bike make concussion symptoms worse?

What link. I don't have a "general" modus operandi. Something pops in my head I write about it, whether a question or comment. There was not ONE thing negative I wrote in the question I asked, nor did I REMOTELY imply he did anything wrong. With the Tyler Hilinksi injury I simply wonder if he changes how he views concussions and any protocol. For example, if you have a concussion you don't attend practice. Period. Those would be changes I would consider if I were the coach.
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Football concussions are so bad they are causing CTE in kids in middle/high school who don't even play football. Participation has plummeted in all sports across the country, not just football. Kids are opting to do nothing instead of playing a sport.
To say he would re-evaluate how things are done implies he did something wrong. I have no issue with concussed players at practice doing appropriate activities. How would a stationary bike make concussion symptoms worse?

Are you implying his subsequent posts are disEDgenuous? :)
To say he would re-evaluate how things are done implies he did something wrong. I have no issue with concussed players at practice doing appropriate activities. How would a stationary bike make concussion symptoms worse?
Thinly veiled...

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