Reports: Jason Gesser has resigned (New thread to discuss)

For God's sake....Kavanaugh has 30+ years of stellar behavior as an adult. If we could clone him we'd have zero crime. Is that nothing? It is despicable to suggest a 11th hour accusation from 30+ years ago should nullify that. God help the children of those who don't see this.
Have a simple question or two . Does it make a difference to you if it is true? Second ,what is he incentive? She is the hit person for Rowe v Wade ? What if her record is impeccable ? Third , have the fbi investigate for five days and see if there is anything they can do to either confirm or dispute her accusations . They still could get him confirmed by 10/10.
You mean like not allowing Obama to nominate his candidate .


They allowed Obama to nominate his candidate. They told him they wouldn't confirm anyone until after the election, but it spared him having every aspect of his personal life drug out into the public sphere. It's hardball, but its a merciful way of going about it.
Lots of commentary. A variety of points of view. I may as well contribute.

1.) I never attempted to tear off a woman's blouse/shirt, and I probably had a typical mix of alcohol, females and opportunity. I can't excuse someone else doing that. If I walked in on that happening to a young woman who meant something to me, I would not have been gentle in my putting a stop to it, and if the perpetrator objected strongly enough, one of us would be in the hospital and the other, depending upon the way it unfolded, possibly in jail. I suspect that many others on this board could say the same.
2.) Based on the visits to therapists and discussion of the event since that time and long prior to this court nomination, there appears to be no reasonable doubt that the young woman (who was reportedly sober) experienced something close to what she has stated, and the young man (who was drunk) has at best a selective memory of the event.
3.) That said, I am honestly not sure that behaving like a violent scumbag when a teenager disqualifies one for being a supreme court judge. But it can be said, that if that is not a disqualifier, then how much further would one have to go to not meet the litmus test? Forced sex is a crime of violence, regardless of age.
4.) The difference between intelligence and wisdom is judgment. Judgment is only acquired via mistakes, and then only if one learns from the mistake. We seldom learn from the mistakes of others. A judge who has learned from his mistakes might be a better judge than one who has made no mistakes...but the individual has not really learned from a mistake if they deny that a mistake occurred. It is an unfortunate reality that if he admitted anything to do with the allegations, the current lynch mob mentality would put an end to the perhaps he feels that he has no choice but to deny everything, even the stuff that could be corroborated.
5.) Finally, if this sort of thing disqualifies one from being a supreme court justice, I suspect that if the same standard were applied to senators and congressmen (and congresswomen), there would be a lot of empty seats on capitol hill. You can't avoid the stench of hypocracy in the whole circus.
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I don't think you understand the extremely dirty politics of the left.
Dirty politics is practiced by left and right.
Lots of commentary. A variety of points of view. I may as well contribute.

1.) I never attempted to tear off a woman's blouse/shirt, and I probably had a typical mix of alcohol, females and opportunity. I can't excuse someone else doing that. If I walked in on that happening to a young woman who meant something to me, I would not have been gentle in my putting a stop to it, and if the perpetrator objected strongly enough, one of us would be in the hospital and the other, depending upon the way it unfolded, possibly in jail. I suspect that many others on this board could say the same.
2.) Based on the visits to therapists and discussion of the event since that time and long prior to this court nomination, there appears to be no reasonable doubt that the young woman (who was reportedly sober) experienced something close to what she has stated, and the young man (who was drunk) has at best a selective memory of the event.
3.) That said, I am honestly not sure that behaving like a violent scumbag when a teenager disqualifies one for being a supreme court judge. But it can be said, that if that is not a disqualifier, then how much further would one have to go to not meet the litmus test? Forced sex is a crime of violence, regardless of age.
4.) The difference between intelligence and wisdom is judgment. Judgment is only acquired via mistakes, and then only if one learns from the mistake. We seldom learn from the mistakes of others. A judge who has learned from his mistakes might be a better judge than one who has made no mistakes...but the individual has not really learned from a mistake if they deny that a mistake occurred. It is an unfortunate reality that if he admitted anything to do with the allegations, the current lynch mob mentality would put an end to the perhaps he feels that he has no choice but to deny everything, even the stuff that could be corroborated.
5.) Finally, if this sort of thing disqualifies one from being a supreme court justice, I suspect that if the same standard were applied to senators and congressmen (and congresswomen), there would be a lot of empty seats on capitol hill. You can't avoid the stench of hypocracy in the whole circus.

I agree with much of what you say. Subject to laying eyes on her and deciding she’s nuts—no indication of that from reading about her—I tend to think the likelihood she just made something up is very low. On your last point though, the voters get another shot at Senators and Representatives. This guy could be a Supreme Court Justice for 30+ years. That makes this a different and very final decision.
They allowed Obama to nominate his candidate. They told him they wouldn't confirm anyone until after the election, but it spared him having every aspect of his personal life drug out into the public sphere. It's hardball, but its a merciful way of going about it.

Whoops ... sorry I should have been more specific in saying he could nominate 10 people the senate in control just wouldn’t confirm, meanwhile today they have five days to hurry up and get Kavanaugh confirmed .

Dirty politics are played on both sides, one side is just better at it .
FWIW....I think you are putting too much stock in polygraph testing. Here's a link that might shed some light:

Summary: Most psychologists agree that there is little evidence that polygraph tests can accurately detect lies.

Glad Cougar
Aldrich Ames of the CIA and Robert Hanssen of the FBI both underwent a series of polygraph examinations while employed by their respective agencies without any difficulties. Both were later exposed as working for Soviet intelligence. Those two, along with Johnny Walker of our navy, had done more damage to U.S. security than anyone since the Rosenbergs. So much for the accuracy of "lie detectors".
Aldrich Ames of the CIA and Robert Hanssen of the FBI both underwent a series of polygraph examinations while employed by their respective agencies without any difficulties. Both were later exposed as working for Soviet intelligence. Those two, along with Johnny Walker of our navy, had done more damage to U.S. security than anyone since the Rosenbergs. So much for the accuracy of "lie detectors".

So the worse that will happen is you get two people who pass the poly.
As we saw with Gesser....if there is a guy with a problem.....other stories pop up. That hasn't happened with Kavanaugh so I am inclined to think that it was either a very isolated case that he learned from and never repeated.....or it didn't happen in the first place. For me, because I've lost my loyalty to the Republican Party over the past few years, I think they deserve all the stress they get because they should have appointed Merrick Garland in 2016 and they played political games to avoid it. Democrats deserve everything they get because they were greedy and stupid back in the day and changed the rules that are now allowing the Republicans to force Kavanaugh through. If both parties had shown any real would be easier to feel sympathy to the involved parties. As it is.....screw 'em all.

As far as I'm concerned, a supreme court appointment should be limited to 10 years and then they have to be voted for retention in the general election. That would allow "the people" to get rid of justices that they didn't like or that weren't doing a good job.

Sorry, Flat, but while I agree with your first paragraph I cannot feel the same affinity for your second one. The judiciary is intended to be quarantined from the squalor of politics. Things are bad enough already during confirmations. Voting is generally along party lines. I cannot remember the last time both parties failed to hold relatively similar regards for the candidate. And a vote about a public official? You cannot have considered the implications of that very seriously. Given a choice of "yes" and "off with their head!", do you really expect any to be retained? With deaths and resignations, all of this would result in annual confirmation hearings. A spectacle that none of us want to see. In fairness, it would take up half the legislative session in the senate and reduce the poorer decisions made by that body by 50%, so there is that silver lining. As I have said, your first paragraph was fine and in tune with my own thinking but your second? Uh, pass.
You all understand why Feinstein held this information back for weeks? She could have released this right after she heard of it. She didn't... because this was a political tactic to stop this nomination at the 11th hour.
It is extremely cynical and dirty politics. This is leftist politics. Race, gender, economic class. Same old same old.

There are numerous women with whom Kavanaugh has worked closely for 35 years and not one has said anything but poaitive things about his behavior.

This accuser is either lying or she is mistaken.

The evidence also is moving in Kavanaugh’s favor. Two people accuser Christine Blasey Ford said were at the party at which the alleged assault took place, deny being at any such party. One of those two people specifically denies being present or seeing Ford assaulted by Kavanaugh despite Ford saying he was present. A fourth person allegedly present has not been identified or come forward.
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Whoops ... sorry I should have been more specific in saying he could nominate 10 people the senate in control just wouldn’t confirm, meanwhile today they have five days to hurry up and get Kavanaugh confirmed .

Dirty politics are played on both sides, one side is just better at it .

By the way, far left judge Sotomayor received 68 votes to confirm when she was nominated. Imagine that. It was a bipartisan approval.
My only comment about “leftist politics” is that it shows your specific bias. Right wing politics is just as dirty because both sides are dirty as hell these days.

Where I live, the candidate for Republican governor who just happened to be in charge of the election commission was listed first on the ballot, while his strongest opponent was moved to the “next” page on the electronic ballot, despite the fact that the other guy’s name was first alphabetically and our ballots are normally sorted by name. The guy on the first page won by 300 votes in an election with hundreds of thousands of votes.

Both sides are dirty as hell.
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My only comment about “leftist politics” is that it shows your specific bias. Right wing politics is just as dirty because both sides are dirty as hell these days.

Where I live, the candidate for Republican governor who just happened to be in charge of the election commission was listed first on the ballot, while his strongest opponent was moved to the “next” page on the electronic ballot, despite the fact that the other guy’s name was first alphabetically and our ballots are normally sorted by name. The guy on the first page won by 300 votes in an election with hundreds of thousands of votes.

Both sides are dirty as hell.


PS. Everyone is biased.
You mean like not allowing Obama to nominate his candidate .


What he means is straight up lying about stuff. And this doesn’t mean that the right doesn’t lie (because they do)

But the left does it in an extremely manipulative way.

To illustrate how the left does things we will look at CNN (nobody can argue that it’s not a left wing media outlet much like Fox is a right wing outlet..I think everyone can agree on that)

Now here is how CNN “edits” the truth to fit a narrative. Basically they straight up lied in a manipulative way.

When the media and politicians do this on any side it ruins their credibility.

Anyone can accuse anyone of anything at any time. We have innocent until proven guilty because we are supposed to be a society and country that values a fair and just legal system. One with due process. Not judgment through hearsay, rumor, or allegation.

Judgement through facts, evidence, and multiple third party eye witness accounts and testimony.
Very true. We all have are biases and some of us have taken the "screw both parties" bias. I lean conservative but it's only a lean these days.

Despite what some people may think that I am some sort of Trump protagonist the truth is I side very specifically with both the progressives (what people say is the “far left”) and the libertarians.

I am what I consider a social capitalist. Which has no real party (at least to my knowledge) so I have to go with things based on my guidelines. That being.

Anti-War - I think we spend too much on stupid wars that do not make us safer in the Middle East. I see the military as a giant sinkhole waste of taxpayer dollars that could go to more beneficial things. We have a ton of nukes and have actually used them. There is no need to be fighting any country. We are safe, 9/11 was a holes from Saudi Arabia who we never held accountable because of oil and that’s why terrorism has never gone down but only up with our stupid and wasteful destabilization policies in the Middle East.

I am pro business and like corporate taxes to be zero. Corporations will just hide the money anyway, and honestly 0 corporate tax makes the most sense so businesses are free to use their money on their employees and benefits and expansion.

I also believe in 0 personal income tax. Just like corporate tax wealthy people bs their way into not paying, the middle class is screed and the poor. This tax system is bad too. The people should keep their money. They work hard for it. It belongs to them.

So how do you pay for social / government services then me. No corporate tax/no income tax Cougatron you might ask? A value added tax. Europe does a VAT which is basically like Sales tax on goods. We should do the same. 10-15% VAT on goods/services taken at the point of sale. You may think that will hurt the economy, but no it won’t. Yes the cost of goods will go up, but and this is important, it’s truly scalable across all economic lines. If you are rich and bug Ferraris. You are paying 10-15% on those Ferrari’s. If you are poor and buying a geo metro you pay 10-15% on that inexpensive car. Surprise the wealthy are paying more. It’s a beautiful system that encourages economic prosperity (and consumer capitalism) but scales the tax approprietely automatically.

So what will the government do with the revenue from VAT, if it isn’t spending billions upon billions on wasteful wars. Spending it on what drives economic growth. Education (free), Entrpreneurship, Healthcare, Science Research/Development.

If society is well educated, healthy, encouraged to create businesses, and is innovating... we all will be a lot more prosperous.

There is no party doing that. I see war mongers on both sides, identity politics bs, corporate shills, and bribed lobby puppets everywhere.

Healthcare, Education, R&D, Entrprenueship funded by a VAT system wired for prosperity instead of war and America changes into what it was supposed to be.

A healthy bastion of free enterprise and opportunity with no taxation without representation just an automatically adjusted tax on goods/services to fund our prosperity and growth with liberty and justice for all created equal Americans.
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Despite what some people may think that I am some sort of Trump protagonist the truth is I side very specifically with both the progressives (what people say is the “far left”) and the libertarians.

I am what I consider a social capitalist. Which has no real party (at least to my knowledge) so I have to go with things based on my guidelines. That being.

Anti-War - I think we spend too much on stupid wars that do not make us safer in the Middle East. I see the military as a giant sinkhole waste of taxpayer dollars that could go to more beneficial things. We have a ton of nukes and have actually used them. There is no need to be fighting any country. We are safe, 9/11 was a holes from Saudi Arabia who we never held accountable because of oil and that’s why terrorism has never gone down but only up with our stupid and wasteful destabilization policies in the Middle East.

I am pro business and like corporate taxes to be zero. Corporations will just hide the money anyway, and honestly 0 corporate tax makes the most sense so businesses are free to use their money on their employees and benefits and expansion.

I also believe in 0 personal income tax. Just like corporate tax wealthy people bs their way into not paying, the middle class is screed and the poor. This tax system is bad too. The people should keep their money. They work hard for it. It belongs to them.

So how do you pay for social / government services then me. No corporate tax/no income tax Cougatron you might ask? A value added tax. Europe does a VAT which is basically like Sales tax on goods. We should do the same. 10-15% VAT on goods/services taken at the point of sale. You may think that will hurt the economy, but no it won’t. Yes the cost of goods will go up, but and this is important, it’s truly scalable across all economic lines. If you are rich and bug Ferraris. You are paying 10-15% on those Ferrari’s. If you are poor and buying a geo metro you pay 10-15% on that inexpensive car. Surprise the wealthy are paying more. It’s a beautiful system that encourages economic prosperity (and consumer capitalism) but scales the tax approprietely automatically.

So what will the government do with the revenue from VAT, if it isn’t spending billions upon billions on wasteful wars. Spending it on what drives economic growth. Education (free), Entrpreneurship, Healthcare, Science Research/Development.

If society is well educated, healthy, encouraged to create businesses, and is innovating... we all will be a lot more prosperous.

There is no party doing that. I see war mongers on both sides, identity politics bs, corporate shills, and bribed lobby puppets everywhere.

Healthcare, Education, R&D, Entrprenueship funded by a VAT system wired for prosperity instead of war and America changes into what it was supposed to be.

A healthy bastion of free enterprise and opportunity with no taxation without representation just an automatically adjusted tax on goods/services to fund our prosperity and growth with liberty and justice for all created equal Americans.

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Nah. They give freedom for people to do whatever they want. You want lots of mansions and cars and all that. Cool you are paying a lot on all that but you also aren’t taxed on the money you make so go make as much as you can.

You are poor, it’s okay you are paying a small amount on your modest car to the government but there are opportunities for you to work your way up. Education, Entrpreneurship, and in no time you too can be buying Ferraris contributing more.

The government wants as many people to become wealthy as possible in this system because the more that are wealthy with disposable income...the more money the government will have (because it only will have money when people spend).

Combine it with a Soverign wealth fund like Norway has and the U.S. will not just be the “richest nation” on paper. The people will be very very successful across the board.

This system also makes sure that companies are spending money on their employees because...they aren’t giving money to the government now are they can’t really make excuses.
Is there somewhere else you guys could take the political discussion?

Normally I'm "if you don't like it, don't click on the thread" guy, but given this is the only thread Scott is allowing on Gesser for some reason, it's making it rather difficult to discuss Gesser.
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My only comment about “leftist politics” is that it shows your specific bias. Right wing politics is just as dirty because both sides are dirty as hell these days.

Where I live, the candidate for Republican governor who just happened to be in charge of the election commission was listed first on the ballot, while his strongest opponent was moved to the “next” page on the electronic ballot, despite the fact that the other guy’s name was first alphabetically and our ballots are normally sorted by name. The guy on the first page won by 300 votes in an election with hundreds of thousands of votes.

Both sides are dirty as hell.
Wouldn't it be great if someday the American voter would be smart enough to do their homework on candidates so that they know who to vote for before they see the ballot and not be thrown off by any "next page" on the ballot? I know, it's a pipe dream....

Glad Cougar
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As requested by Fab....I'll get back to Gesser. I really do hope that WSU institutes a policy that all "investigations" get reviewed by a third party so that there's no question of impropiety.

My only other comment about the WSU athletic department is that I've recently heard some complaints about management "bloat" at WSU and when I was looking up Jason's official title the other appears that there might be a problem.

We have an AD, a deputy AD, Chief of Staff and six "Senior Associate Director of......."

We have a business operations manager, fiscal specialist 2, sport assistant, and a business contracts and fiscal manager.

In the CAF, we had at least eight employees listed before Gesser resigned, including three people with the title "Assistant Director of Athletics, CAF" there's only one listed in that role but still seven employees.

We have an Associate Director of Athletics, Events & Facility Ops, an Assistant Director of Athletics, Event & Facility Op, 2 event coordinators and a principal a number of other people in Facility Operations.

We have seven people in ticket operations and sales. Given the monkey run circus that ticket sales have been for the past 20 years....I question what those people do.

Long story short.......we have 122 people working for the athletic department that aren't coaches. Many of them have important roles, but that's likely over $10 million per year in costs. Can't help but wonder if a little bit of review could save us a million dollars per year.
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As requested by Fab....I'll get back to Gesser. I really do hope that WSU institutes a policy that all "investigations" get reviewed by a third party so that there's no question of impropiety.

My only other comment about the WSU athletic department is that I've recently heard some complaints about management "bloat" at WSU and when I was looking up Jason's official title the other appears that there might be a problem.

We have an AD, a deputy AD, Chief of Staff and six "Senior Associate Director of......."

We have a business operations manager, fiscal specialist 2, sport assistant, and a business contracts and fiscal manager.

In the CAF, we had at least eight employees listed before Gesser resigned, including three people with the title "Assistant Director of Athletics, CAF" there's only one listed in that role but still seven employees.

We have an Associate Director of Athletics, Events & Facility Ops, an Assistant Director of Athletics, Event & Facility Op, 2 event coordinators and a principal a number of other people in Facility Operations.

We have seven people in ticket operations and sales. Given the monkey run circus that ticket sales have been for the past 20 years....I question what those people do.

Long story short.......we have 122 people working for the athletic department that aren't coaches. Many of them have important roles, but that's likely over $10 million per year in costs. Can't help but wonder if a little bit of review could save us a million dollars per year.
While I like where you are going with this (always love oversight with the ability to take action immediately), I also know that in order to make money you have to spend money. No more than 2 weeks ago this board, and other places, were ablaze about the ineptitude of the CAF. The disorganization, the lack of attention to detail, etc. etc. Now, I agree that having a bunch of people standing around like it's a union shop fixing roads isn't ideal. But that doesn't mean we should go with your implication of cutting people, either. It might mean getting rid of the slackers so WSU could hire people with drive! But if we want the CAF to grow, we need more people on staff. Maybe just different people. ? But if your trying to imply we need to CUT people, I'd disagree.
While I like where you are going with this (always love oversight with the ability to take action immediately), I also know that in order to make money you have to spend money. No more than 2 weeks ago this board, and other places, were ablaze about the ineptitude of the CAF. The disorganization, the lack of attention to detail, etc. etc. Now, I agree that having a bunch of people standing around like it's a union shop fixing roads isn't ideal. But that doesn't mean we should go with your implication of cutting people, either. It might mean getting rid of the slackers so WSU could hire people with drive! But if we want the CAF to grow, we need more people on staff. Maybe just different people. ? But if your trying to imply we need to CUT people, I'd disagree.

The only that I saw that I found disturbing is that there are a whole lot of "Directors" listed on the official page. Too many chiefs....not enough indians.
Is there somewhere else you guys could take the political discussion?

Normally I'm "if you don't like it, don't click on the thread" guy, but given this is the only thread Scott is allowing on Gesser for some reason, it's making it rather difficult to discuss Gesser.
My bad...I truly didn't intend to set the post off he rails by bringing up the name Kavanaugh. Was only trying to point out the long term harm what Gesser did and that it isn't a "that a boy good for you getting down a 24 year olds pants". And IF true what Kavanugh did it clearly impacted Susan Blasey Ford and why she had been in counseling 30 years later.
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The only that I saw that I found disturbing is that there are a whole lot of "Directors" listed on the official page. Too many chiefs....not enough indians.

Lots of titles. Little governance. Lack of commitment to improving processes. Antiquated, if no totally non-existent systems. Lacking leadership and direction. Most likely a ton of "we've always done it that way" mentality. What appears to be a culture of "keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you" based on the disclosures of the last few days.

Loyal Coug can probably weigh with more specifics - and I may be mistaken - but I'm relatively certain the university as a whole (including the athletic department) didn't even have a formal budgeting process in place until the last couple years or so.

Chun has his work cut out for him.
Lots of titles. Little governance. Lack of commitment to improving processes. Antiquated, if no totally non-existent systems. Lacking leadership and direction. Most likely a ton of "we've always done it that way" mentality. What appears to be a culture of "keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you" based on the disclosures of the last few days.

Loyal Coug can probably weigh with more specifics - and I may be mistaken - but I'm relatively certain the university as a whole (including the athletic department) didn't even have a formal budgeting process in place until the last couple years or so.

Chun has his work cut out for him.

Why thank you. I will, although I can't speak to recent WSU budgeting processes (real or non-existent). I looked through the Athletics staff directory, a lot of names, and a lot of newer names. Wish I had made a copy of this same list before Moos arrived, then again say, right after he left. That would tell us a lot.

One department that doesn't seem very large or experienced is the Business Office. Good people I'm sure, just seemingly not a lot of experience. Sr. Woman's Assoc. AD Anne McCoy (came with Sterk from PSU) was the head finance person, but I don't really see that in her current bio. Someone has to count all those beans.

Another good comparison, which I don't have the desire to do, would be to match up our directory against comparable programs, ex: Oregon State, and see how it lines up. But yes it does appear that the upper layer of administration is a bit larger than what I recall. I find Chun's new Chief of Staff interesting - he brought her from Florida with her all of 4 years of experience out of college. I think this is a new position (directory link below).

All the titles - yeah I equate that to your local bank. Every other person is a Vice-President. One thing I've found is that rank-and-file Athletics employees in general (at least at WSU historically) didn't make all that much money, so the titles were important vis a vis future opportunities.

I used to know John David Wicker (now mega $ AD at SD State). Good guy. He worked hard, did a lot of things, didn't make squat. It is all about paying your dues and looking for the big break elsewhere.

Finally, looks like Bo Moos is no longer there.

Speaking of budgets, Prez Shulz made a big deal when he first got here about not building any more edifices unless we had funding in hand. Well gee, what about the new $61 million building below? WSU breaks ground, and will ask the Legislature for the little bit ($36 million!) extra it will take to complete it? What if Olympia says no?

WSU spent about $1.9 million on planning and design work before the Legislature approved $23 million for the project in its 2018 capital budget. She said the university will ask lawmakers for another $36.4 million to complete the project in 2019. WSU officials say the project should be completed by January 2021.
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FWIW....I think you are putting too much stock in polygraph testing. Here's a link that might shed some light:

Summary: Most psychologists agree that there is little evidence that polygraph tests can accurately detect lies.

Glad Cougar

Very few people even understand how they work, or how they are administered. There are so many variables that go into them, especially what questions are asked, or how they are phrased. One could pass one week, fail the next week, take it with one person, fail with them, take it with someone else, pass with them, etc. etc.

I have personally taken one and passed it. I was not 100% honest with my responses during the test, or my explanations during the follow up to the results. This was silly crap that I did when I was younger, and none of it hurt anyone, I was simply embarrassed of the dumb crap that I did. I was also a fairly young adult when I took the test. I ended up getting the job.

I have also sat in observing a polygraph administrator giving a test.
Good people in bad systems/processes/cultures will shine.

Good people in bad systems/processes/cultures will not do a good job.

Bad people in bad systems/processes/cultures will do really bad things.

Bad people in good systems/processes/cultures will get spit out.

Like I said, Chun has his work cut out for him - and if people are getting spit out, they may be moving toward the good people/good process goal.
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Why thank you. I will, although I can't speak to recent WSU budgeting processes (real or non-existent). I looked through the Athletics staff directory, a lot of names, and a lot of newer names. Wish I had made a copy of this same list before Moos arrived, then again say, right after he left. That would tell us a lot.

One department that doesn't seem very large or experienced is the Business Office. Good people I'm sure, just seemingly not a lot of experience. Sr. Woman's Assoc. AD Anne McCoy (came with Sterk from PSU) was the head finance person, but I don't really see that in her current bio. Someone has to count all those beans.

Another good comparison, which I don't have the desire to do, would be to match up our directory against comparable programs, ex: Oregon State, and see how it lines up. But yes it does appear that the upper layer of administration is a bit larger than what I recall. I find Chun's new Chief of Staff interesting - he brought her from Florida with her all of 4 years of experience out of college. I think this is a new position (directory link below).

All the titles - yeah I equate that to your local bank. Every other person is a Vice-President. One thing I've found is that rank-and-file Athletics employees in general (at least at WSU historically) didn't make all that much money, so the titles were important vis a vis future opportunities.

I used to know John David Wicker (now mega $ AD at SD State). Good guy. He worked hard, did a lot of things, didn't make squat. It is all about paying your dues and looking for the big break elsewhere.

Finally, looks like Bo Moos is no longer there.

Speaking of budgets, Prez Shulz made a big deal when he first got here about not building any more edifices unless we had funding in hand. Well gee, what about the new $61 million building below? WSU breaks ground, and will ask the Legislature for the little bit ($36 million!) extra it will take to complete it? What if Olympia says no?

WSU spent about $1.9 million on planning and design work before the Legislature approved $23 million for the project in its 2018 capital budget. She said the university will ask lawmakers for another $36.4 million to complete the project in 2019. WSU officials say the project should be completed by January 2021.
The only that I saw that I found disturbing is that there are a whole lot of "Directors" listed on the official page. Too many chiefs....not enough indians.
I don't know if this is the case at WSU, but I worked in state government for 26 years as a "director". Nearly 100% of my agency's managers– including those with a director's title– were "working" managers, meaning they had the dual responsibility of producing work while managing others who were producing work. We simply didn't have the resources to relieve managers/directors of day-to-day, front line work. In some cases, titles alone don't tell the whole story.

Glad Cougar
I don't know if this is the case at WSU, but I worked in state government for 26 years as a "director". Nearly 100% of my agency's managers– including those with a director's title– were "working" managers, meaning they had the dual responsibility of producing work while managing others who were producing work. We simply didn't have the resources to relieve managers/directors of day-to-day, front line work. In some cases, titles alone don't tell the whole story.

Glad Cougar
Agreed on this. Titles mean something but many times, it goes to the flow chart of responsibility. So there are 20 "Directors". Whoopty skip. Whom answers to whom should be the REAL question. I like Loyals concept that we'll never be able to implement... See what the list looked like before Moos and what it looks like now. And I'd LOVE to see what it looked like before Moos and then during his 3rd year. THAT would be a VERY telling tale. But sera, conjecture now.

Anyways, my point. I don't mind more people... as long as they're doing their jobs! Just because there are people not doing their jobs, does not mean you should cut the job. If everyone is doing their job and THEN we have people sitting around, THEN cut. As it is, we have a whole bunch of jobs that need to be done. The laundry list that gets spelled out here is proof of jobs needing to be done. Get people in there that can do them but don't cut the jobs.

Might also add. Anyone ever try to fire someone from a state position? o_O:mad: Gonna take some time people. Someone can be a lump of lard, doing nothing and it'll take a good 6 months to a year to get rid of them. Let alone the process of finding the weak links could take years. This whole process of cleaning house and making it a well oiled machine is going to take... time. lots of time.
Agreed on this. Titles mean something but many times, it goes to the flow chart of responsibility. So there are 20 "Directors". Whoopty skip. Whom answers to whom should be the REAL question. I like Loyals concept that we'll never be able to implement... See what the list looked like before Moos and what it looks like now. And I'd LOVE to see what it looked like before Moos and then during his 3rd year. THAT would be a VERY telling tale. But sera, conjecture now.

Anyways, my point. I don't mind more people... as long as they're doing their jobs! Just because there are people not doing their jobs, does not mean you should cut the job. If everyone is doing their job and THEN we have people sitting around, THEN cut. As it is, we have a whole bunch of jobs that need to be done. The laundry list that gets spelled out here is proof of jobs needing to be done. Get people in there that can do them but don't cut the jobs.

Might also add. Anyone ever try to fire someone from a state position? o_O:mad: Gonna take some time people. Someone can be a lump of lard, doing nothing and it'll take a good 6 months to a year to get rid of them. Let alone the process of finding the weak links could take years. This whole process of cleaning house and making it a well oiled machine is going to take... time. lots of time.
An additional point - when someone is a "director" or "assistant director", that means they are "administrative professionals". As AP staff, they have much more flexible job descriptions and expectations than if they were "civil service" staff (which have state-defined job descriptions). As AP, they also have much more flexibility to their schedules (hence the travel and long hours of fundraising) and don't get paid overtime. So there are fairly strong economic incentives to hire people as AP, give them a nice title, and then work them like dogs.
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