Uhh....some of your terrible things are just policy decisions and many of them weren't particularly controversial and just things happening.
Nixon was trash...but you really only came up with two things.
Ford pardoned Nixon but the general consensus today was that it was the right choice in allowing the country to move forward. The rest of your list is standard political griping.
Reagan.....that Iran-Contra scandal was bad. Sewergate happened on his watch...but was he actually involved at all? When I talk about Trump, I talk about things that he actually did. "War on Drugs"? How does that have anything to do with this discussion? The HUD rigging was a bad look. So...you really had only two that you can pin on him. He was also guilty of a lot of policy decisions that made his rich cronies richer...so there is that...but still not five.
HW Bush....invasion of Panama was bad. Iran contra feels like a stretch but hey, whatever. "War on Drugs" again? Do you know that Bush gave orders to target civilians in Desert Storm? And what does an Ambassador's communication have to do with being a terrible human being? This still feels like a 2 part statement.
Bush II - A strong list, but the list is more bad policy decisions than anything to do with being a terrible human being. I'd be curious to know how much bad information that Bush was provided in his decision making. The first four items on the list were related to him doing things to make our country safer (in his eyes) in the wake of 9/11. Were some of them bad decisions? Sure...but how many were done out of personal advancement and selfishness? Hurricane Katrina was a FUBAR but how is it relevant to a discussion about personal failures as a human being (pussy grabbing, threatening to murder people in the street, 30000 misleading statements or lies while in office, fake electors, blackmailing foreign leaders).
On Obama, there was some dirty politics in the first couple points you made...but the FBI found that the IRS story didn't warrant charges and that included a look in 2017 when Trump was President. Benghazi was a FUBAR but how is that relevant to the discussion? A failure of people within his administration doesn't make him a human stain in the way that Trump's daily actions do. What does the collapse of Libya say about Obama's character? I think you are going to pull a muscle reaching. You mention executive orders, but Trump had 55 executive orders per year compared to 35 by Obama. What does that say about Trump? Undermining Trump's presidency? If anything, Obama has been criticized for not saying enough about Trump's presidency.
Please come up with a list of five things on each of those where they said or did terrible things to advance their own prospects or that the general public would agree are traits of a bad human being...not just bad choices that involve other people in the administration more than the President himself. Everyone makes mistakes and again, no president is perfect, but bad policies is a different conversation than Trump.
Just for fun though, here are some other gems that make Trump stand out:
1) Using the National Park Service police to push protesters out of a park for a photo op with a bible.
2) Failing to ask his supporters to quit invading and vandalizing our nation's Capitol building
3) Starting a riot at the Capitol by telling those supporters to head down Pennsylvania Avenue and fight like hell.
4) Making fun of a handicapped person for their disability
5) Putting his children into positions of power or authority within the government
6) Taking classified documents after leaving office and then refusing to return them when challenged
7) Publicly attacking a former President by saying that he was born in Africa because of the color of his skin
8) Saying that white supremacists are good people too.
9) Making it clear that he prefers Russian and North Korean authoritarian figures over all others
10) Paying off a porn star so that she wouldn't go to the press and then lying about it.
11) Running an election campaign insisting that he would get Mexico to build the wall and dumping it on taxpayers the moment he got elected
12) Actually grabbing a woman by the pussy in a clothing store, defaming the victim and than losing a lawsuit about said defamation
13) Encouraging foreign dignitaries to stay in his hotels on official visits in violation of the emoluments clause.
14) Golfing on the taxpayers dime at an expense of around $150 million.
and the grand finale.....
15) bashing on veterans like John McCain when he was too much of a coward to serve in the military and using a bribed doctor's excuse of "bone spurs" to avoid serving his country.
Again...not every President is perfect and they all make mistakes, but the Cheeto-In-Chief stands above all others when it comes to selfishness, bigotry, racism and narcissism. All others fade in the shadow of his debauchery, hatred and arrogance.
And don't forget: