Yes millions and millions invested centrally into the State is GOOD for the state.
That money pumping in can then bleed its way east south and west which is good for everybody, and the state.
Ellensburg should be a significant hub for the state because it is the most centrally located city, the fact that it was never really developed is a very significant missed opportunity and one we all can benefit from.
Logistically there is plenty of room to build everything needed to make it a serious hub in the PNW.
If Bowers was turned into a major airport hub for the state it would alleviate pressure on Sea-Tac
It’s a 1000 acre airfield that is way under utilized. Sea Tac is 2500 acres that’ll give you an idea... Little tiny Ellensburg is sitting in the middle of the state with an air field half the size of Sea-Tac with the population 1/60th the size.
Ellensburg is the biggest untapped opportunity in the state.
Here is a city.... that is the most centrally located municipality in its state.
That sits at the intersection of...
two interstates (the 90 and 82)
State routes 10 & 821
And US route 97 that goes all the way to the Canadian border and Oregon
With a 1,000 acre airfield
With just a population of 18k?
It is a tremendous opportunity and a quintessential example of an untapped and under developed location.
It has all the ingredients to be a success.
Transport major highways and an airfield with room to expand
Excellent landscape
Water source (Yakima River)
All it needs is investment and development and a purpose.
Give the town a purpose to bring people to it and the investment and development and it will thrive, and honesty with its location it wouldn’t surprise me at all if it turns into one of the fastest growing cities in the state givens its location.