Why would anyone want to veto election integrity?

I read the bill. I agree with the intent, but the methods are flawed.

The ID requirements create a problem for most of Washington state voters because our licenses aren’t yet REAL ID compliant. The alternative allows use of a license in combination with a birth certificate…but birth certificates weren’t issued as standard practice until around 1950, and in some rural areas there are still times when kids don’t necessarily have one. Thats probably more prevalent in lower income areas, which are probably more populated by minorities, which is what the Dems will be against (and republicans won’t care).

I’ve also got a basic issue with them mandating that a birth certificate presented for proof of voter eligibility must have the parent’s name(s). That really doesn’t seem relevant for the purpose.

The bill also includes the alternative that allows you to sign an affidavit swearing that you’re eligible even if you can’t provide proof of citizenship. Washington has a similar statement and I think is probably how ineligible people get registered. It’s easy to sign that and knowingly lie, because nobody’s ever going to check. If that’s going to be an option, there needs to be some sort of investigative practice to follow it up.

And then there’s the other issue - the kids who’ve been here their whole lives and don’t know that they aren’t legal. Right now they don’t have a pathway to a lot of things, because they don’t meet the citizenship requirement. I’m not necessarily on board with amnesty for them, but I think we should create a simplified path for those who have behaved themselves and generally met expectations.
I read the bill. I agree with the intent, but the methods are flawed.

The ID requirements create a problem for most of Washington state voters because our licenses aren’t yet REAL ID compliant. The alternative allows use of a license in combination with a birth certificate…but birth certificates weren’t issued as standard practice until around 1950, and in some rural areas there are still times when kids don’t necessarily have one. Thats probably more prevalent in lower income areas, which are probably more populated by minorities, which is what the Dems will be against (and republicans won’t care).

I’ve also got a basic issue with them mandating that a birth certificate presented for proof of voter eligibility must have the parent’s name(s). That really doesn’t seem relevant for the purpose.

The bill also includes the alternative that allows you to sign an affidavit swearing that you’re eligible even if you can’t provide proof of citizenship. Washington has a similar statement and I think is probably how ineligible people get registered. It’s easy to sign that and knowingly lie, because nobody’s ever going to check. If that’s going to be an option, there needs to be some sort of investigative practice to follow it up.

And then there’s the other issue - the kids who’ve been here their whole lives and don’t know that they aren’t legal. Right now they don’t have a pathway to a lot of things, because they don’t meet the citizenship requirement. I’m not necessarily on board with amnesty for them, but I think we should create a simplified path for those who have behaved themselves and generally met expectations.
95, why do you post intelligent shit on this board? What is wrong with you?

Shithead (oops I mean Uber) made me have to look this thing up this morning. I hadn't read about it. As soon as I saw the name Chip Roy as sponsor I quit reading. Talk about cognitive decline. In his case it was cognitive dead on arrival.

What's funny about arguments about "election integrity" tend to be very selective on what matters.

As a for instance, it's clear that Joe Biden should not be running for President. If the decision is made to remove him from the ballot, the GOP will be working overtime to prevent Democrats from removing him in the name of "election integrity" and will use every tool that they can to keep his replacement off ballots in swing states. They aren't doing that for "integrity".....they'll be doing it because they want to win.

Mail-in voting is often cited as a problem by the GOP. It ignores the fact that there are literally millions of Americans who have the legal right to vote who can't go to polling places for a variety of reasons whether it be their job, their health, their phobias or other issues that make it difficult for them to stand in line for hours.

The GOP loves putting "poll watchers" at polling stations who will act inappropriately with the intent to intimidate people into not voting. There have been instances of them singling out minorities and demanding ID (even though they themselves lack the authority to do so) because they didn't think the person looked American enough.

I'm fine with reasonable measures to protect election integrity, but if someone is saying that they need rules to keep those stinking illegal immigrants from down south from stealing our've got to wonder if they have the objectivity to be fair when creating those rules.
What's funny about arguments about "election integrity" tend to be very selective on what matters.

As a for instance, it's clear that Joe Biden should not be running for President. If the decision is made to remove him from the ballot, the GOP will be working overtime to prevent Democrats from removing him in the name of "election integrity" and will use every tool that they can to keep his replacement off ballots in swing states. They aren't doing that for "integrity".....they'll be doing it because they want to win.

Mail-in voting is often cited as a problem by the GOP. It ignores the fact that there are literally millions of Americans who have the legal right to vote who can't go to polling places for a variety of reasons whether it be their job, their health, their phobias or other issues that make it difficult for them to stand in line for hours.

The GOP loves putting "poll watchers" at polling stations who will act inappropriately with the intent to intimidate people into not voting. There have been instances of them singling out minorities and demanding ID (even though they themselves lack the authority to do so) because they didn't think the person looked American enough.

I'm fine with reasonable measures to protect election integrity, but if someone is saying that they need rules to keep those stinking illegal immigrants from down south from stealing our've got to wonder if they have the objectivity to be fair when creating those rules.
Election integrity, interesting concept. Any idea why Democrats so vehemently oppose requiring voter ID?

I am not sure that removing Joe Biden is something that would be a concern for Republicans, it is more of an internal party issue for the Dems. However, we can point out that the Dems had to get special dispensation from Ohio because the Dems scheduled their national convention for AFTER the Ohio state law/regulation that set the date when the names for their ticket had to be provided. So they manipulate the rules. I recall a situation from years back (probably in the 2000's) where a US Senate or Rep candidate from New Jersey (IIRC) was facing legal issues and was getting thrashed in the polls. So the Dem Party pulled him out and threw a new guy in the race, even though it was past the 60 or 90 requirement prior to election day. So by getting around the law they ended up saving that seat for a Dem. No integrity there!

Mail in voting actually IS a problem, because there is no accountability when ballots are mailed out to everyone without regard to whether they are going to a legal voter. This was one of the things identified back about 2006 when D Jimmy Carter and R James??? did that investigation of voter integrity. And keep in mind that mail in voting is a different concept from absentee voting, where you provide your ID and sign up for an absentee ballot due to some of the circumstances that you mention.

Remember seeing the video of the New Black Panthers intimidating voters in Philadelphia a few years ago? I do. Which party do you think they are promoting?

It ain't just stinking bastards from the south, okay. It is people from all over the world, ones that have been here for a while and now the ones that have inundated the US over the past 3.5 years. I have heard the claims of racism, and discrimination, and unfairness from the left for years, but what I haven't heard or seen is a single shred of evidence that requiring valid ID to vote, that requiring voter rolls to be properly maintained is a problem in any way. These are things that should be done to protect our election system and to ensure fair and accurate elections.

Ask yourself why so many other countries can have fair and accurate elections by holding an election on a single day and know the results almost immediately. Shouldn't we as a country aspire to such a thing? I sure think so.

PS- Okay, I went ahead and looked it up before posting. Turns out I had a couple of the details wrong, but the basics were correct. In 2002 Bob Torricelli dropped out after the filing deadline, but the NJ Supreme Court allowed the Dems to get around the law by having them pay for reprinting all of the ballots. A flawed decision in my mind.
Election integrity is a bullshit red herring that has no basis in reality. There is zero proof that our elections have been compromised or at risk of being compromised.

Completely made up issue swallowed up by the gullible.
Election integrity is a bullshit red herring that has no basis in reality. There is zero proof that our elections have been compromised or at risk of being compromised.

Completely made up issue swallowed up by the gullible.

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Election integrity, interesting concept. Any idea why Democrats so vehemently oppose requiring voter ID?

I am not sure that removing Joe Biden is something that would be a concern for Republicans, it is more of an internal party issue for the Dems. However, we can point out that the Dems had to get special dispensation from Ohio because the Dems scheduled their national convention for AFTER the Ohio state law/regulation that set the date when the names for their ticket had to be provided. So they manipulate the rules. I recall a situation from years back (probably in the 2000's) where a US Senate or Rep candidate from New Jersey (IIRC) was facing legal issues and was getting thrashed in the polls. So the Dem Party pulled him out and threw a new guy in the race, even though it was past the 60 or 90 requirement prior to election day. So by getting around the law they ended up saving that seat for a Dem. No integrity there!

Mail in voting actually IS a problem, because there is no accountability when ballots are mailed out to everyone without regard to whether they are going to a legal voter. This was one of the things identified back about 2006 when D Jimmy Carter and R James??? did that investigation of voter integrity. And keep in mind that mail in voting is a different concept from absentee voting, where you provide your ID and sign up for an absentee ballot due to some of the circumstances that you mention.

Remember seeing the video of the New Black Panthers intimidating voters in Philadelphia a few years ago? I do. Which party do you think they are promoting?

It ain't just stinking bastards from the south, okay. It is people from all over the world, ones that have been here for a while and now the ones that have inundated the US over the past 3.5 years. I have heard the claims of racism, and discrimination, and unfairness from the left for years, but what I haven't heard or seen is a single shred of evidence that requiring valid ID to vote, that requiring voter rolls to be properly maintained is a problem in any way. These are things that should be done to protect our election system and to ensure fair and accurate elections.

Ask yourself why so many other countries can have fair and accurate elections by holding an election on a single day and know the results almost immediately. Shouldn't we as a country aspire to such a thing? I sure think so.

PS- Okay, I went ahead and looked it up before posting. Turns out I had a couple of the details wrong, but the basics were correct. In 2002 Bob Torricelli dropped out after the filing deadline, but the NJ Supreme Court allowed the Dems to get around the law by having them pay for reprinting all of the ballots. A flawed decision in my mind.

FWIW...I don't mind voter ID laws and I think that Democrats are dumb for fighting against them. Instead, they should be fighting to make it easier to get a voter ID for citizens that can vote.

Also, the GOP isn't dumb. They know that a lot of folks that live in larger cities don't drive cars and a lot of folks that are legally entitled to vote don't have driver's licenses as a result. They also know that a lot of minorities don't trust the government and prefer to not be tracked with an ID. It's a smart play by the GOP to make a big deal about it.

Looks to me like the system is working. The people attempting to commit fraud are being caught and prosecuted, and no elections are being altered in favor of their attempted fraud.

What is the problem?
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Looks to me like the system is working. The people attempting to commit fraud are being caught and prosecuted, and no elections are being altered in favor of their attempted fraud.

What is the problem?
Haha.....he said "attempting to commit fraud"

He also said zero proof of elections at risk of being compromised.

Do you think everyone who has committed election fraud was caught.

Gullible much?!
FWIW...I don't mind voter ID laws and I think that Democrats are dumb for fighting against them. Instead, they should be fighting to make it easier to get a voter ID for citizens that can vote.

Also, the GOP isn't dumb. They know that a lot of folks that live in larger cities don't drive cars and a lot of folks that are legally entitled to vote don't have driver's licenses as a result. They also know that a lot of minorities don't trust the government and prefer to not be tracked with an ID. It's a smart play by the GOP to make a big deal about it.
Might be the first time I ever agreed with you.
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It cracks me up that all the people chiming in "I'm not a Liberal" on this board. Show of hands. Which of you voted for Barry?

If you voted for Barry you are a liberal.

Cmon...I want a show of hands.

We know Flounder isn't a Liberal. He told us he firmly has a fence post lodged up his ass taking the Cowards route of an Independent Moderate.

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  • Haha
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Haha.....he said "attempting to commit fraud"

He also said zero proof of elections at risk of being compromised.

Do you think everyone who has committed election fraud was caught.

Gullible much?!
That ooze coming out of your ear is your brain being melted away. I actually feel sorry for you.
Election integrity, interesting concept. Any idea why Democrats so vehemently oppose requiring voter ID?

I am not sure that removing Joe Biden is something that would be a concern for Republicans, it is more of an internal party issue for the Dems. However, we can point out that the Dems had to get special dispensation from Ohio because the Dems scheduled their national convention for AFTER the Ohio state law/regulation that set the date when the names for their ticket had to be provided. So they manipulate the rules. I recall a situation from years back (probably in the 2000's) where a US Senate or Rep candidate from New Jersey (IIRC) was facing legal issues and was getting thrashed in the polls. So the Dem Party pulled him out and threw a new guy in the race, even though it was past the 60 or 90 requirement prior to election day. So by getting around the law they ended up saving that seat for a Dem. No integrity there!

Mail in voting actually IS a problem, because there is no accountability when ballots are mailed out to everyone without regard to whether they are going to a legal voter. This was one of the things identified back about 2006 when D Jimmy Carter and R James??? did that investigation of voter integrity. And keep in mind that mail in voting is a different concept from absentee voting, where you provide your ID and sign up for an absentee ballot due to some of the circumstances that you mention.

Remember seeing the video of the New Black Panthers intimidating voters in Philadelphia a few years ago? I do. Which party do you think they are promoting?

It ain't just stinking bastards from the south, okay. It is people from all over the world, ones that have been here for a while and now the ones that have inundated the US over the past 3.5 years. I have heard the claims of racism, and discrimination, and unfairness from the left for years, but what I haven't heard or seen is a single shred of evidence that requiring valid ID to vote, that requiring voter rolls to be properly maintained is a problem in any way. These are things that should be done to protect our election system and to ensure fair and accurate elections.

Ask yourself why so many other countries can have fair and accurate elections by holding an election on a single day and know the results almost immediately. Shouldn't we as a country aspire to such a thing? I sure think so.

PS- Okay, I went ahead and looked it up before posting. Turns out I had a couple of the details wrong, but the basics were correct. In 2002 Bob Torricelli dropped out after the filing deadline, but the NJ Supreme Court allowed the Dems to get around the law by having them pay for reprinting all of the ballots. A flawed decision in my mind.
Christ stretch you can renew your license or file your taxes online/by mail among a million other things you can do confidentially by mail/online. This argument holds no water. And every attempt to prove there was any meaningful voter fraud in 2020 were quickly debunked, a bunch of them by Republican admins.
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It cracks me up that all the people chiming in "I'm not a Liberal" on this board. Show of hands. Which of you voted for Barry?

If you voted for Barry you are a liberal.

Cmon...I want a show of hands.

We know Flounder isn't a Liberal. He told us he firmly has a fence post lodged up his ass taking the Cowards route of an Independent Moderate.

Barry who? Seriously? Am I a liberal now?
Barry who? Seriously? Am I a liberal now?
If you voted for Barry (stepson of Lolo) then yes 90, you are indeed a liberal. Bet you voted for Barry twice, Hillary once and Joe once (going on twice).

That is a solid left leaning liberal voting record pal.

Are you claiming to be an independent moderate?
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Who TF is Barry??
And no i didn’t vote for Hillary. Yes I voted Biden and would vote for just about any candidate running against Trump if that’s not clear enough. I don’t think that makes me a liberal I think that makes me not mind ****ed by trumpism.
And no i didn’t vote for Hillary. Yes I voted Biden and would vote for just about any candidate running against Trump if that’s not clear enough. I don’t think that makes me a liberal I think that makes me not mind ****ed by trumpism.
You are a liberal 90. It's ok to own it.
Barry Soetoro stepson of Lolo Soetoro who was married to Barry's mom.

oh haha. I’ve actually never heard that before, and seriously didn’t know who Barry was 😂. Yup, didn’t vote for him either but you will still call me a libtard because I don’t suck Trumps little mushroom 24/7 🤷
oh haha. I’ve actually never heard that before, and seriously didn’t know who Barry was 😂. Yup, didn’t vote for him either but you will still call me a libtard because I don’t suck Trumps little mushroom 24/7 🤷
I like you 90. I would never call you a Libtard.

As a matter of fact I like everybody on this board. That's why I came back today. I missed y'all.

I hate no one. Hatred toward someone is such a waste of energy.
Would somebody please post photos of a pregnant Michelle Obama?

I find it very odd there is NOTHING to be found on the internet.

Don't most Mothers take photos of themselves pregnant?

Just looking for a reasonable explanation?

Ed? You want to take a swing at this?
did you impregnate her?
Would somebody please post photos of a pregnant Michelle Obama?

I find it very odd there is NOTHING to be found on the internet.

Don't most Mothers take photos of themselves pregnant?

Just looking for a reasonable explanation?

Ed? You want to take a swing at this?

Looks like Youtube scrubbed that video. Had to go to Rumble.

Joan died shortly after. Got the ol' "Chef" treatment.

Edit: I guess the chef would have gotten the Joan treatment to be exact.

That's my tinfoil hat for the day.
did you impregnate her?
She scares me. I wouldn't get anywhere near her.

But seriously. Are the two daughters adopted?

She claims the daughters were conceived through in vitro fertilization

Were the girls test tube babies?. Did Michelle carry them?

Bill Clinton has a black son and the media won't cover that.

Lil help here.
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She scares me. I wouldn't get anywhere near her.

But seriously. Are the two daughters adopted?
Exactly why does this matter, what makes it relevant to the thread at hand which has to date been laser focused on topic, and why the F do you care? Seems creepy to me.

Oh and I voted for McCain in 2008. I think I voted for Romney in 2012 but am not sure.
He told us he firmly has a fence post lodged up his ass taking the Cowards route of an Independent Moderate.
This really says something, I think. Independents outnumber both democrats and republicans, and moderates are - by definition - not extreme to either side. But yet, a descriptor that puts one within a plurality of voters - if not an outright majority - is the coward's route?

I'll grant that it's not much of a descriptor. "Independent" basically just means not necessarily democrat or republican. "Moderate" just means not extreme. They both take in a lot of ground....which is probably why they both also take in a lot of people.

Personally, I don't think "independent" is a suitable descriptor. I prefer "unaffiliated." I don't identify with either party across the board, but I agree with some pieces of each...but they both take things to extremes that I can't get on board with and I think they both pick stupid things to fight over (although lately, those stupid things are everything).
Christ stretch you can renew your license or file your taxes online/by mail among a million other things you can do confidentially by mail/online. This argument holds no water. And every attempt to prove there was any meaningful voter fraud in 2020 were quickly debunked, a bunch of them by Republican admins.
What does RENEWING a license online or filing taxes online have to do with voter integrity?

Here is an article I saved from last fall, discussing a lot of issues relative to 2020 election. While reading this you may continue to gulp down the "Zero election fraud, never, never ever!" KoolAid, but as I read things like this, and there are many others like it, it makes me have a healthy dose of skepticism towrds the Zero fraud claims. Think back to the Gregoire/Rossi issue if you remember it, where the law of big numbers came into play, with the Dem finding more votes for like 9 separate instances during the 3 recounts that it took to get the Democrat finally on top. We all should be very skeptical of those results also.


What If We Excused Other Crimes the Way We Do Election Fraud?

Rachel Alexander | Sep 25, 2023

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

The left and its comrades in the MSM and judiciary have been dismissing all evidence of significant election fraud, coming up with excuse after excuse to justify every single anomaly, even though there are hundreds of them. Despite the fact the anomalies in 2020 and 2022 all went against Republicans, favoring Democrats, which violates the law of large numbers, they still threw out all kinds of unbelievable excuses.

Let’s look at how these kinds of strange misnomers would be treated in other illegal and criminal activities. Can’t find tens of thousands of chain of custody records or delete the server logs? Let’s compare that to the medical industry, which is somewhat similar since medical records are treated very securely, like elections. If you lose or delete medical records, it’s considered medical negligence, and doctors have lost their licenses to practice medicine for doing so.

How about taxes? If the IRS audits you, tell them you have no receipts or records for the last few years, so agents need to believe you; you won’t be allowed to get away with it. Same with insurance claims; in order to collect reimbursement for a loss, you can’t just state you lost or damaged the item; you’re required to show evidence of it.

In the banking industry, employees are fired and can be prosecuted if the numbers merely seem off. As with cashiers at stores, a typical amount of money is expected to come in daily. If that number starts being low, security measures like cameras and keystroking devices are put in place to try and discover the theft.

In contrast, we are seeing the opposite in elections. Runbeck Election Systems, the private contractor hired by Maricopa County to assist with processing ballots, is
fighting tooth and nail in court to prevent its video surveillance of ballots being dropped off and sent back out from being released. During the motion to dismiss hearing last week, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer thought it was acceptable to argue with a straight face that it would take too many resources to fulfill public records requests like that. Runbeck lost a chain of custody records on tens of thousands of ballots, and 22,000 ballots that showed up at Runbeck cannot be accounted for.

The law of large numbers is violated when all the anomalies come down against Republicans. A team of experts put together a
report on the large vote dumps in states suspected of election fraud that occurred the night of the 2020 election, batches of 25,000 or more net votes for Joe Biden. There were 26 dumps in 14 states. Pennsylvania had four. I’m no statistician, but this seems next to impossible odds.

If a cashier came up 26 times with less money in their till than expected but never with more money than expected in the till, it would not be dismissed as a coincidence. They would be fired and prosecuted.

When you file a pleading with the court, you are required to sign your name on it, or it will not be accepted. Many pleadings require a notarized affidavit, where a notary must compare your signature to your driver’s license signature. Whereas in the 2020 and 2022 elections, unmatching or missing signatures accompanying mail-in ballots were often ignored. Georgia IT expert Garland Favorito
testified that Fulton County in Georgia did not conduct any signature verification whatsoever in the 2020 election. A forensic document and handwriting analysis expert testified that Maricopa County compared tens of thousands of signatures in 3 seconds or less, which was impossible.

Favorito also found counterfeit ballots; mail-in ballots in Fulton County that weren’t folded even though they must be mailed to voters were filled out electronically instead of with a regular pen, and did not have the correct paper stock. Dozens of ballots in a row were voted the same way. In contrast, the penalty for using counterfeit money is up to 20 years in prison.

Maricopa County mostly
ignored four letters from the Arizona Attorney General’s Office demanding data and equipment from the 2020 election. Whereas if law enforcement asks someone to examine something of theirs to determine whether a crime was committed, noncompliance results in their arrest and usually prosecution.

Election fraud never gets prosecuted because the judges find
technical excuses not to hear the cases. And even though before 2020, elections were often overturned due to merely a handful of lesser statutory violations, not fraud, the left and MSM have convinced people that fraud must be proven. Fraud is extremely difficult to prove since the standard is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Since election officials thwart efforts to improve security measures, it’s easy for fraudsters to escape detection. In reality, hundreds of thousands of class 2 misdemeanors, which occurred in Kari Lake’s 2022 gubernatorial race, were always sufficient to overturn an election until now.

The patriotic attorneys who dare to file lawsuits challenging election corruption are targeted with bar complaints.
The 65 Project was started to go after the attorneys who filed 65 lawsuits challenging the 2020 election results. John Eastman, arguably the top constitutional legal scholar in the country, is currently undergoing a disbarment trial for advising Trump that Vice President Mike Pence had the option of rejecting or delaying certification of electoral slates from states suspected of election fraud.

Can you imagine attorneys being targeted for trying to stop corruption in other areas of life? What if the #MeToo attorneys were disbarred? How about the prosecutors who are going after Hunter Biden and Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NY)? Election corruption is often compared to racketeering; can you imagine if attorneys were disbarred for going after the cartels and Mafia for racketeering?

Next time you find yourself in a testy situation involving the law in one of these other areas, just point to how election corruption is treated as a precedent to get off the hook. I bet it doesn’t work.

Exactly why does this matter, what makes it relevant to the thread at hand which has to date been laser focused on topic, and why the F do you care? Seems creepy to me.

Oh and I voted for McCain in 2008. I think I voted for Romney in 2012 but am not sure.
I hijacked the thread Flounder. Thanks for chiming in. A thread isn't complete without your low IQ takes.

And you know what is truly creepy. You coming on here and talking about banging other guys wives.

You think you voted for Romney? That fence post must have hit that walnut brain of yours.
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Exactly why does this matter, what makes it relevant to the thread at hand which has to date been laser focused on topic, and why the F do you care? Seems creepy to me.

Oh and I voted for McCain in 2008. I think I voted for Romney in 2012 but am not sure.
That was McCain at his peak level of crazy. Dude lost his mind for a couple years there. Sarah Palin was the best evidence of that. He may have had a chance until she opened her mouth.

I don't mind admitting that I can't tell you who I voted for in any presidential election after 1992 (Ross Perot). I can tell you for sure that I've never voted for anyone with a D or R after their name for president. Not that it matters in Washington anyway.
Elections in general should be modernized so I can log on my computer and vote. They could give the project to Google and find a way to authenticate every person as who they are pretty easily.
What does RENEWING a license online or filing taxes online have to do with voter integrity?

Here is an article I saved from last fall, discussing a lot of issues relative to 2020 election. While reading this you may continue to gulp down the "Zero election fraud, never, never ever!" KoolAid, but as I read things like this, and there are many others like it, it makes me have a healthy dose of skepticism towrds the Zero fraud claims. Think back to the Gregoire/Rossi issue if you remember it, where the law of big numbers came into play, with the Dem finding more votes for like 9 separate instances during the 3 recounts that it took to get the Democrat finally on top. We all should be very skeptical of those results also.


What If We Excused Other Crimes the Way We Do Election Fraud?

Rachel Alexander | Sep 25, 2023

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

The left and its comrades in the MSM and judiciary have been dismissing all evidence of significant election fraud, coming up with excuse after excuse to justify every single anomaly, even though there are hundreds of them. Despite the fact the anomalies in 2020 and 2022 all went against Republicans, favoring Democrats, which violates the law of large numbers, they still threw out all kinds of unbelievable excuses.

Let’s look at how these kinds of strange misnomers would be treated in other illegal and criminal activities. Can’t find tens of thousands of chain of custody records or delete the server logs? Let’s compare that to the medical industry, which is somewhat similar since medical records are treated very securely, like elections. If you lose or delete medical records, it’s considered medical negligence, and doctors have lost their licenses to practice medicine for doing so.

How about taxes? If the IRS audits you, tell them you have no receipts or records for the last few years, so agents need to believe you; you won’t be allowed to get away with it. Same with insurance claims; in order to collect reimbursement for a loss, you can’t just state you lost or damaged the item; you’re required to show evidence of it.

In the banking industry, employees are fired and can be prosecuted if the numbers merely seem off. As with cashiers at stores, a typical amount of money is expected to come in daily. If that number starts being low, security measures like cameras and keystroking devices are put in place to try and discover the theft.

In contrast, we are seeing the opposite in elections. Runbeck Election Systems, the private contractor hired by Maricopa County to assist with processing ballots, is
fighting tooth and nail in court to prevent its video surveillance of ballots being dropped off and sent back out from being released. During the motion to dismiss hearing last week, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer thought it was acceptable to argue with a straight face that it would take too many resources to fulfill public records requests like that. Runbeck lost a chain of custody records on tens of thousands of ballots, and 22,000 ballots that showed up at Runbeck cannot be accounted for.

The law of large numbers is violated when all the anomalies come down against Republicans. A team of experts put together a
report on the large vote dumps in states suspected of election fraud that occurred the night of the 2020 election, batches of 25,000 or more net votes for Joe Biden. There were 26 dumps in 14 states. Pennsylvania had four. I’m no statistician, but this seems next to impossible odds.

If a cashier came up 26 times with less money in their till than expected but never with more money than expected in the till, it would not be dismissed as a coincidence. They would be fired and prosecuted.

When you file a pleading with the court, you are required to sign your name on it, or it will not be accepted. Many pleadings require a notarized affidavit, where a notary must compare your signature to your driver’s license signature. Whereas in the 2020 and 2022 elections, unmatching or missing signatures accompanying mail-in ballots were often ignored. Georgia IT expert Garland Favorito
testified that Fulton County in Georgia did not conduct any signature verification whatsoever in the 2020 election. A forensic document and handwriting analysis expert testified that Maricopa County compared tens of thousands of signatures in 3 seconds or less, which was impossible.

Favorito also found counterfeit ballots; mail-in ballots in Fulton County that weren’t folded even though they must be mailed to voters were filled out electronically instead of with a regular pen, and did not have the correct paper stock. Dozens of ballots in a row were voted the same way. In contrast, the penalty for using counterfeit money is up to 20 years in prison.

Maricopa County mostly
ignored four letters from the Arizona Attorney General’s Office demanding data and equipment from the 2020 election. Whereas if law enforcement asks someone to examine something of theirs to determine whether a crime was committed, noncompliance results in their arrest and usually prosecution.

Election fraud never gets prosecuted because the judges find
technical excuses not to hear the cases. And even though before 2020, elections were often overturned due to merely a handful of lesser statutory violations, not fraud, the left and MSM have convinced people that fraud must be proven. Fraud is extremely difficult to prove since the standard is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Since election officials thwart efforts to improve security measures, it’s easy for fraudsters to escape detection. In reality, hundreds of thousands of class 2 misdemeanors, which occurred in Kari Lake’s 2022 gubernatorial race, were always sufficient to overturn an election until now.

The patriotic attorneys who dare to file lawsuits challenging election corruption are targeted with bar complaints.
The 65 Project was started to go after the attorneys who filed 65 lawsuits challenging the 2020 election results. John Eastman, arguably the top constitutional legal scholar in the country, is currently undergoing a disbarment trial for advising Trump that Vice President Mike Pence had the option of rejecting or delaying certification of electoral slates from states suspected of election fraud.

Can you imagine attorneys being targeted for trying to stop corruption in other areas of life? What if the #MeToo attorneys were disbarred? How about the prosecutors who are going after Hunter Biden and Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NY)? Election corruption is often compared to racketeering; can you imagine if attorneys were disbarred for going after the cartels and Mafia for racketeering?

Next time you find yourself in a testy situation involving the law in one of these other areas, just point to how election corruption is treated as a precedent to get off the hook. I bet it doesn’t work.

Ahh...Gregoire/Rossi. That one was so much fun. Keep counting until the results come out how we want them, and include ballots that we find under furniture and in long as they're from King County.

I actually didn't vote for that race at all. Rossi was a loon, and Gregoire had already conclusively proven on multiple occasions that she was unworthy of leading anything.
Elections in general should be modernized so I can log on my computer and vote. They could give the project to Google and find a way to authenticate every person as who they are pretty easily.
And you trust Google?
This really says something, I think. Independents outnumber both democrats and republicans, and moderates are - by definition - not extreme to either side. But yet, a descriptor that puts one within a plurality of voters - if not an outright majority - is the coward's route?

I'll grant that it's not much of a descriptor. "Independent" basically just means not necessarily democrat or republican. "Moderate" just means not extreme. They both take in a lot of ground....which is probably why they both also take in a lot of people.

Personally, I don't think "independent" is a suitable descriptor. I prefer "unaffiliated." I don't identify with either party across the board, but I agree with some pieces of each...but they both take things to extremes that I can't get on board with and I think they both pick stupid things to fight over (although lately, those stupid things are everything).
I always thought that independent means that I don't need to wear Depends. Damn 4 syllable words........
Elections in general should be modernized so I can log on my computer and vote. They could give the project to Google and find a way to authenticate every person as who they are pretty easily.
Do no evil Google? Horrible idea.

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