One of my sisters is a social worker (and a Coug). She worked for the state of Idaho for many years in what I considered to be a rather enlightened program...the state recognized that institutionalizing folks was expensive. And Idaho is cheap. So they hired social workers (via a contractor) to do what my sister did...she had 10 clients that she saw each for a half day every week. She helped balance their check books, checked with the landlords to make sure no problems, MADE SURE THEY WERE TAKING THEIR MEDS, worked with their doctor's office & pharmacy to make sure prescriptions got renewed, helped with job applications and employer communication, made sure the tax returns got filed...what ever was needed, all the little stuff that trips up people who are marginally capable of independent living. The goal was to provide assistance in keeping them living independently and as productive as possible. That saved Idaho a lot of money. She was very proud that in doing this for almost 4 years she never lost one. By "lost one", I mean homeless, institutionalized or dead.
Homelessness has been my personal charity for many years, and I am current on the statistics for the LA basin. No experience with Portland or Seattle, and don't claim to know. Here, in round numbers about 2/3 are mentally ill, addicted, or both. The mentally ill are particularly susceptible to addiction because it is easy to self-medicate. The remaining 1/3 come from a wide variety of backgrounds & situations. When I read about "criminalizing" homelessness, I don't have the knee jerk negative reaction that probably many have. Those with mental issues need to be treated. If they can't bring themselves to be treated, then they need to be institutionalized without their consent in order to receive treatment, with the goal of independent living when they leave treatment. The "criminalizing" part doesn't work without the treatment and post-treatment path to follow; it has to be done as a complete program. Similar to immigration, just using enforcement without the rest of the pieces results in an incomplete and failed puzzle. Mentally ill folks often cannot make good decisions regarding their own welfare, but we can't expect the police to be social workers and our jails will never be treatment centers. And whether we end up with dormitories, apartments or some other combination of independent or semi-independent lodging, it is a ton less expensive to equip the mentally ill to live independently with support than it is to permanently institutionalize them.