Pat Chun accused of verbal a Pullman councilman.

I'm really not even advocating teaching CRT in k-12. And again, I would agree that context to the time is important. But so are the consequences of those times and the effects being felt for generations.

Germany still teaches about the holocaust to this day. We do not teach the plight of black Americans in depth as victims of a society and a system that continued well into the 60s in a sizable portion of this country.

I'm just advocating for teaching in depth on slavery, the civil war, reconstruction, Jim Crow, the KKK and the civil rights movement. Do you NOT want this taught?

I never indicated history should not be taught.

I said it is inappropriate to manipulate kids and lay past blame on them for something of which they had no involvement. Let alone the concept the one race is today better or worse because of the conduct of some of that race’s ancestors.
I never indicated history should not be taught.

I said it is inappropriate to manipulate kids and lay past blame on them for something of which they had no involvement. Let alone the concept the one race is today better or worse because of the conduct of some of that race’s ancestors.
I think you are correct. The trick lies in objectively (as much as possibel) laying out the facts and history and connecting it to our aspirational goals of always trying to form a more perfect union which can be demonstrated as happening if not year by year, certainly decade by decade. Taihtsat
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I think you are correct. The trick lies in objectively (as much as possibel) laying out the facts and history and connecting it to our aspirational goals of always trying to form a more perfect union which can be demonstrated as happening if not year by year, certainly decade by decade. Taihtsat
In the context of slavery, as Paul Harvey used to say, now the rest of the story which always seems to get left out. Those unfortunate souls who were put into bondage didn't just walk up the plank of the ship in search of a better life. They were hunted by, in most cases, members of their own race. Race wasn't a concept in Africa - slave trading was a means of commerce and had been for centuries prior.

It could be your African-American neighbor should historically bear that cross. Blame the Portuguese the most - by far they were numero uno in displacing those of African descent.

it's not as easy as white man bad. And never should be presented in that manner.
In the context of slavery, as Paul Harvey used to say, now the rest of the story which always seems to get left out. Those unfortunate souls who were put into bondage didn't just walk up the plank of the ship in search of a better life. They were hunted by, in most cases, members of their own race. Race wasn't a concept in Africa - slave trading was a means of commerce and had been for centuries prior.

It could be your African-American neighbor should historically bear that cross. Blame the Portuguese the most - by far they were numero uno in displacing those of African descent.

it's not as easy as white man bad. And never should be presented in that manner.
Interesting that you mention "race" as a concept to Africans. In CRT, one of the principles of that theory deals with the term "race" and how it's arbitrary and essentially a made up, cultural idea (science agrees). They attribute it to an establishment (white) creation as a means of distinction, separation and purpose for subjugation.

True on the Portuguese, but that isn't really relevant to the creation and growth after 1789. After that it was all on us as a nation. Taihtsat
Interesting that you mention "race" as a concept to Africans. In CRT, one of the principles of that theory deals with the term "race" and how it's arbitrary and essentially a made up, cultural idea (science agrees). They attribute it to an establishment (white) creation as a means of distinction, separation and purpose for subjugation.

True on the Portuguese, but that isn't really relevant to the creation and growth after 1789. After that it was all on us as a nation. Taihtsat
Again, the rest of the story. By 1804 all northern states had abolished slavery. Many prior to 1789, in fact.

I never said or implied that the city council crushed morale intentionally. But it really doesn't matter what their intent was.....their actions and statements in the wake of George Floyd angered and disillusioned a large portion of the police force. If police were already quitting and crime was already increasing, the actions of city leaders only hastened and exaggerated those trends. Personally, I'm happy to no longer live there anymore.

Glad Cougar
Again, police leadership deserve a lot of the blame.
And the goalposts are moving: what’s his face started this off by claiming the crime “crisis” in PDX is a “real and verifiable” result of defunding - which is 100% flat out dishonest right wing propaganda - contrary to his claim.
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Again, the rest of the story. By 1804 all northern states had abolished slavery. Many prior to 1789, in fact.

Sure, but that isn't all thats being discussed here. The Missouri compromise (1820) perpetuated the expansion of slavery into new states...states that were a huge section of the entire country encompassing a significant portion of the history of the uSA.

It seems, if I'm reading you right, that you want to mitigate the consequences of the supporting part the uSA played in promoting, sustaining, legislating and enforcing a system that was based hugely on one "race" being supreme to another.

What you posted above should surely be taught. Good for the north! But that didnt stop the growth of the institution of slavery like - at all! It tookman inevitable civil war to do that. And nothing you have said discounts any of the basic premise to the question i asked way earlier, a question that I assumed would be pretty easy to agree with. Taihtsat
Sure, but that isn't all thats being discussed here. The Missouri compromise (1820) perpetuated the expansion of slavery into new states...states that were a huge section of the entire country encompassing a significant portion of the history of the uSA.

It seems, if I'm reading you right, that you want to mitigate the consequences of the supporting part the uSA played in promoting, sustaining, legislating and enforcing a system that was based hugely on one "race" being supreme to another.

What you posted above should surely be taught. Good for the north! But that didnt stop the growth of the institution of slavery like - at all! It tookman inevitable civil war to do that. And nothing you have said discounts any of the basic premise to the question i asked way earlier, a question that I assumed would be pretty easy to agree with. Taihtsat

I'm just advocating for teaching in depth on slavery, the civil war, reconstruction, Jim Crow, the KKK and the civil rights movement. Do you NOT want this taught?

Why wouldn't it be taught? Those are all significant historical events. There was also a Civil War to right prior political and quasi-governmental endorsements of slavery.

If the question is, do you not want this taught with the opinion or today's prism of one race being superior, inferior, oppressed or oppressor, absolutely not. That is not factually correct and serves no purpose.

Nor does it serve any purpose other than to divide based on a message promoted by a Marxist based group - Again, watch this week's Maher where the guest dispels the notion that America is a racist nation. The dividers would like to have it come to that - but Joe Public ain't buying it because other than a very few extremists, it is not true.
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Sure, but that isn't all thats being discussed here. The Missouri compromise (1820) perpetuated the expansion of slavery into new states...states that were a huge section of the entire country encompassing a significant portion of the history of the uSA.

It seems, if I'm reading you right, that you want to mitigate the consequences of the supporting part the uSA played in promoting, sustaining, legislating and enforcing a system that was based hugely on one "race" being supreme to another.

What you posted above should surely be taught. Good for the north! But that didnt stop the growth of the institution of slavery like - at all! It tookman inevitable civil war to do that. And nothing you have said discounts any of the basic premise to the question i asked way earlier, a question that I assumed would be pretty easy to agree with. Taihtsat
Nor did it stop sundowner laws and redlining in the north.
Nor did it stop sundowner laws and redlining in the north.
Factual. Are there sundowner laws and redlining anywhere in the United States at this time?

Because that would be against the law. Just as seperate but equal schools and discrimination based on race, religion or sex are illegal.
Factual. Are there sundowner laws and redlining anywhere in the United States at this time?

Because that would be against the law. Just as seperate but equal schools and discrimination based on race, religion or sex are illegal.
Do you think the consequences or attitudes that disabled sundowning and redlining just went poof when they did?
Do you think the consequences or attitudes that disabled sundowning and redlining just went poof when they did?

Are there sundown laws and redlining anywhere in the United States at this time? Because that would be against the law.

Speculating on feelings is a fools game. Stick with facts.
I'm just advocating for teaching in depth on slavery, the civil war, reconstruction, Jim Crow, the KKK and the civil rights movement. Do you NOT want this taught?

Why wouldn't it be taught? Those are all significant historical events. There was also a Civil War to right prior political and quasi-governmental endorsements of slavery.

If the question is, do you not want this taught with the opinion or today's prism of one race being superior, inferior, oppressed or oppressor, absolutely not. That is not factually correct and serves no purpose.

Nor does it serve any purpose other than to divide based on a message promoted by a Marxist based group - Again, watch this week's Maher where the guest dispels the notion that America is a racist nation. The dividers would like to have it come to that - but Joe Public ain't buying it because other than a very few extremists, it is not true.
I did watch and the question of whether this nation is racist wasn't the debate specifically. Dyson wasn't arguing it is but WAS arguing that there are still systems in place that work to disadvantage minorities. Do you discount that?

As for why "it wouldn't be taught"...I submit that it isn't taught any more than superficially if at all. I never encountered reconstruction teaching at any level of k-12 schooling. Nor Jim Crow to any meaningful level. And certainly not that if the south hadn't gotten it's way during the constitutional convention, we'd have some weird-ass nation to the south of us separating us from Mexico. It was much more singularly taught as manifest destiny and exceptionalism with ZERO attention paid to the contribution of a free labor source of over 4 million people.

The "purpose" isn't to divide. You seem to be offended personally to be associated ethnically with a group of people who owned people in the past and worked damned hard to keep them down, right up through the middle of the 20th century. I am not. What bothers me is the sentiment that is has no bearing on outcomes up to today or not enough to be bothered with. But we don't see it te same way, so i guess enough said.Taihtsat
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Are there sundown laws and redlining anywhere in the United States at this time? Because that would be against the law.

Speculating on feelings is a fools game. Stick with facts.

Oh yeah,,,, uh huh. Sure, let’s talk about “facts”.

Who was the poster linking this shitshow of quacks peddling snake oil and fairy dust because it aligned with said posters ‘feelings’ and not actual “facts”.

Have to disagree, Mic. The aspirational language of those documents was NOT backed up by law or action, culminating in a civil war over the very idea that one "race" of people could legally own another and do with them as they saw fit.

Slavery was baked into the system and without it, the United States would have dissolved before the turn of the 19th century. After the civil war reconstruction had to be imposed on the south to protect the basic human and civil rights of those very citizens those documents claimed were equal...all the way to stationing federal troops down there to keep them from being killed by white-supremacist southerners. Once the worst president in our history pulled them out, the KKK flourished and Jim Crow took hold. And that legacy lasted another 80 years.

Your other points are generally correct as to recent times, but that wasn't my question originally. And the fact that one has to go more than half way through the 20th century to begin seeing more systemic equity is indicative of the premise of CRT. So I have to completely disagree with your last sentence. Teaching the history of slavery and all its affects resulting from, in my mind, absolutely should be taught. That doesn't mean making or implying current people should feel any guilt or feel responsible. Taihtsat, for now

Absolutely the history of slavery, civil war, KKK, jim crow, etc, should be taught.

But NOT that Racism, white supremacy, was embedded in the FOUNDATION, FOUNDING DOCUMENTS, LAWS of country, because it wasnt.

Its kind of like what church going people say. The Church, foundation, etc, is, was true, but people not true to the Church, Foundation.

The Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of independence, Federalist Papers, Founding Documents, Laws, were mostly, generally true, inspired, things that were generally, mostly not racist.

Were they perfect? No. Did they need to be amended, fixed? Yes.

But people were not true to the Foundation, and Racism, and white supremacy in the south, withered, corroded, rusted, started to ruin the foundation.

It took a long time to fix that, but it got fixed.

BUT the FOUNDATIONAL core is. was true, pure, not racist, etc. It was just too bad people werent true to that foundation.

Again nobody has problems with True, factual HISTORY being taught.

The problem is that kids are being wrongfully taught in school that ALL white people are CURRENT OPPRESSORS, Slavemasters, etc, and that ALL black people are CURRENTLY OPPRESSED, Victims, slaves, do not have equal opportunity, and are incapable of more then that because of their skin color, which is FALSE, and should NOT be taught to kids, in school, whether you call it CRT, or something else or whatever call it.
I did watch and the question of whether this nation is racist wasn't the debate specifically. Dyson wasn't arguing it is but WAS arguing that there are still systems in place that work to disadvantage minorities. Do you discount that?

As for why "it wouldn't be taught"...I submit that it isn't taught any more than superficially if at all. I never encountered reconstruction teaching at any level of k-12 schooling. Nor Jim Crow to any meaningful level. And certainly not that if the south hadn't gotten it's way during the constitutional convention, we'd have some weird-ass nation to the south of us separating us from Mexico. It was much more singularly taught as manifest destiny and exceptionalism with ZERO attention paid to the contribution of a free labor source of over 4 million people.

The "purpose" isn't to divide. You seem to be offended personally to be associated ethnically with a group of people who owned people in the past and worked damned hard to keep them down, right up through the middle of the 20th century. I am not. What bothers me is the sentiment that is has no bearing on outcomes up to today or not enough to be bothered with. But we don't see it te same way, so i guess enough said.Taihtsat

I’m sorry you did not receive a quality education growing up. Seattle Public Schools?

All those subjects were common knowledge and taught in the public school district in which I attended. And covered more thoroughly in Ed Bennett’s history class at WSU.

You should give a portion of your earnings and wealth to those you feel have been treated unjustly.
I’m sorry you did not receive a quality education growing up. Seattle Public Schools?

All those subjects were common knowledge and taught in the public school district in which I attended. And covered more thoroughly in Ed Bennett’s history class at WSU.

You should give a portion of your earnings and wealth to those you feel have been treated unjustly.
Naw, it was Spokane. I'm sorry too.

I'll take you at your word. Fortunately I had a dad who gave some attention and perspective to it. But as for the rest - self taught! Taihtsat
Again, police leadership deserve a lot of the blame.
And the goalposts are moving: what’s his face started this off by claiming the crime “crisis” in PDX is a “real and verifiable” result of defunding - which is 100% flat out dishonest right wing propaganda - contrary to his claim.

No Troll 96 started this mess. 96 brought up politics: CRT to make his football, Rolo, Chun, WSU, Vax, etc point.

Posters responded to That Troll's DRIVEL.

The what's your face your referencing, Glad, responded to that, then you and he went back and forth.

But it all gets traced back to TROLL 96. who STARTED this MESS.
No Troll 96 started this mess. 96 brought up politics: CRT to make his football, Rolo, Chun, WSU, Vax, etc point.

Posters responded to That Troll's DRIVEL.

The what's your face your referencing, Glad, responded to that, then you and he went back and forth.

But it all gets traced back to TROLL 96. who STARTED this MESS.

The “what’s his face” was bleedcrimsonandgray. He’s a kind of troll too.
Naw, it was Spokane. I'm sorry too.

I'll take you at your word. Fortunately I had a dad who gave some attention and perspective to it. But as for the rest - self taught! Taihtsat

All those historical items were part of the curriculum in Spokane Public Schools.
Oh yeah,,,, uh huh. Sure, let’s talk about “facts”.

Who was the poster linking this shitshow of quacks peddling snake oil and fairy dust because it aligned with said posters ‘feelings’ and not actual “facts”.

Are you disputing the physicians' credentials or their findings or their treatment protocol? You'll note 562 references credited in the FLCCC protocol.

Because words like 'snake oil' and 'fairy dust' are not based on data, BigPharmaFeelersPimp.
Are you disputing the physicians' credentials or their findings or their treatment protocol? You'll note 562 references credited in the FLCCC protocol.

Because words like 'snake oil' and 'fairy dust' are not based on data, BigPharmaFeelersPimp.
Heed your own advice and follow the money: there’s a lot of it to be had by charlatans and snake oil salesmen like these who prey on the ignorant.

It’s interesting that you use the term “BigPharma” as it is a term that has long been used as a means to discredit mainstream medicine by the “alternative medicine”/snake oil industry.

What is most alarming is where before you mostly had loonies like naturopaths, homeopaths, acupuncturists and chiropractors peddling garbage nowadays you see more licensed doctors like these predators getting in on the act because it can be quite lucrative: especially now with the politicization of healthcare and the flood of disinformation about covid and explosive growth of paranoia over “BigPharma” and vaccines.
Heed your own advice and follow the money: there’s a lot of it to be had by charlatans and snake oil salesmen like these who prey on the ignorant.

It’s interesting that you use the term “BigPharma” as it is a term that has long been used as a means to discredit mainstream medicine by the “alternative medicine”/snake oil industry.

What is most alarming is where before you mostly had loonies like naturopaths, homeopaths, acupuncturists and chiropractors peddling garbage nowadays you see more licensed doctors like these predators getting in on the act because it can be quite lucrative: especially now with the politicization of healthcare and the flood of disinformation about covid and explosive growth of paranoia over “BigPharma” and vaccines.
So you have nothing data- or scientific driven to refute the medical professionals that aren't on the big pharma teet.

So you have nothing data- or scientific driven to refute the medical professionals that aren't on the big pharma teet.

Big Pharma...the devil. Don't take their cancer drugs or the Regeneron cocktail for covid. Cause the Regeneron is more than 10 times more expensive and I think 20 times that of the vaccine.

Not sure why people who go into the hospital get the antibody cocktail. That is done on emergency basis as well.
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Big Pharma...the devil. Don't take their cancer drugs or the Regeneron cocktail for covid. Cause the Regeneron is more than 10 times more expensive and I think 20 times that of the vaccine.

Not sure why people who go into the hospital get the antibody cocktail. That is done on emergency basis as well.
Must have missed all those ads from Pfizer on the benefits of Vitamin D and low priced prophylactics.

Or encouragement from the pharmaceutical companies to engage in a regular exercise program and eat properly to reduce obesity.
If i said a major foundation of this nation was built, was embedded and based on white supremacy, what specifically would anyone here take issue with?
That slavery was legal in many parts of the world at the time. The founders dealt with it by agreeing not to deal with it, and ended up with the three-fifths compromise. There are some inconvenient truths that go along with it, such as Native Americans owning African slaves.

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That’s not how science works. You would know this if you had received a quality education from the Spokane Public School System.
So science isn't based on "The Scientific Method"? Oh that's right, you love you some Pseudo-Science like a few others on here.
That’s not how science works. You would know this if you had received a quality education from the Spokane Public School System.
Feel free to refute any or all of the 562 medical and scientific journal references as provided in the COVID protocol. Or you can continue to deflect with non-sequiters and pithy though not very witty barbs.

Because as CIS alludes, we were educated on the scientific method. But not on the 'follow the science' method as has been attempted to be redefined by the media, political and pharmaceutical machines the past 18 months.
That slavery was legal in many parts of the world at the time. The founders dealt with it by agreeing not to deal with it, and ended up with the three-fifths compromise. There are some inconvenient truths that go along with it, such as Native Americans owning African slaves.

All true, but not what this specific discussion morphed into. Taihtsat
Feel free to refute any or all of the 562 medical and scientific journal references as provided in the COVID protocol. Or you can continue to deflect with non-sequiters and pithy though not very witty barbs.

Because as CIS alludes, we were educated on the scientific method. But not on the 'follow the science' method as has been attempted to be redefined by the media, political and pharmaceutical machines the past 18 months.
Well there is plenty of criticism of the BIRD and FLCCC alliances out there. I think you were impressed with the Barington Declaration early on as well. And that was pretty irresponsible of that group.

Well there is plenty of criticism of the BIRD and FLCCC alliances out there. I think you were impressed with the Barington Declaration early on as well. And that was pretty irresponsible of that group.

I'm more impressed these days following the VAERS data.

Why is everyone so concerned about others receiving vaccination when it is apparent (see also Ireland) that the vaccine does not stop transmission of the virus?
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I'm more impressed these days following the VAERS data.

Why is everyone so concerned about others receiving vaccination when it is apparent (see also Ireland) that the vaccine does not stop transmission of the virus?
This is kinda pointless. I don't think i can change your mind with any source out there. I feel you COULD change mine IF it your position was suported by solid evidence that demonstrated effectivenesss: i.e. a study that showed positive results using randomized controlled studies in a double-blind setting that controlled for all nonesense noise. Ivermectin, as I understand it, is being subjected to ongoing studies...But nothing conclusive yet. The vaccine doesnt suffer the same issue.

To say "that the vaccine does not stop transmission" is misleading. Does it stop it 100%? No. Does it greatly reduce the opportunity for transmission? Yes! Do any of the prohpylatics pushed or endorsed by these outfits do that? No they don't.

If you rail against "big pharma" (poisoning the well) which has saved more lives than ANY remedy pushed by homeopathy or cooks of alternative medicine, you cannot ignore the costs associated with NEEDLESS hospitalization from not getting vaccinated...which would line the pockets of "big pharma". A single Tylenol in the hospital can run you $15. Taihtsat
This is kinda pointless. I don't think i can change your mind with any source out there. I feel you COULD change mine IF it your position was suported by solid evidence that demonstrated effectivenesss: i.e. a study that showed positive results using randomized controlled studies in a double-blind setting that controlled for all nonesense noise. Ivermectin, as I understand it, is being subjected to ongoing studies...But nothing conclusive yet. The vaccine doesnt suffer the same issue.

To say "that the vaccine does not stop transmission" is misleading. Does it stop it 100%? No. Does it greatly reduce the opportunity for transmission? Yes! Do any of the prohpylatics pushed or endorsed by these outfits do that? No they don't.

If you rail against "big pharma" (poisoning the well) which has saved more lives than ANY remedy pushed by homeopathy or cooks of alternative medicine, you cannot ignore the costs associated with NEEDLESS hospitalization from not getting vaccinated...which would line the pockets of "big pharma". A single Tylenol in the hospital can run you $15. Taihtsat
Tylenol has the highest death count of anything in the VAERS data. Funny you mention that.

Vitamin D, exercise and a good diet have saved more lives than anything else if you want to be entirely truthful.

Again, why is it so important that others swallow the same pill/jab as you? They are putting noone 'at risk' other than themselves. Do you show this much concern over the tens of thousands who drink themselves to death every year? Maybe bring some prohibition back. That worked out so well the last time it was mandated.
Tylenol has the highest death count of anything in the VAERS data. Funny you mention that.

Vitamin D, exercise and a good diet have saved more lives than anything else if you want to be entirely truthful.

Again, why is it so important that others swallow the same pill/jab as you? They are putting noone 'at risk' other than themselves. Do you show this much concern over the tens of thousands who drink themselves to death every year? Maybe bring some prohibition back. That worked out so well the last time it was mandated.
VAERS is a database of correlation, not causation. Symptoms, conditions, medications, injuries, and observations that occur in the same patient are included. Tylenol is connected with death because it's probably the most common pain reliever and a LOT of people get it in the hospital (at massively inflated prices), and it goes on the chart, along with the car accident, fall, or whatever else led to the hospital visit. Doesn’t mean Tylenol causes car accidents. Similarly, last time I looked there were ~15 connections between COVID vaccination and gunshot wounds, 30-some between COVID vaccination and ankle fractures. That means that 15 people with gunshot wounds and 30-odd people with broken ankles indicated in their medical history they had been vaccinated. Those data points appear together in the database, but they are coincidence. Neither caused the other.
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VAERS is a database of correlation, not causation. Symptoms, conditions, medications, injuries, and observations that occur in the same patient are included. Tylenol is connected with death because it's probably the most common pain reliever and a LOT of people get it in the hospital (at massively inflated prices), and it goes on the chart, along with the car accident, fall, or whatever else led to the hospital visit. Does mean Tylenol causes car accidents. Similarly, last time I looked there were ~15 connections between COVID vaccination and gunshot wounds, 30-some between COVID vaccination and ankle fractures. That means that 15 people with guns it wounds and 30-odd people with broken ankles indicated in their medical history they had been vaccinated. Those data points appear together in the database, but they are coincidence. Neither caused the other.

Like terminal cancer patients counted as Covid deaths.

Now you’re starting to get it. Probably not but it’s a start
Like terminal cancer patients counted as Covid deaths.

Now you’re starting to get it. Probably not but it’s a start
If you want to analogize to your weak point, the closer analogy would be claiming someone shooting and killing a person with cancer necessarily could not have committed homicide because the victim had cancer.
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Lol. The scientific method dictates that the burden of proof is to demonstrate causation: not the absence of it.

Did your public school science education fail you as badly as did observer11’s?
Your little word dioramas contained within your posts may capture the eyes and hearts of your cult followers, but most here know it just more noxious gas or better yet, foul hot air projected straight out your anus.
Your little word dioramas contained within your posts may capture the eyes and hearts of your cult followers, but most here know it just more noxious gas or better yet, foul hot air projected straight out your anus.
You sure exposed me. Thank heaven Joe Rogan is around to teach you and observer11 the truth about medicine and sciency stuff so no one can pull the wool over your eyes.
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