The UA defense, I don't think, will be able to stop the offense consistently enough to win. The offense is much more vertical so they can pick up first downs quickly. Avoid turnovers and I think WSU will be ok.
One of the great things about watching this offense is how often receivers are running open 3 seconds after the snap.

And also, it's like cheating in terms of yardage - teams have to work so hard to get a guy 5 yards on the ground, while we're slicing up opponents one 12-yard pass after another.
I think it will be important to get up a few scores on Arizona to get them off their game plan. No doubt they still intend to play keep away with the run game. If we can get 17 points or so they'll be forced to... well, to force it.
On the offsides, looked like pretty bad PI too - the DB was climbing our receiver's back to prevent the long free play completion. We take the offside and then have to punt. Seems like a missed call.

Also, Zona pinned us on our own goal line and we march to midfield. Our punter gets Zona the ball on their 22 with a 34-yard punt? Can we please get an ST upgrade?
while we're slicing up opponents one 12-yard pass after another.

One of my complaints about Leach is that the offense wasn't aesthetically pleasing. Not that it wasn't effective, I personally didn't find it enjoyable. I much prefer a watching a power running offense to a short pass offense. This year I have been enjoying the 12 yard passes.
Falk is looking surgical today. Other than the second half last week, he seems to be gaining more and more confidence every game.
Wow, this defense just can't help itself.

Once the offense gets up a couple of scores they pack it in. Opponents can't stop moving the chains and we can't stop getting flagged or giving up chunk yardage.
Wow, this defense just can't help itself.

Once the offense gets up a couple of scores they pack it in. Opponents can't stop moving the chains and we can't stop getting flagged or giving up chunk yardage.

This is not OSU's offense we are playing. Arizona is going to score points, as they are that good. They would score points on most teams, so them driving down the field is nothing to be mad about.
Someone has to work through these kids' psychology.

We get up 14-0 and are starting to pull away and get AZ off their game plan.

D takes the field and proceeds to give up a 13-play, 78-yard TD drive and commits 3+ penalties in the process. This despite two or three terrible snaps from AZ that quickly could have become a disaster.
This is not OSU's offense we are playing. Arizona is going to score points, as they are that good. They would score points on most teams, so them driving down the field is nothing to be mad about.
Nobody's losing their minds - but committing 3 penalties and letting them overcome 2 bad snaps is just sloppy. I'm not freaking out yet.

On the other hand, there is always something to be said for teams that start taking the gloves off. You see it with Prevent D and Prevent O all the time. And teams which are starting to fall behind suddenly start taking risks and, wouldn't you know it, they start paying off more than the OC came into the game thinking.
This is not OSU's offense we are playing. Arizona is going to score points, as they are that good. They would score points on most teams, so them driving down the field is nothing to be mad about.

There was a Falk throw away siting.....dude....It's not Roswell.
ST fail. Again. It seems when our ST $?&?'s the bed we get ourselves in trouble.
4 penalties in about as many minutes of game clock leading to a TD given up and a stalled drive, a sack and a fumble. OH THAT'S WHY WE CAN'T LET OFF FOR A SECOND.

Then, ST with another disastrous TD given up.

And hey broadcasters - can we stop asking things like "what makes a great returner?" Because the answer is OUR SPECIAL TEAMS.
I looked at that and we had people to make the tackle on special teams. What is the problem with them. I mean just tackle the guy. 4 people missed him. 4.
I wish it wasn't such a struggle to sync TV and radio. Chaz and Gesser are far better.
Serious question: how patient should we be with special teams?

And how much talent do we need to have to stop giving up a house call every G-D game?

Do ST coaches need "a few years" to stop giving gobs of ST TDs? Or is that something that should not be happening even in Year 1 or 2?
How many ST epic fails in previous regimes? I recall it taking a special talent as a returner to pull it off, not a special failure.
If the guys are in position to make a tackle, and just... don't... what should the coach be coaching differently? What more can the coach do than put the players in position to make the play?
Great play! Lewis down at the 1. TD coming up...

Offense bails out the ST once again.

At this point we can just assume that, because of ST, we will start every game down by 7 points. It's our golf handicap.
Great play! Lewis down at the 1. TD coming up...

Offense bails out the ST once again.

At this point we can just assume that, because of ST, we will start every game down by 7 points. It's our golf handicap.

At least seven points. It's unreal. I have no idea why we kick directly to the opponents' kick/punt receivers either. That makes no sense.
If the guys are in position to make a tackle, and just... don't... what should the coach be coaching differently? What more can the coach do than put the players in position to make the play?
The beating will continue until morale improves?

Seriously though, I think it is focus. Whether it is time at practice or attitude I'm not sure. But I think they need to focus on ST like they do on O or D.


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