So the Mountain West denied SDSU's extension request, meaning the exit fee goes from 16 million to 34 million on July 1. I have been surfing around, Canzano, Trojans wire included, and the consensus is the PAC if F-ing up bigtime. But I have some questions that I can't find answers to.
Whatever the media deal ends up being, it will be a shitload bigger than the Mountain West's. So this notion of getting it done being critical to offering SDSU perplexes me.
WTF is the problem with the media deal? It's been imminent for months, now PAC sources say there is no big hurry. WTF? Yeah when the Big-12 swoops in and grabs SDSU you'll wish it had been a hurry.
If SDSU waits until after June 30, does that add another year to their exit timing? I think not, but don't know.
I am so opposed to SMU, I think that would/will be a horrible mistake. But apparently the PAC has no interest in CSU, Fresno or UNLV. All way better geographical fits than SMU. So if SMU doesn't pan out, are these 3 Mtn West schools all subject to this giant post-June 30 exit fee? We need 12 schools. At least.
Bottom line PAC, get off your f-ing asses and at least offer SDSU before June 30. This shit is making Larry Scott look good.